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zondag 23 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #185 - May 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Crimes and Punishments - The sudden death of Iranian President Raisi and
the indictment of the Israeli Prime Minister, his Minister of War and
the leaders of Hamas by the Attorney General of the Criminal Court in
The Hague constitute two conditioning factors that erupt in the Middle
Eastern tragedy ...
Towards which Europe - While European citizens go to the polls to elect
the European Parliament and create the new Commission that will guide
the Union for 5 years, a reflection is needed on the future of Europe
and its politics, on the reasons that ...

Ukrainian butchery and side effects
While the slaughter on the battlefields of the Ukrainian war continues
unabated, wiping out a generation of Ukrainians and depopulating the
country, the collateral effects of the conflict are beginning to occur
in the EU enlargement area. As few pro-Western analysts predicted, the

Peoples and war
Among the approximately 60 conflicts currently underway in the world,
two of them capture the attention of world public opinion and especially
Western public opinion: the Ukrainian one is the Middle Eastern one.
However, the attitude of public opinion in this regard is very
different: while on the first ...

Elections in Catalonia
Elections took place in Catalonia on 12 May: the PSC, led by Salvador
Illa, obtained 42 seats, gaining a majority in the regional Parliament
after 13 years. The three pro-independence parties, which in the
previous 2021 elections had...

In favor of Giorgia Meloni - To be clear
Anyone who asks Giorgia Meloni to declare herself anti-fascist is
profoundly wrong and she is right not to declare herself as such,
because she is fascist, she is fascist to the core, in her soul, in her
DNA, in the formation of her intellectual and moral personality: because
she shares...

The administrative vote in a country in disarray
There will be 3,715 out of 7,896 Italian municipalities (47.0%),
including those in the ordinary and special statute regions called to
the polls on 8 and 9 June, for a total of almost 17 million voters.
Among the cities there are...

These are the words with which Dario Salvetti, of the ex-GKN Factory
Collective[1], began his extraordinary closing speech at the event on
Saturday 18 May in Florence. Three years of demonstrations, three years
of struggle but also of...

What's new - 15 Politics and business
Judicial news reports on the activity of the Public Prosecutor's Office,
which is increasingly interested in investigating the relationships
between politicians and business and the buying and selling of votes
during the various electoral deadlines. The subject of investigation are
the reports that many lists...

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