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maandag 22 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, São Paulo-SP, OSL: 'Libera #180 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


We launched issue number 180 of the newspaper Libera! In the editorial,
we evaluate the broad-front government of Lula and Alckmin, hostage to
the neoliberal agenda, which delivered crumbs to the popular classes and
sees Bolsonarism strengthening. Other themes in this edition are the
?Anarchism during the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985)
?PL of Apps: Increase in exploitation and end of the minimum wage
?Amendment of the Land Regularization Law: who does this government serve?
?Fight education, fight education
?Palestinian resistance and the regional anti-imperialist conflict
?Tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul: a capitalist catastrophe

The edition is available online, on our website, and is also sold in
person by OSL, in cities where we are active. Soon we will reveal how to
purchase online.

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