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zondag 23 juni 2024


The latest estimates of the environmental collapse of RS indicate that
more than 2 million and 399 thousand people were affected, around 581
thousand were displaced and 55 thousand were sheltered. Of the 497
cities in the state, 461 suffered damage. The state's civil defense
reports 169 deaths and 56 people missing as of May 26th. ---- Cities
were devastated in the Taquari valley and metropolitan region,
circulation was interrupted by landslides and flooding on many roads,
popular working-class neighborhoods have been flooded since the
beginning of the month. And yet the weather does not stabilize and
continues to make water and worsen the climate catastrophe on the lives
of many people.

 From the beginning, a giant popular mobilization immediately responded
to the call for help from communities in RS affected by the capitalist
devastation of the environment caused by unprecedented climate change.
In several regions of Rio Grande do Sul, groups were formed without
delay to rescue families with their homes taken by floods, emergency
shelters for the homeless, community kitchens producing lunch boxes,
distribution centers for clothes, supplies, hygiene materials, all types
of assistance to health of workers in the area, transport and supportive

An entire popular mutual support network was set up and started
operating in record time to accommodate the scourge and despair of those
who lost everything and had to run to avoid losing their own lives. In
this scene, many neighborhoods and villages on the outskirts that were
not directly affected and carried out a historic effort to save their
peers who are punished by the dominant system that is at the root of the
environmental and climate crisis stand out.

The managers of disaster capitalism give us no way out.

The State machine and its neoliberal governments shine through omission
and after all the shit went up with the floods and floods there was no
system of protection, works, care and public services strengthened to
prevent the announced tragedy. Public sector workers are fighting
endlessly in this devastating scenario that was preceded by political
decisions that cut funds, reduced servers, outsourced and made services
precarious, ended research and environmental standards, and privatized
infrastructures vital for the common good.

RS governor Eduardo Leite explained that he received the climate alert
but had "other agendas", was committed to business agendas, the
environmental dismantling of agribusiness and the invasion of soybeans
in half of the state's territory. The mayor of Porto Alegre Sebastião
Melo says he doesn't mess with the real estate market when it comes to
decent housing for workers, capitalism is not his problem.

On the other hand, the broad front government of President Lula and the
governing parties rejected in the middle of the month the amnesty for
the state debt of more than 95 billion that has been hanging RS since
the 90s and that installed a fiscal regime of social budget cuts. to pay
the parasites in the financial system. The national congress approved
the suspension of debt payments for 3 years, but denied the amnesty, so
as not to displease the market.

The capitalist class at the top of the social pyramid, imperialism, the
owners of wealth and power and their assistants, are the invisible hand
of the catastrophe that drowns us at this painful time. It is the
neoliberalism of everyone for themselves in market competition and the
State policing and protecting the right of bourgeois property to devour
what is collective and social, to cut off rights and run the herd over
everything. And in this dominant bourgeois structure, politicians govern
with the system, negotiating at the counter of the rich and the
oligarchies of state power, or are governed by it without spitting. The
problem is systemic, changing the parts of the machine eludes us for an
increasingly shorter and more frustrating time. To face this, social
change has to touch the bottom of the model of society. Either
everything changes or nothing changes.

People for the people is self-organization that comes from below and
fights to make the rich classes pay

It is by participating and helping each other a lot as a people that we
save ourselves when the system destroys the health of the planet and
drowns workers and their communities in calamity. But when it comes to
reconstruction, the popular movement will have to pay the bill to those
who owe it and take from the pile of wealth everything that is missing
for its community and the environment. In order not to return to the
precarious and miserable life that the poor are confined to by the
business model of large construction companies, financial interests and
bourgeois politicians.

Another city, another world, will be the work of class struggle to
extract the means for social and ecological justice from the incomes and
fortunes of disaster capitalists. For this to happen, politics will
certainly be very decisive, popular mobilization must gain the power of
a direct and grassroots democracy that does not hand over decisions to
the parties and managers of the system that liquidates us.

In a recent publication in the Repórter Popular media, a report
highlights how the class solidarity of workers with the people affected
by the rains and floods in RS is much greater and more committed than
the donations made by powerful businesspeople. The aid quota
proportional to the income an employee receives of 1 or 2 minimum wages
often exceeds the employer's charity. See the link

For the rich and powerful classes, the people are always the employees,
the subaltern, those who enter through the service door, the pawn on the
production line, the farmhand, the black and peripheral community, the
cleaning and coffee women. For this system, the only thing that counts
is the individualistic and competitive struggle of everyone against
everyone. Nor is the people the figure of the "good citizen" or the
"patriots" of the market used by the demagoguery of the neoliberal
politicians and bourgeoisie of the extreme right who are the most
violent and reactionary party of the same system that drowns us. For
Bolsonarism, the people are the ones who clap and polish the boots of
the captain, agribusiness and banker, the architects of capitalism's
environmental devastation.

We have no doubt that the great task force, alert and tireless in
solidarity, was driven by popular energy. The people who once again went
through fear, trauma and the pain of destruction to leave no one
destitute. People who donated what little they have, both in money and
time, to help rebuild the lives of their neighbors, co-workers or
companions, without asking for anything in return, other than the
exercise of solidarity in extending a helping hand, in a moment of
catastrophe, in which all of us, those at the bottom, feel in our own
skin, the project designed by the elites to destroy our lives and our
dreams. Each home invaded by water was also invaded by any and all
actions of destruction of the environment, carried out by bloodsucking
capitalists, changes in environmental codes, deforestation, the
overwhelming construction of hydroelectric plants, among other initiatives.

It is worth remembering that such a neoliberal project to destroy life
and the environment seeks to privatize and destroy essential basic
services, such as electricity, water and education. In a few years, the
Leite government privatized Ceee and Corsan and there are numerous
projects in Brazil to privatize public education.

The precariousness of municipal and state public services (Dmae, Civil
Defense, among others) greatly favored the strength of the flood
(specialist technicians warn that if the municipal pumping system had
been in normal operation, the waters of the Guaiba would not have
invaded a large part of the city ), regarding the lack of assistance to
the homeless and those affected by the flood.

Therefore, we defend that public services must be public, universal and
popular, with grassroots control. That the common good must be decided
and planned by workers and the community, through chosen and revocable
delegates from class organizations and popular movements. And in this
sense, for us, the idea of the people by the people also embraces the
defense of public services and their employees and rejects any and all
forms of privatization and interference with the market and business,
such as, for example, the consultancy of Alvarez and Marsal .

Furthermore, People saving the people, in the strong, emancipatory and
radical sense of the popular drama that is experienced with so much
intensity, takes all its meaning in the practices of mutual support,
solidarity and popular self-organization. People for the people, for
those who fight for change, is an imaginary of Popular and Libertarian
Power, of collectivized and organized politics from the bottom up, of
self-government of the masses through fundamental participation and the
demands of the popular movement.

In the history of social struggles, the people for the people updates
the memory and reincarnates the indigenous resistance to the colonialist
invader, the confederation of quilombos against the slave owners, it is
the experience of the workers' movement and the socialist project of
self-management that was born from its depths. Mutual support between
the exploited and oppressed was the fertile soil of a struggle that,
with great difficulty, also dared to move from defense to attack, unite
the forces that come from below, stake out demands and fight for
conquests, build forms of collective and fair life that separate us and
collide with the bourgeois world of the rich and privileged. Fight for
the socialization of the means of production, decision-making about what
is common and for all the individual and collective freedoms that
radical equality can create.

"The people who sought a man who would free them from misery and tyranny
failed. I will not look for a man to save me, but in people who can save
themselves. I do not trust a man who grants freedom, but people who take
it on their own. The emancipation of the oppressed must be the work of
the oppressed themselves." Ricardo Flores Magón

Gaucho Anarchist Federation

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