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zondag 30 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE USA LGBTQNATION LGBTQ+ Homosexualité Gay News Journal - Exclusive: How getting sober helped me embrace my queer identity


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In this powerful coming-of-age pieceLGBTQ Nation contributor Keegan Williams explores how they overcame years of addiction that stifled their ability to accept their whole, queer self.While corresponding about this story, Williams shared with me that they had never before been as open about their experience but knew their path to sobriety was not something to sweep under the rug.With penetrating vulnerability, Williams describes life at “rock bottom” and takes readers through their efforts to claw their way back up, come to terms with who they are, and catapult themselves into a new life.Alcoholism is not a “dirty word,” they told me, and the more stories we share, the more people can step into their strong, beautiful, complex — and in this case, proudly queer — selves.Molly SprayregenAssociate EditorContinue Reading Now

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WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, anarres info: ANARRES OF APRIL 21. FASCIST OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM. ANARCHISTS AGAINST FASCISM. TURIN. 25 APRIL AT THE BARRIER... (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The podcast of our Friday trip to Anarres, the planet of concrete utopias. From

11 to 13 on 105.250 free Blackout frequencies. Also streamed.https://radioblackout.org/podcast/anarres-del-21-aprile-fascisti-del-terzo-millennio-anarchici-contro-il-fascismo-torino-25-aprile-in-barriera/Listen and broadcast the audio of the episode:Anarres of April 21st. Fascists of the third millennium. Anarchists againstfascism. Turin. April 25th in Barrier...Direct, insights, ideas, proposals, appointments:Fascism. Mars is still far awayEight months after the elections which, for the first time since the post-warperiod, handed over the relative majority of the centre-right coalition to theBrothers of Italy, a formation which explicitly refers to the fascistdictatorship, it is possible to attempt an initial assessment of the actiongovernment. The predictions made a few months ago are confirmed. The Melonigovernment is distinguished by the attack on migrants, political opponents,women, people who do not comply with the patriarchal norm.We talked about it with Francesco FriccheAnarchists against fascismThe anarchists' resistance to fascism began in the 1920s and did not end on April25, 1945.Thanks to the studies of recent decades it is possible to reconstruct a uniquestory in the panorama of the fight against fascism, because, despite thepersecutions and forced exile, anarchists are active even in the darkest years ofthe dictatorship.Franco Schirone, author, among others, of "The Unknown Resistance" told us about itApril 25th in the Milan barrierLike every year we meet at the plaque commemorating Ilio Baroni, anarchist partisan.Today more than ever to find ourselves in that corner of the suburbs, whereBaroni fell fighting, is not a mere exercise in memory, but an opportunity toweave the threads of the struggles, because the witness left by those who are nolonger there is now in our hands .Appointments:Tuesday 25th AprilAnti-fascist garrison at the tombstone of Ilio Baroni, worker at the Ferriere,partisan, anarchist.Memories, interventions, anarchist and anti-fascist songbook with Alba3.00 pm in corso Giulio Cesare at the corner with corso NovaraMonday May 1stWe desert the war!9 o'clockAnti-militarist segment at the procession from Piazza VittorioAfter the procession, lunch benefit fights against the war at the FAT in corsoPalermo 46. Vegan menuFor reservations: antimilitarista.to@gmail.comTwo appointments on the future of TurinThursday 25 May8.30 pmCity of Weapons? The birth of the new war pole and the landing of NATO in TurinAnalysis and perspectives of struggle.in the hall of the Sereno Regisin via Garibaldi 13AFriday 9 June21.00at the FAT in Corso Palermo 46Showcase city? Turin between excluding redevelopments and the insecurity of poorand migrant livesGiovanni Semi, sociologist, author of numerous studies on gentrification underthe Mole will intervene.Friday June 2ndAntimilitarist demonstrationAgainst militaristic ceremonies, patriotic rhetoric, war and those who arm itContacts:Turin Anarchist FederationCorso Palermo 46Meetings - open to interested parties - every Tuesday from 9pmContacts: fai_torino@autistici.org - @senzafrontiere.to/Subscribe to our newsletter, sending a message to the FB page or an emailwrite to: anarres@inventati.orgwww.anarresinfo.orghttps://www.anarresinfo.org/anarres-del-21-aprile-fascisti-del-terzo-millennio-anarchici-contro-il-fascismo-torino-25-aprile-in-barriera/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - CA #329: Without Borders - News from the Immigration Law (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 breaking news! As the writing of this section ends, the government has just

announced that it is postponing this reform "sine die" to calm the parliamentarygame and try to defuse the political crisis around the pension reform. TheDarmanin law is put in the drawer but, let's trust them that it will come outwhen calm has returned and the presidential majority is "consolidated". Here is apresentation of the bill as it stands, just to have the ins and outs of Macron'svision of immigration. ---- As we recalled in our previous sections, the spiritof this law insists on two visions of the arrival of foreigners in France. On theone hand, the repression with the "bad" migrants which translates into anunprecedented tightening of the conditions for applying for and obtaining aresidence permit or asylum with the reduction of processing times and thedematerialization of files; the reduction of appeals, in particular to the CNDA;if OQTF, an increase in their application and registration in the police file ofthe persons concerned; finally, the use of house arrest pending the constructionof new CRAs. On the other side, a purely utilitarian vision of immigration as anadjustment variable to capitalist interests. "Nice" migrants will be able toobtain a special residence permit for "shortage jobs" such as construction,personal assistance, catering, etc. But this authorization is renewable everyyear and therefore can be canceled if the boss decides otherwise.In March, the bill - which had already been debated in the National Assembly -was to go to committee in the Senate and then to a plenary session. This lair ofthe right Les Républicains had prepared its amendments to scrap against thegovernment by accusing in particular the project, more precisely article 3, ofbeing too lax on the visas "jobs in tension". Darmanin had already sought acompromise by proposing a review clause. One thing is certain, when theLR/Renaissance majority is consolidated, a new blow will fall on the rights offoreigners because, remember that the bill was largely inspired by the work ofSenator François-Noël Buffet, an LR....Source: La Croix, leaflets against the Darmanin lawAnd the fight against this law?It had begun but was being built a little in the shadow of the strong socialmobilization against the pension reform. The March of Solidarity (see their blog)animated and coordinated the struggle. Rallies were organized on January 27,February 1 and March 18. In addition to the rejection of the Darmanin law, it isalso an opportunity to denounce the multiplication of targeted controls in publictransport, particularly in the Paris region in RER or metro stations. Theadministrative detention facilities (LRA) are also strongly criticized. Createdby the prefect, these are fairly opaque places, in the heart of cities, where atmost ten undocumented migrants can be detained. This can be hotels,administrative cities, police stations. An estimate, by peeling the prefecturaldecrees, currently has 131 places but the government's objective in 2023 is toreach 300. The confinement can last 2 days during which the administration seeksto obtain a rapid expulsion. If the time is exceeded, the person is sent to aCRA. These LRA seek to dilute and generalize the deportation machine. Fire at theCRA and the LRA, that's good, some are police stations!Source: March of Solidarity, blog down with the CRAs which lists the LRA on theterritorySmall victories in the homes of migrant workersWe often talk about the dilapidation of these often aging residences and theincreasingly strong social control of social landlords who want to isolate peopleand challenge the residents' committees and the community life that exists inthese places. Faced with this, struggles regularly appear and some positiveoutcomes emerge as in the two examples below.In the ADOMA home (ex-Sonacotra) on Boulevard de la Commanderie in Paris, theinhabitants blocked access to their residence to the staff of the sociallandlord. After a morning of blockage accompanied by threats from the director tosend the cops, a discussion was made possible between the managers and theresidents' delegates. Two points of tension were raised: the multiplication ofbailiff checks with subpoenas before the courts against the sharing of certainrooms with family or community members; insecurity with the entry of people fromoutside the residence. The discussion ended with an agreement in principle fromthe manager who undertakes to warn people before bringing in the bailiff and toreinforce security with security guards and additional cameras. A follow-up willbe done by the residents' committee. The blockage was lifted and made it possibleto obtain things.In Boulogne Billancourt, 118 residents are threatened with eviction by ADOMA. Itis revenge for the 2016 rent strike that lasted 18 months and during whichmigrant workers refused to pay high rent for a rotten residence. It is one of theoldest hostels in the Paris region, built to accommodate the workers of theRenault factory. The price to pay? more than 220 euros per person for a bed in atriple room of 16m2 and 350 euros for a single room of 8m2. Since 2016,renovations have been undertaken but the common areas have been closed and remainso today. Also, ADOMA does not budge and wants to recover the money for a totalof 1.3 million euros. Justice left to give reason to the lessor, the residentsorganized a demonstration and were received by the town hall which wants to playthe appeasement and the negotiation. Case to follow but the balance of power wasin the street!Source: COPAF, collective for the future of homes, bondyblogUmpteenth Franco-British agreement on immigrationIt's a bit always the same thing, it meets, it shakes the paw all smiles in frontof the cameras and it discusses border control in exchange for hard cash. Sincethe Le Touquet agreements under Sarkozy (2003), the English border has been theFrench coast, which has given rise to an uninterrupted series of summits andmeetings to control this coastal strip and the bunker. Millions of euros havebeen spent to fence complete the port of Calais and the Channel Tunnel wherethere is no longer any passage. Migrants now cross by sea and attempted crossingshave multiplied by 20 since 2019. 2022: 45,000 crossings, 2021: 28,526 and sincethe beginning of 2023, according to the figures officials, 3,150 people whoattempted the crossing.It is in this context that on March 10, English Prime Minister Rishi Sunak andMacron met officially at the Élysée. It was a bit like the reconquest operationbetween the two states after the confusion that arose during Brexit. This timethe objective is clear: no more Channel crossings. To give itself the means, theEnglish check book is out with 541 million euros on the table for 3 years! Thiswindfall will be used to: build a new detention center in the north of France,recruit 500 additional British border cops, create a unified Franco-Britishcommand center to coordinate boat recovery actions. This last point is to belinked to the recent scandal around the last "big" shipwreck in the Channel in2021 which killed 27 migrants. English and French relief had passed the buck forhours because of the sharing of territorial waters, which gave people time to die.On the British side, the Conservatives are continuing their resoundingannouncements against immigration. This time around, a new bill has beenintroduced in Parliament - via new Home Secretary Suella Braverman - to withdrawthe right to asylum for people who cross the Channel illegally except for minorsand seriously ill people, what kindness! All others would be immediately detainedand deported within weeks. Faced with unsure countries that would preventdeportation, there would always be Rwanda or Albania as the land of deportation(see our previous sections). The agreements between the respective governmentsare signed and provide for the reception of those expelled from the UnitedKingdom. But for the moment, the decision is blocked by legal appeals to theEuropean Court of Human Rights (ECHR) while the London justice had given thegreen light. The legislative elections are barely a year away and theConservatives are trying everything to block the way to the Labor Party who arepromised to govern the country. But let us have no illusions because the ideasonce presented and advanced will remain in the drawers and can be brought out, nodoubt a little watered down but still just as racist and xenophobic.Source: Obs, the chained duck, infomigrantsAfter St Brevin, Beyssenac, new target of anti-CADA fachosBeyssenac, town of 350 inhabitants in Corrèze. A reception center for asylumseekers with around forty places is due to open in April, but the announcementwas taken up and exploited by the far right. A group of opponents formed andorganized a demonstration on February 25. The counter-demonstration was a successsince 1000 people who support the CADA project surrounded barely 400 opponents.There was the whole panel of the French far right: the RN of course (GilbertCollard was expected), zemmouriens, monarchists of Action Française,identitarians. On the strength of this success, the fight seems acquired and themayor is very favorable to the project. But at the end of March, in Saint Brévinnear Saint Nazaire, where there was the same opposition against a CADA project(see previous section), the mayor's car and house were burned down. He regularlyreceived threats from the far right. Let's stay vigilant, make and win socialmovements to clear these baltringues.Source: France 3 CorrezeRatonnades in the streets of TunisIn an attempt to hide the deep economic and political crisis in Tunisia, dictatorPresident Kais Saïed wants to divert attention by designating sub-Saharanmigrants as scapegoats. On February 21, he declared that the country wasthreatened by "hordes of migrants" then to fall into the theses of the greatreplacement by seeing "a criminal enterprise hatched at the dawn of this centuryto change the demographic composition of the Tunisia" in order to transform itinto an "African only" country and blur its "Arab-Muslim" character. Thesedeclarations provoked a veritable hunt for blacks in the big cities of thecountry. Within days, 21,000 sub-Saharan immigrants lost their jobs and homes. Inthe street, there were ratonnades and people were arrested - around 800 betweenFebruary and March - by the police and sentenced to 2 or 3 months in prison for"illegal stay". This policy of persecutions caused diplomatic turmoil as theysay. Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Burkina, Senegal and Libya have voluntarilyrepatriated their nationals. For others, it is the fear of going out into thestreet. Faced with this, demonstrations took place in Tunisia but also in frontof the Tunisian embassies of many African countries. In Senegal, themobilizations are the strongest. A dozen associations and collectives have cometogether to fight against persecution and demand a public apology from theTunisian president. Tensions arose during a demonstration banned by theSenegalese government at the call of the Front for a popular and pan-Africananti-imperialist revolution (Frapp). The latter also wishes to launch a campaignto boycott Tunisian products. At the same time, departures from Tunisia to Europeare increasing with sub-Saharans but also Tunisians. Since the beginning of theyear, 14,549 Tunisians have landed on Italian soil. People are fleeing theeconomic crisis (huge inflation, unemployment due to the tourism crisis,austerity plan imposed by the IMF) and the repression of political opponents. Inall this slump, we observe a resurgence of the slogans of 2011 during theTunisian revolution among young people, the unemployed, daily workers. Maybe a hope!Source: RFIAlso in AlgeriaMigrants of sub-Saharan origin are also expelled to neighboring Algeria. Almost3,000 people were expelled at the end of February in the middle of the Saharadesert, without water or food, a few kilometers from the Niger border. Oftenarrested in northern cities, migrants are taken to the Tamanrasset deportationcenter, 1,900 kilometers south of Algiers. Testimonies speak of a counting oftheir cases by the policeCrossing the border, migrants often reach a transit center managed by the IOM inthe village of Assamaka, which is more than 30 km on foot under the cane. But youstill have to find your way around, many deportees wander for days in the desertand in 2020 and 2021, 38 bodies were found in the area, a few kilometers fromAssamaka. According to figures from Doctors Without Borders, between January 11and March 3, 2023, nearly 5,000 migrants experienced this kind of expulsion.Source: infomigrantshttp://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article3725_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria 4/2023: Seneca, migrants and war -- Impressions of a dialogue between past and present (ca, de, it, pt, tr) [machine translation]

   "They brought with them their children, their wives, and their parents weigheddown by the years. Some, thrown hither and thither by a long wandering, did notchoose a place for a deliberate purpose, but out of exhaustion occupied thenearest one;... some people, in search of the unknown, the sea swallowed them,some settled there where the lack of every resource left them. ---- Thesereflections, which could suggest news events due to their surprising relevance tocurrent events and dramas, are taken from the seventh chapter of the "Consolatioad Helviam matrem", a work by the philosopher Seneca. These are the words of acontroversial intellectual figure due to his complicity with the principality butsometimes uncomfortable, who due to conflicts with the emperor Claudius willsuffer relegation to Corsica in 41 AD. The philosopher intends to console themother of the painful distance from her son by citing examples that place herpersonal story within a dimension of more human universality, calling to theattention of the afflicted Elvia the past and incessant movements of peoples onone side and the other part of the world, often driven by chance and povertytowards uncertain goals.Today, Afghans, Iranians, Pakistanis, men and women with children in tow, whotravel the Balkan route or cross the Aegean Sea in search of landing places, seethe sea as the only way to reach new lands. The fact that they are still alive,after thousands of kilometers of walking, encourages them to resume their marchand to look to the near future with obstinate trust."Not everyone had the same reason for leaving their homeland and looking foranother; some were driven back by the destruction of their cities by enemyarmies; others, deprived of their goods, found asylum in foreign lands, otherscivil wars forced them to move; still others the excessive density of population,to relieve the pressure, drove them away; others expelled them from contagiousdiseases or frequent earthquakes or the unsustainability of an unfavorableterritory; some were corrupted by the fame of a fertile and exaggeratedly praisedland..."Seneca records wars among the causes of peoples' migrations. The man of our timehas turned his weapons in a premeditated way against the helpless population ofinhabited centers as an instrument of terror. Refugees of war or forceddisplacement, deprived of any means of subsistence, ask for the right to have aroof under which to recreate a new home, a new semblance of life. To deny itwould lead to a serious "ignorance" towards human rights whose value issupranational.Territories overpopulated and burdened by an unbalanced distribution of naturalresources cannot satisfy the multiple needs of a population in constant search ofwhat is necessary to live and, at the same time, of a chimerical well-being thatdeceives through the subtle solicitations of the market economy. Naturaldisasters such as epidemics or seismic phenomena, which are beyond the control ofhuman intelligence, give rise to migratory movements.For Seneca everything falls within the law of a cosmic order in which evilcoexists with good, in which contradictions find a synthesis in the practice of abalanced rationalism and in the awareness of the sense of what is human and ofits history which escapes arrogant ideal of the linearity of the "magnificent andprogressive fortunes", as Leopardi of La ginestra reminds us."One fact is clear, however: nothing has remained in the same place where itoriginated. Persistent and continuous is the wandering of mankind; every daysomething changes in such a big world: the foundations of new cities are laid;populations with new names are born, the previous ones extinct or aggregated in aconsortium that guarantees greater protection.In a world in constant change by virtue of economic, political and culturalfactors on which the legacy of the notorious colonial conquests and policies ofthe insatiable Western countries weighs already starting from the discovery ofthe New Continent, the consequent weight of the industrial revolutions and, inthe present, the binding conditioning of neoliberal logics, in what terms is themillennial migratory process welcomed?The latter becomes an occasion for often heated but inconclusive debates, apretext for the promulgation of laws aimed at the violent and inhumane rejectionof those who extend a hand in search of help. We have also allowed speculationand blackmail to trade in human lives. After all, after Auschwitz the reificationof the human being was cleared through customs.Yet "that incessant wandering of the human species" which allows us to broadenour visual and mental horizon beyond the confines of our miserable cliques, ourvillages, our cities and nations, overcoming the sinister logic of the regimes inpower, the absurdity of wars and the irreparability of natural disasters, in acontinuous helical process of connection between past and present, gave the inputto the birth of our civilization thanks to the encounter and mixing betweenpeoples. It has favored the development of civilizations bordering the "MareNostrum", an open sea, in continuous ferment and cultural renewal by virtue ofthe relationships between different peoples. From this matrix has sprung thevaried and convergent identity of the peoples who have lived it over thecenturies. Starting from these premises, Seneca invites us to cultivate acosmopolitan conscience, that is, of citizens of the world, and to reject thefalsely inclusive logic of government agendas.Inclusion, an overused but ambiguous term. Its etymological meaning brings usback to the concept of welcoming those who choose to include and by antithesis tothat of exclusion of those who must stay outside the fence. This last operationis the simplest and most pragmatic to implement but it turns out to be aharbinger of the contradictions inherent in a world that claims to be globalized.Faced with these courses and recourses of human events and the reluctance tounderstand their causes, we oppose the force of the words and thoughts of thosewho have sown the seeds of a possible change of perspective and system.We ask for silence out of respect for the victims of the banality of evil.Giusy Carnemollahttps://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca