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zaterdag 20 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE. (en) Czech, AFED: A3: Tribute to the antisocial (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


"Anarcho-capitalism" is nonsense and a contradiction. In practice it
only means social disruption and cruelty, as seen now in Argentina.
Download, print and distribute the June issue of the A3 wall newspaper!
---- Argentine President Javier Milei traveled to the Czech Republic at
the end of June. There would be nothing strange about such a message.
After all, the presidential papals are here to make visits, to be hosted
and to have seemingly smart talks in the palaces of their counterparts,
while in the palace grounds people often live hand to mouth, inhabit
hygienically inadequate slums or stumble in a vicious circle of
unemployment, precarious day laborers jobs and debt traps.

The local approach to the figure of Javier Milea and what he represents
- and by this we do not mean Argentina, but his depraved world of
thought - we can see the values of those who admired him the most during
his visit to the Czech Republic.

But first, let's briefly introduce Javier Mileia. This guy won the
presidential election in Argentina last November. Exactly according to
the recipe from some other countries, the biggest scam won, as we have
witnessed for example in the case of Trump in the USA or Bolsonaro in
Brazil. They have already been replaced, but even that is no win if you
hate capitalism - it continues to work at the expense of people,
communities and nature.

And it is capitalism that is Mileius's highest idol. Some call him a
so-called anarcho-capitalist. That such a connection seems pointless to
you? Yes it's right. This is a complete contradiction. That "anarchy" is
meant to mean the absence of a state. But anarchism in the true sense of
the word is not only about the rejection of state oppression, it is
about the rejection of all forms of oppression. And one of the most
overwhelming is the social oppression represented by capitalism.
Oppression based on social injustice and resulting social inequality;
oppression based on the exploitation of people; oppression aimed at
generating profit for the benefit of a narrow economic elite at the
expense of everyone else, at the expense of the planet and at the
expense of future generations (as seen in the example of the climate

Milei is a follower of an asocial ideology which claims that "the market
will solve everything" and that "society does not exist" because
"everyone is for himself". His circle of friends in the world also says
a lot about him: from the outright fascist Spanish party VOX to such
political figures as the already mentioned Trump or Bolsonaro. How can
such an ultra-libertarian be so close to fascists? There is nothing
strange about it. We can demonstrate this in our country, for example,
in the person of Petr Mach, who went from involvement in the obscure
libertarian party Svobodní without blinking an eye under the umbrella of
the fascist Okamur's SPD.

Now Milei is in power and his administration promises to crush social
movements in the name of unbridled capitalism, paving the way for total
social collapse and the emergence of widespread narco-violence. His
Minister of Human Capital (that's really the official title) has stopped
support for the delivery of food aid to thousands of neighborhood soup
kitchens. The Telam public press agency was closed, as was the National
Institute against Discrimination. Waves of layoffs are decimating almost
all public institutions, including the national library. There is talk
of privatizing the national bank. When workers mobilize to defend public
institutions and their workplace, they find buildings barricaded and
surrounded by riot police. The cost of living has exploded. The collapse
in consumer demand caused a 9% monthly inflation rate. The cost of
utilities, medicine and basic food items have skyrocketed, with prices
rising by more than 100% in all of these categories. Deregulation caused
an explosion in the cost of utilities and basic living costs: 300-400%
increases in public transport, more than 100% in gas and electricity
bills. At the same time, rental contracts were completely deregulated.
Small businesses are closing one by one. During the month of May,
300,000 "salary accounts" - bank accounts used exclusively to receive
monthly wages - were closed. Meanwhile, 49% of the country lives in
poverty, with 11.9% of the population living in extreme poverty -
defined as "those unable to meet their basic food needs". However, Milei
does not give up on the state's repressive forces, and the police
certainly do not spare rubber bullets when shooting at the protesting,
disaffected population of Argentina. On the other hand, the police turn
a blind eye to rampant drug gangs, because their criminality mainly
affects working-class neighborhoods.

It is no wonder that a political creature like Milei so vehemently
shakes hands with Prime Minister Fiala, who would also like to have such
balls and be even more antisocial and depraved in his politics in favor
of the richest. No wonder they talked so enthusiastically about
supporting Israel in its bloody genocidal campaign against Palestinians.
And it is not surprising that he then received the Annual Prize of the
Liberal Institute in the Žofín Milei Palace - that is, from his fans,
who are so inspired by his anti-people actions and the current social
collapse in Argentina. Party of antisocials in full display...

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