No Border Kitchen Lesvos (Greece) update
Verfasst von: No Border Kitchen Lesvos. Verfasst am: 30.03.2016 - 19:02.
No Border Kitchen Lesbos
To start off with a side note, in the previous article we are talking
about a 'police rate'. This should have been 'police raid'. Lets say
being in the kitchen 24/7, a lack of sleep and rushing to write an
online statement took its toll. Sorry for this mistake, and thanks to
out comrades from Contra Info pointing this out to us.
The current situation. No police raid! The fascist assholes did not have
the guts to show up, or the rumors (which we have many, many circling
around the island) that we would get a police raid were false. Anyhow;
Today 2 supporters of NBK, together with our lawyer went to the
municipality to explain to the mayor of Mytilini what our demands are.
The mayor started off with a statement that he considers himself on a
left political side and that he wanted to show us his friendly face.
After explaining him the demands of the refugees in NBK, he informed us
that he does not have the political power to fullfil our demands. He
informed us that we have to leave Tsamakia beach the same day (today,
30-03-2016) were we responded that thats clearly impossible. Afther some
bargaining the 'deal' whas made that the kitchen will be gone in a
period of 7 days, on 06-04-2016. We clearly informed that we will only
remove the kitchen, and let the refugees decide for themselves what they
will do, that we will respect there dicisions and fully support there
dicisions and keep on supporting them in any way we can.
The mayor put on it black and white on paper, singned and stamped with
some official stamp, that he will not evict NBK, send any police,
frontex or busses to moria before the 7th of april.
We want to make a clear statement that we (the people of NBK in support
with refugees) are anarchists. We want to make clear that we never
thought that the conversation with the mayor would have lead to any more
positive result of the current situation of refugees in NBK, Lesvos or
elsewhere. We do not believe the lies of cops, politicians and those in
power, no matter if they claim to be left or right wing, and try to keep
our communication with our enemys as minimum as possible. We want to
make clear that at the moment we are trying prevent eviction, arrests,
transportation to Moria and deportation of our comrades in any possible
way. Unfortunately we felt like standing with our backs against the
wall, forced to communicate with those who make the lives of our
comrades a living hell. We want to make clear that this communication
was and will be never our decision, our consent and we will never make
the first move to communicate with our enemies.
At the moment it is not possible for us to share with the world what our
next steps will be, but an update will follow soon.
For a world without borders!!!
NBK Lesvos
twitter: @noborderkitchen
Infotel. (greek): 0030 698 340 69 78
Infotel. (ger.) : 0049 160 95 10 27 51
For the previous article see: