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zaterdag 20 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FDCA, Cantier #27: Demilitarize the school Save the peace - Marilina Veca (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Today there exists an undeclared, infinite, widespread and widespread
war, a war that does not exist, does not appear in history books, has
never been declared. Yet, due to this war that does not exist, many
territories have been contaminated, entire populations are decimated: it
is a story of war poisons, of profits, of wrong information, of lies, of
disastrous and continuous consequences. ---- But why are we getting used
to considering war as part of everyday life? ---- Why do wars break out?
---- Where and when is war most likely to occur?
And how is the propaganda and false war information that we are hit with
every day organised?
Understanding the causes and investigating the consequences is crucial
to oppose, prevent, intervene and recover a society affected by a
conflict, which is a conflict of weapons, of profits, of culture, of
media strategy.
Until the Second World War, armed conflicts tended to be between states.
With the Cold War, it was thought that the world would be more peaceful
and stable, but instead conflicts of different types began: conflicts
within states began to emerge and take over until the outbreak of
numerous civil wars. In 2017, there were much more civil wars than wars
between states.
The consequences of these new conflicts (mini-conflicts, civil wars,
permanent and chronic conflicts) are direct and evident in terms of
deaths, injuries, destruction of property and infrastructure, economic
problems, population decline and everyday life.
The war economy and the way of coexisting with wars have become our
daily existence. People hesitate to build houses or invest in new
businesses because they can be destroyed at any time. Permanent conflict
brings economic shocks; it is difficult to identify whether it is the
war that causes an economic shock or the opposite. An Italian general in
Bosnia once told me: "Today wars are waged and not declared. And they
are wars that never end."
Among the direct consequences there are evidently also economic
variables, which include GDP per capita, economic growth, increase in
military spending.
The so-called Warlords, the Warlords, who exploit and manipulate the
frustrations and claims of civil society to enrich themselves, hold
political power over a certain area and have armed groups in their
support who guarantee their domination. Often these actors are also
included in international networks, both legitimate and illicit, which
allow them to trade resources and form strategic alliances; and figures
halfway between businessmen and politicians develop, but certainly with
negative connotations in terms of arrogance and brutality.
The new war knows no borders, has no rules, and it also reverberates on
that soil that delimits the environment in which we live and which is
being devastated by irreversible damage that will change the way we eat,
work, socialize, enjoy life. surrounding world. The explosion of
conflicts often arises from false ethnic/religious disputes, social and
economic exclusion, territorial claims and new nationalisms. There are
numerous types of social marginalization, such as economic and social
marginalization, poverty, political exclusion, material and non-material
disadvantages, undignified work, but also cultural exclusion from the
community, exclusion from the work, etc. All these forms of exclusion
can become the seed of first individual and then collective frustration
which can cause the outbreak of a conflict.
Following this logic, the presence of military bases, the militarization
of the territory, becomes the simplest answer to escape unemployment.
Considering only those killed in battle excludes all direct and indirect
collateral victims: killed civilians, people dying of starvation
following the destruction of villages or infrastructures, violence,
rapes, kidnappings, raids, orphans, not to mention all those disappeared
in remote places that will never be found, as happened with the
approximately two thousand Serbs who disappeared in Kosovo between 1998
and 2001: not a single hair of them has ever been found.
"Necessary wars, therefore - wrote Maria Rita Prette in her The War We
Pretend Doesn't Exist - to the system in force, and to its continuity. A
system that has neo-colonial, racist, but above all capitalist
characteristics, and therefore puts its profits (economic and power) at
the center, to achieve which it resorts to the use of violence. The
balance of power is, therefore, disproportionately unbalanced in favor
of the white, rich bourgeoisie of the North of the world, which
devastates and plunderes the South, despite itself being endowed with
raw materials. Even the most cynical citizens - who may attribute a
higher value to their lives than those of millions of other humans, and
may believe that their economic well-being must also be achieved by
carrying out massacres - realize that these wars only result in their
pockets crumbs, even a little mouldy, while the companies that produce
weapons and the oil multinationals pocket billions which will be
invested not for their well-being (the welfare state has no longer
existed for a few decades) but to generate more profit and reproduce
more wars".
Yet we all know that there cannot be well-being and development without
peace: wars not only cause material damage but also psychological and
relational damage, because people lose trust in their neighbors and in
their own people. Conflicts, more or less permanent, also have crucial
repercussions for neighboring countries and can influence the stability
of entire macro-regions. Are these topics very far from us or do they
interest us closely? What seems far away is much closer than you might
Precisely to underline the urgency and need to address this "war"
mentality fueled by rhetorical rubbish linked to expressions such as
"homeland", "our children", "humanitarian missions" and so on from lie
to lie, it was established in Italy, in March this year, the Observatory
against the militarization of schools, which aims to "a decisive and
constant activity to denounce that process of militarization of our
educational institutions which has already been underway for too long in
our country" .

War is much closer than many can imagine and for too long we have
pretended that it isn't there. Just as for too long we have pretended
not to see that the national territory, given the disproportionate
presence of experimental ranges in Sardinia, is contaminated by war
poisons, while the military and political leaders have never admitted a
cause/effect connection that explains the hundreds of deaths from
contamination which have followed one another and multiplied for years.
Weapons factories and NATO maneuvers: Sardinia is expropriated of its
territory to prepare for all the wars in the world. It's time to reverse
course, and not just in Sardinia.
The Observatory's first dossier was presented to the Chamber by the
Green-Left Alliance: «We are concerned - declared the deputy Elisabetta
Piccolotti - by the frequent reports arriving from the territories of
increasingly close collaborations between schools and barracks and
defense companies, instead of a teaching of non-violence and a culture
for non-military conflict resolution, in harmony with our Constitution
which repudiates war".
The Observatory includes various basic entities including the Ce.s.p.
(Study Center for Public Schools), Pax Christi and the Cobas School.
Let's go back in time a bit: in 2014 the memorandum of understanding was
drawn up between the then ministers of Education Stefania Giannini and
Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti; this protocol was then relaunched by
the Renzi government with the school-work alternation of the "Buona
scuola" project.
Thus the infamous "military" student internships - with the support of
successive governments - began to spread throughout Italy, especially in
Sicily. For example, a group of students from Ragusa carried out one of
these so-called internships at the Alenia-Leonardo military industrial
complex, a group from the "G. Medici" of Legnago was "hosted" by the
VIII Parachute Guard Regiment, while the activities agreed between the
schools and the Marines of the US base of Sigonella are increasingly
frequent, called to carry out classes in English, gymnastics,
information on the effects of the use of drugs, food education,
information technology, history, geography, bullying prevention, but
also to share Halloween or Thanksgiving... all together passionately.
The reality is very different: what is "taught" and comes into common
use is the language of war, nationalist banalities, models of violent
conflict resolution. I personally was told about groups of middle school
students, all dressed in white t-shirts and jeans, who "joyfully"
engaged and performed in the "funeral" song of the Marines' anthem,
proudly learned and sung.

The warmongering ideology, the trivialization of war which becomes a
"normal" presence in the lives of young people, the presence of Italian
and American soldiers as bearers of positive and shareable values, the
initiatives aimed at presenting a military career as attractive, the
words " homeland" and "humanitarian commitment" associated with the
rhetoric of war, the armed forces and specialized bodies presented as
indispensable support of life and education: the soldiers become
"teachers", they teach English and IT, they explain legality - in their
own way - and democracy, forcefully enter into the protocols of
school-work alternation.
The damage has now been done because these memoranda of understanding
have already been signed and implemented by representatives of the Army
with the Ministry of Education, by Regional and Provincial school
leaders and by the various schools.
This is a story that enters the lives of families, which threatens to
upset and destroy the lives of civilians unaware of the dangers to which
children and adolescents are exposed in the name of the only true
interest, the profit of the military industry.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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