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donderdag 25 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE AUSTRALIA MELBOURN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Australia, Melbourne, MACG: Anvil, Vol 13, No 2 - How Do We Rebuild The Trade Union Movement? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The trade union movement in Australia is in the midst of its longest and
deepest period of decline - the result of decades of continuous defeat
by capital and the state. In 1976, half of Australian workers were in a
trade union according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. But today,
only 1 in 8 Australian workers are unionised. ---- Despite years of
decline, the trade unions remain the largest organised segment of the
working class that is prepared to engage in some form of struggle. As a
result, even the most deformed and bureaucratic trade unions remain
potential sites of militant class struggle.

To awaken the sleeping giants that are the trade unions today, we will
have to rebuild to the strength of the rank-and-file.

Geelong Library Strike, Credit: Matt Hrkac
The trade union bureaucracy

The actions of most unions within Australia are dominated by a
bureaucracy of full time and often unelected officials. Many officials
enter trade unions straight out of university and have often never
worked in the industry they represent. Most of them enjoy pay and
conditions well in excess of those won for their members.

The central task of the bureaucracy is to broker deals between workers
and employers, yet, the officials are not responsible to the membership
in any real sense. Once they are in office, they can act however they like.

The bureaucracy has economic interests that clash with those of regular
trade union members (the rank-and-file). Workers join unions in order to
fight for improved pay, conditions and safety at work, but the officials
join unions to pursue careers within them. The officials are therefore
reliant upon the continuation of the bureaucracy, in order to keep their
careers moving along smoothly. They are therefore quick to suppress any
kind of worker-led action that would threaten their position, prefer
conciliation to class warfare and will argue for compromise in
negotiations at the earliest possible juncture.

The opposition of the bureaucracy to mass actions, except in extreme
circumstances has many negative consequences. It dampens the fighting
spirit of the working class, demobilises the rank-and-file and minimises
the gains that could be won, often disenfranchising the membership. The
union officials behave this way not because individual officials are
sell-outs, but because of their power and position within the unions.
They are compelled to oppose worker self-activity in order to preserve
their own role as negotiators.

There is an inherent tug-of-war between the bureaucracy and the
rank-and-file. As the bureaucracy becomes more powerful, the
rank-and-file becomes respectively weaker and vice versa. Accordingly,
the existence of the trade union bureaucracy is not inevitable. Workers
can fight to run their own organisations without a massive layer of full
time paid union officials and staff.

The rank-and-file strategy

To breathe life back into the labour movement, the Melbourne Anarchist
Communist Group endorses a rank-and-file strategy of building workers'
power at the base of the unions. Anarchists must be members of their
union and the best union activists within their workplace. Where there
are workplaces without unions, we have to build the unions. Where there
are un-unionised workplaces, we must organise workers into the union.
Where there are unionised but pacified workplaces, we must inflame the
base to build worker-led campaigns against the bosses.

Within the trade unions, anarchists should organise alongside other
members within rank-and-file networks. Such networks of militant workers
should aim to build a rank-and-file movement that is independent of the
bureaucracy and able to fight against it when necessary. However, a
rank-and-file network should not act as a mere opposition group to the
officials. In fact, it should even be willing to work with the officials
when they follow the lead of the rank-and-file.

The demands of a rank-and-file movement should be broad enough to
attract workers who are militant, but who would not see themselves as
having a specific political outlook. In particular, a rank-and-file
movement should certainly avoid adopting a revolutionary program, which
would only split the working class along political lines and isolate the
revolutionaries from the mass of the workers. Nonetheless as anarchists,
we will organise and fight for our ideas within any rank-and-file
movement, but never at its expense. The role of such a movement is to
provide a focus for workers moving to the left and wanting to fight. It
should never become a front for this or that political organisation.

Instead, a rank-and-file movement should centre itself on three key
demands: strike action, union democracy and "Touch One, Touch All".
Strikes are not only the most effective weapon union members have to win
the reforms they desire, but they also draw attention to the power of a
united working class. As workers withdraw their labour and disrupt
production, they begin to realise that they are the ones that make
society run, not the bosses. And as workers begin to organise
democratically within the union, they also begin to imagine how society
as a whole may be run democratically by workers, not the ruling classes.
A militant and democratically-run union is therefore one of the best
tools for pushing workers towards anarchist ideas.

Additionally, worker-led strikes and democratic structures within the
union pull power away from the bureaucracy and put it back in the hands
of the rank-and-file. Union officials can only defend their position as
negotiators to the bosses if they are able to turn the 'strike tap' on
and off at their will. If instead workers organise to strike on their
own, the position of the officials is seriously undermined, as they can
no longer act as the sole mediators between the workers and the bosses.
Democratic structures also chip away at the power of the bureaucracy by
forcing the officials to be accountable to the rank-and-file,
strengthening the power of the latter. These structures can include:
open-bargaining, delegate assemblies, term limits for officials,
elections for paid organisers, the formation of workplace committees and
reduction in the number of paid official positions.

Finally, the unions need to build an iron solidarity to win in the
struggles against employers and the State. This requires a resolute
stance against all attempts to divide the working class with sexism,
racism, transphobia or any other type of oppression. All forms of
oppression are attacks on our solidarity and thus attacks on the whole
working class.

The only effective way of combatting this is to stand on the principle
of "Touch One, Touch All".


Two major obstacles stand in the way of implementing the rank-and-file
strategy we advocate: the State and the Labor Party. Australia has had
decades of anti-union legislation, conceived with the intention of
limiting our right to strike so much as to be almost useless. These Laws
cannot be ignored and will need to be taken on through rank-and-file
resistance. Meanwhile, the union bureaucracy is politically organised in
the Labor Party and will fight any challenge to their power. The Labor
Party will also need to be taken on and, at some stage, defeated in the

What is to be done?

There are no shortcuts in building rank-and-file movements. The process
of transforming a union from a business-friendly 'service union' to a
militant organisation of the working class can take years, if not
decades. That said, there are practical actions every anarchist can take
to begin pushing their own union down this path.

With union density so low in Australia, anarchists need to be
exceptional organisers. We need to learn the art of the organising
conversation so that we can convince our colleagues to join the union.We
need to pass these organising skills onto our work mates who can then
become organisers themselves. This is patient work that takes lots of
time and it can take years to organise a workplace completely.

A particularly useful tool in this process is a rank-and-file produced
publication. Internally, a publication gives union members a job to do,
whether that be writing an article, drawing a cartoon, formatting a
newsletter or raising funds for printing. This can turn passive members
into active organisers, building up the confidence of the rank-and-file.
It also forces workers to form distribution networks to pass the
publication around. These informal networks can then act as the
foundation for a rank-and-file movement down the line. Externally, the
publication can make the rank-and-file's message clear and act as the
perfect conversation starter to facilitate organising.

The particular form that a rank-and-file group takes will depend heavily
on the circumstances of the workplace and the state of the union. It is
also likely that rank-and-file activity will ebb and flow. There may be
times where rank-and-file networks break up, only to form again later
on. The important thing is that anarchists remain persistent and
committed to building up the power of the rank-and-file, and slowly, but
surely, the sleeping giants will rise up once again.


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WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL: Josef Stalin "Marxist-Leninists" against anarchism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

DEBATE | In December 2023, we came across the circulation, on
"Marxist-Leninist" social networks, of an old polemic by Josef Stalin
against anarchism. This is his classic text Anarchism or Socialism?,
from 1907, which, from time to time, resurfaces resuming this historical
debate. ---- This time, the dissemination of Stalin's text was carried
out by the Rebellion Youth Union (UJR), associated with Popular Unity
(UP) and the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR). These organizations,
as is evident on their website/newspaper (A Verdade) and on their social
networks, have been part of a recent effort in Brazil to rehabilitate
Stalin and Stalinism.
In this text, we, activists of the Libertarian Socialist Organization
(OSL), intend to contextualize the debate and return to important
questions in the history and theory of socialism. This will help to make
anarchist positions and their differences with Marxism truly known. We
want to show the fragility of Stalin's criticism, which can only be well
received by people who do not know (or pretend not to know) anarchism
and the history of socialism.
Our intention is not to polemicize with one or another organization in
particular, but to open a frank debate with the Brazilian radical left
about socialism and the paths to socialism. This discussion seems
relevant to us, given the context in which we are living.

Read it in full on our website: (Portuguese)

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WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL - NO TO THE RETURN OF PRISON HOME! - Gathering on April 19, 2024 Paris XIIIth (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 See online: Collective for the Future of Homes (COPAF) ---- GATHERING IN

FRONT OF ADOMA HEADQUARTERS -- Friday April 19 from 4:33 p.m. 4 avenue
Pierre-Mendès France, Paris 13th behind the Gare d'Austerlitz - ---
Friday February 23, 2024, a meeting of the coordination of Adoma homes
was held, convened urgently in the face of a worrying situation. The
same morning at the Paris court at Porte de Clichy, 8 residents of
Parisian Adoma homes in the 10th, 13th and 19th arrondissements appeared
before the judge to be evicted because they were hosting a relative in
their accommodation.

Every week, nearly ten residents appear to be evicted for this reason.
When faced with a judge, they have no chance of getting through it even
with the support of a lawyer, quite simply because the current law, and
the contracts and regulations of managers, are against them.

Homes have always been a welcoming place for West African immigrants.
Accessing housing is a struggle for a large majority of people today, it
is even more so when you are an African immigrant. When you are
undocumented it is almost impossible: it is solidarity or the street.
Homes remain places of welcome, a foothold for our brothers in search of
a better future. This continues regardless of the reconstruction or
transformation of homes into "social residences".

Furthermore, in these residences our rights are very limited. We are
only allowed one key with the ban on changing our lock. We are not
allowed to install additional heating when the home heating is broken.
We experience intrusions into our living spaces in which managers'
employees take the liberty of entering whenever they want.
STOP evictions for hosting a loved one! Respect for the right to privacy
in one's main home - even in sheltered accommodation!.

Social residence is a "housing product" designed to house all types of
vulnerable groups for periods of 2 to 3 years. The projects that bring
about these transformations of homes are systematically carried out to
the detriment of current residents. Their opinion is never taken into
account regarding the specifications given to architects, they are
systematically excluded from decisions which concern the future of their
place of life. Although the principles which govern these
transformations state that their aim is to offer more dignified housing,
in reality, these transformations are in reality machines for expelling
immigrant workers, active or retired. And expulsion is an act with
serious consequences: loss of address and domicile in France, inability
to renew one's papers, loss of health coverage, difficulties in
obtaining or maintaining one's pension. In fact, it is a sentence of
expulsion from the country!

Once again, it is the most precarious populations who are paying the
price of the housing crisis while millions of homes remain vacant and
the public authorities refuse to finance more social housing and control
In the newly constructed buildings, everything is done to control and
suffocate the residents. The collective spaces, provided for by law in
this type of housing, which allow precarious people not to live
completely isolated, are largely reduced in size and come under the
control of managers. In several Adoma homes, delegates are fighting to
have free access to their collective rooms. In residences where common
spaces are reduced, convivial life and solidarity gradually disappear.

STOP non-concerted rehabilitations! Rehabilitation projects must be
built WITH and FOR residents.

Faced with expulsions, faced with the destruction of solidarity and
collective life in homes, we call on all residents of the homes and
their supporters to support the delegates of the COORDINATION OF

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WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - News journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FAS Sicilia Libertaria: Antipsychiatry, PSYCHIATRIC STRUCTURES AND TOTAL INSTITUTIONS: THE STELLA MARIS AFFAIR (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The trial for the mistreatment that occurred in the Montalto di Fauglia

facility, in the province of Pisa, managed by the Stella Maris
foundation is taking place at the Pisa court. In the summer of 2016,
following a complaint from the parents of a young guest, the structure
was placed under control with the installation of microcameras. After
three months of wiretaps, the Pisa prosecutor's office established the
hypothesis of a crime of mistreatment based on the video materials
accumulated. ---- The parents, guardians and other witnesses already
heard by the court have reported the violence suffered by the Montalto
children and documented by video recordings: 284 episodes in less than
three months, violence - therefore - not occasional but structural. The
Scientific Institute - Specialized Hospital - Stella Maris Assistance
Center deals with assistance and treatment of disorders and disabilities
of childhood and adolescence. In fact it is a private institution with
an agreement with the public, managed by the Curia of San Miniato and
financed with public money (millions of euros per year) by the Tuscany
Region, which despite the seriousness of the abuses did not deem it
appropriate to join as a civil party to the process.

Among the guests of the residence, we remember Mattia, who later died in
2018 from suffocation, following blockage of the glottis most likely due
to the prolonged and excessive use of psychotropic drugs. The constant
changes in therapy had led to dysfunctions and risks at mealtimes of
which the family claims they were never informed. Another criminal case
is underway for this matter, the trial in first instance ended with no
responsibility on the part of the doctors and the structure.

The trial for mistreatment has been going on extremely slowly for more
than five years: the hearings are too sparse considering the very high
number of people invited to testify. In fact, it is the largest trial
for violence against people with disabilities in Italy. At the moment
there are 15 defendants. They also include the two doctors who managed
the facility and the health director of Stella Maris. Two defendants
left the scene: an operator who negotiated the sentence and the General
Director Roberto Cutajar who, having chosen the abbreviated procedure,
was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison and was then acquitted
in the appeal process.

As the technical consultant, Professor Alfredo Verde, called to report
on the events that occurred, wrote in his report: "Reading the documents
of this proceeding we certainly found mention of a long tradition of
abuse and violence on the part of the operators, rooted over the years,
and partly tolerated, partly ignored by the management of the
structures". And again: "Such evident violence raises the possibility of
hypothesizing that other violence occurred in less public contexts." "In
these situations degenerations develop in which violence and oppression
become the tools used every day, and the institution loses its
therapeutic characteristics to become a merely coercive and afflictive

The technical report also states that "the behavior of the operators
appeared typical of total institutions in which not only the guests are
punished, but the punishment is also meted out in a situation of extreme
visibility (such as the refectory), in which the guests they silently
and acquiescently watch the treatment suffered by their companions: a
sort of theatre". Professor Verde further states: "Institutional
thinking presupposes, implies and justifies violence, which can be
manifest or even just hinted at, therefore also assuming a symbolic

 From the point of view of the technical report, what happened in the
structure managed by Stella Maris then becomes emblematic of the
coercive and degrading devices inherent in this type of structure, where
people, frequently reduced to objects, become the target of daily
violence and oppression . Places where physical and pharmacological
restraint is often customary and where bullying is ordinary and structural.

We believe it is important not to turn off the spotlight on such
widespread, widespread, non-episodic violence, accepted and supported
daily by the silence of many "professionals", technicians and operators,
assistants and educators. We would like to start from here, from the
system of silence that supports these abuses. In no case can the lack of
personnel and structures justify the use of violent and coercive
practices. Even the arguments of "safety reasons", "state of necessity"
or "aggressive people", which are often invoked in departments or
structures, must be rejected as they are based on the still widespread
prejudice of the potential danger of "madness". ". Many believe, due to
cultural attitude or training, that it is justifiable to subject people
diagnosed as mentally ill to coercive means, that it is in the order of
things and corresponds to their own well-being, without ever asking what
those directly involved think about it.

The problem therefore is to overcome the internment model, and not to
re-propose the same mental hospital mechanisms and devices. The moment
you reproduce the same practices (isolation, mechanical and
pharmacological restraint, the obligation to take care), the logic of
the total institution is reproduced and spreads to the wards, structures
and healthcare residences such as that of Montalto di Fauglia: if there
is the idea of the person as a dangerous subject who must be isolated,
wherever he is placed it will always be a mental hospital. A concrete
path to overcoming total institutions necessarily passes through the
development of a widely spread non-segregationist culture, capable of
practicing principles of freedom, solidarity and valorization of human
differences, as opposed to the repressive and homogenizing methods of

Antonin Artaud Anti-Psychiatric Collective

via San Lorenzo 38, 56100 Pisa


www.artaudpisa.noblogs.org 3357002669

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WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - en) Italy, UCDI #183 - What's new - Women (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

On March 8, 2024, women around the world celebrated a celebration of
struggle in a panorama of poor results if not regression of their
conditions of equality and parity in the world. The only positive signal
seems to come from France where the National Assembly, by a very large
majority, decided to amend the Constitution, introducing the right to
abortion, in order to strengthen the right of every woman to responsible
motherhood, to exercise the choice if and how to manage a pregnancy.
 From now on it will be more difficult, in France, to hinder the
exercise of this right, to pass restrictive interpretations of the law,
to invent bureaucratic loopholes, to allow conscientious objectors to
hide behind the exercise of the medical profession to exercise their
power , and this even if the right, once conquered, to manage one's own
body must always and in any case be defended, like all rights.
But this seems to be one of the few, if not the only, positive signals
coming from different countries because, for example, in Ireland the two
referendums with which they wanted to modify the language of the 1937
Constitution with a less chauvinistic and introduce a new notion of
family as a supportive society based on emotional relationships and not
on marriage, whether heterosexual or homosexual.
But that's not all, in the wars fought all over the world rape is used
liberally as a weapon of war: Hamas militants did it on 7 October in the
assault on Israel, while the Israeli army did it before, bombing,
machine-gunning, killing women and children, indiscriminately and
denying that they are carrying out genocide.
But violence against women also occurs at the level of "ordinary"
murders, motivated by the need to exercise power, in the form of rape,
to reaffirm the superiority and right of man to possess the woman's
body, according to a culture patriarchal that lasts. The hatred and fear
towards women is so strong that it pushed a right-wing candidate in the
Portuguese elections to propose the surgical export of the ovaries as an
additional sanction for women who abort; this while in the United States
the legislation on abortion is now balkanized and each state proceeds in
its own way to restrict it and prevent women from managing their own
bodies and that is from exercising the most basic of rights.

Woman and beautiful

On the other hand, the feminist movement and women must reflect on the
slogan that has characterized the movement for a long time. A woman may
not be beautiful: to realize this you just need to think, not
necessarily in the order of Meloni, von der Leyen, Metsola, to conclude
that when women reach top and command positions they are not always
better than men: the truth is that, just as there are women and women,
there are men and men, and their class position is not irrelevant, their
ideas, their life testimony, are not irrelevant to evaluate their
behaviors, which are always personal and specific, subjective.
Behaviors, ideas and rights are conditioned by one's objective living
conditions and therefore the priority battle for all women must be that
of equality, first and foremost wage equality, because all other
freedoms derive from freedom from need. As proof of this, we remember
that women's working conditions and wages are significantly lower than
those of men and that this difference constitutes the watershed that
separates the two genders from the exercise of rights.
More than changes in customs and mentality which certainly help, more
than the sentimental education which is certainly necessary, what makes
the difference are the material conditions and it is no coincidence that
these are the ones that are difficult to change. This path is certainly
difficult and arduous in a country like ours which holds one of the
records of the worst regulatory and salary treatment of women with
respect to work in developed economy countries, proof of which is that
the birth rate is affected.

There is little to invent in terms of demographic policies to increase
the birth rate if we do not prepare social legislation to support women,
building efficient networks of nursery schools, freeing them from the
almost exclusive task of caring for the elderly, making them
economically autonomous and free to assert themselves at work, so as to
be able to express their personality and their life aspirations in the
most complete way. It is also for this reason that the demographic
policies promoted by the right to resolve the
problems of the country are miserably destined to fail. victims of
inefficiency with regards to the economic and social effects, but also
due to a culture relating to women which relegates them to a role of
subordination to the choices of the males of the house, to their needs
and to the overall chauvinist structure of the social organization .

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WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Cafiero FAI-Roma: 1945-2024 The Anarchist Group C. Cafiero FAI Rome does not move from Garbatella (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Anarchist Space 19 July does not close ---- In 2025 the Anarchist

Group C. Cafiero FAI Rome will celebrate its octogenarian in Garbatella.
In August 1945, a few months after the liberation from Nazi-fascism on
25 April, the foundation of the group was announced and its inauguration
in Garbatella took place during a conference of anti-fascist anarchists
dedicated to Carlo Cafiero. In that small cellar in via Vettor Fausto 3,
on lot 13 belonging to ATER Roma (formerly IACP), generations, groups,
collectives, associations, editorial offices of newspapers and
magazines, theater companies and musical groups, artists, poets have
passed, a microcosm in the heart of this neighborhood connected with the
self-managed and self-organized cultural and political experiences in
the struggles of the international anti-authoritarian movement in a
concrete perspective of freedom and solidarity from below in Italy and
in other parts of the world. In 2011 the Cafiero Group had the need to
expand in Garbatella with the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio, in via Rocco
da Cesinale 16, 18 at Lot 60 (ATER Rome), to give greater space and
voice to a popular library project dedicated to Fabio Iacopucci and
anarchist archive. The animator of this new initiative was Tommaso
Aversa (Rome 1953/ Rome 2024) from Garbatella known for his militancy in
the anarchist movement which lasted over fifty years and who died last
January. The Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio was also shared for conventions,
conferences, book presentations, film screenings, for theatrical,
musical and cinematographic initiatives, the diffusion of libertarian
and anarchist press and publishing in different languages, solidarity
projects local and international, libertarian pedagogy workshops,
condominium meetings, art workshops, art exhibitions, gift and barter
markets, solidarity and trade union offices, interviews, etc. Until now
we have lived with the voluntary contribution of the participants and
the cultural events have been strictly self-organised with free
subscription and all operated free of charge. The labor and materials
were made available free of charge and cheaply for the ten-year
renovation and maintenance of the premises which had remained open and
abandoned in disrepair for around 25 years. In recent years, the Cafiero
archive and library project has finally taken shape and has been a place
of research open to the neighborhood, also frequented by scholars and
undergraduates. In addition to conserving books and documents belonging
to or donated to the Cafiero Group, the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio is
hosting in its library funds also belonging to more recently dated
private collections. The responsible regional body, urged for months to
agree to a regularization of the rent for this space, is currently
failing to take into consideration the documents requested in reference
to a commissioner resolution issued by itself in 2016. Therefore, the
new general management of the relevant institution, established in the
summer of 2023, has arranged that, on Wednesday 17 April 2024, a few
days after next 25 April, the anniversary of the liberation from
Nazi-fascism, the Anarchist Space 19 July and all that which this
contains, pertaining to and/or entrusted and/or preserved by the Gruppo
Anarchico Cafiero FAI Roma, is closed and by the public force.
We consider all this unacceptable and therefore invite all the entities
that support us, the associations, the collectives, the main streaming
media to mobilize, to spread this press release and above all to speak
up, inform, take a position on what is happening. For further
information you can contact us by writing to
cafierofairoma@inventati.org. We will send updates if necessary.
Finally we appeal to intervene on Wednesday 17 April 2024 starting from
7:00 in the morning at the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio in via Rocco da
Cesinale 16,18 (metro B Garbatella) where a demonstration and a press
conference will be held.

Anarchist Group C. Cafiero FAI Rome


Free and supportive subscription campaign
The Anarchist Space 19 July is not closing!

The Anarchist Group C. Cafiero FAI Rome had the need to expand in
Garbatella with the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio (lot 60) in via Rocco da
Cesinale 16 auto, recovering a space of around one hundred square meters
left in decay for around 25 years.
In continuity with the activities of the Group, already present in the
neighborhood since 1945 in via Vettor Fausto 3 at lot 13, here we have
organized conferences, conferences, book presentations, screenings,
hosted groups, spread anarchist publishing, hosted theater companies and
musical groups, local and international solidarity projects, libertarian
pedagogy workshops, condominium assemblies, art workshops, art
exhibitions, gift and barter markets, solidarity and trade union
offices, we have hosted artists, poets, a microcosm in the heart of this
neighborhood connected with the self-managed and self-organized cultural
and political experiences in the struggles of the international
anti-authoritarian movement.
As is known today, cultural events are self-organized with free
subscription and all operated free of charge. The labor and materials
for the ten-year renovation and maintenance of the premises were made
available free of charge and at low cost.
In this place we have reactivated the Fabio Iacopucci popular archive
and library project, a research site open to the neighborhood also
frequented by scholars and undergraduates. Tommaso Aversa, an anarchist
comrade who died last January, was among the promoters of this project
and in addition to conserving books and documents belonging to or
donated to the Cafiero Group, the Spazio Anarchico 19 Luglio is hosting
in its library funds also belonging to private collections more recent
Over the last decade it has been necessary to activate an administrative
and legal process with the body that owns the property, an obstacle
course, which is also requiring us to make an extraordinary financial
Therefore we open the campaign "The Anarchist Space 19 July does not
close" and we launch this first appeal for free and conscious
subscription to all solidarity entities and individuals to take action
and support us.
You can subscribe:
      1. directly by participating in our initiatives that you will find
on the cafierofairoma.wordpress.com website
      2. by bank transfer made out to Associazione Culturale 19 Luglio
IBAN IT630306909606100000403028
      3. for other methods write to cafierofairoma@inventati.org
Anarchist Group C. Cafiero FAI Rome

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WORLD WORLDWIDE BELGIUM BRUSSELS - vrt Radio Studio Brussel - program - Zien we jou dit weekend in Gent? - Woensdag 24 april 2024.


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