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zaterdag 21 juli 2012

Spain : What is the anarcho-syndicalist Solidaridad

THE NEED OF THE ORGANIZATION ---- Historically, workers and workers have felt the need to
organize and have fought for this basic right is recognized. In all parts of the world's
first battle that raises the workers' movement is for the conquest of freedom of
association. ---- The workers are affected by problems that are common and therefore not
fit individual solutions. It is therefore necessary to join forces with the organization,
to fight the problems we face and, ultimately, to fight a radically unjust society, which
are the main victims. ---- Today the situation has not changed but the manifest forms of
exploitation. Unemployment, poverty wages, garbage contracts, the helplessness, the
betrayal of association, individual or collective redundancies, cuts in entitlements,
etc., Make victim to the worker or a social worker for the sole purpose unfair to maintain
and even increase, the levels of capital gains.

So, today as always, is indispensable for the whole organization of the working class as
the only way to deal with our situation and every one of our problems that affect us all
and all and that only joint efforts can solve the .
Currently, we are not directly prohibit the right to associate, but are put in place the
mechanisms to handle this right. The media, opinion-building, are increasingly determining
when to captivate the mind of the working class in every way, and in this particular
aspect, are complicit in creating an atmosphere of apathy widespread and senseless
competitiveness that benefits only the employers and the state.
This state of apathy and skepticism can be overcome by participating in building a future
project for the working class, structured by an organization built for everyone.


Workers Solidarity is an organization of workers and workers to fight for improved living
conditions and working at the same time, go through these struggles, to his complete
emancipation as a class.
It fit all working women and men by the mere fact of being, whatever their opinions, race,
color, nationality, beliefs and other distinctive aspects of the human condition. Can not
join members of Law Enforcement, professional army, or any armed or paramilitary body,
public or private. They may not join those who spread racist, xenophobic, Nazis and / or
fascist, or members of sects, be they political or religious.
Workers Solidarity is independent of the state and any political party or group, so there
are no other interests than those of their own workers and union members. These are the
ones who decide each and every one of the positions of the organization to the issues. Our
decision makers at all levels, always begin the general assemblies of the unions, always
open to all affiliates and members, without any Board, Commission or Committee can never
be replaced.
Class solidarity is the principle governing the internal relations of the union and our
most precious tool of struggle. In any conflict or problem you may encounter a member, or
part of the organization, it offers all the support.
Workers Solidarity is federalist . Our link is the covenant freely established and
agreements emanating from it are used to address common problems, but with absolute
respect for the autonomy of the parties and the lower organisms with respect to more
general. This ensures a functioning participatory bottom up.
The direct action , understood as the solution of problems by the people themselves,
without intermediaries that supersede, is our way of acting, because nobody knows their
problems and the solutions that the people themselves.
Federalism and direct action aimed to union activity is, by itself, through educational
participation, so that each day be better able to face our problems and, therefore, freer.
Workers Solidarity is internationalist , seeking class unity above States and artificial
boundaries. Without reduction, guaranteed by federalism, respect and maintenance of
diversity, specific personality of each nation and individual.


Workers Solidarity as an organization born in 1990, being present and participating in all
the great struggles and mobilizations, and social union, developed since then.
Workers Solidarity is declared heir to the guiding principles of the First International
in the mid-nineteenth century, and anarcho-syndicalism in Spain since the early twentieth
The practice of Workers Solidarity struggle is global is not limited to take over the pure
union demands, but assumes the struggle in all areas affecting working women and men
throughout their lives.
In this sense, in social terms is involved in:
- The anti-military struggle, promoting and defending the disobedience to the armies and
wars until its total disappearance.
- The mobilizations in defense of the environment against environmental disasters
sponsored by human action and especially nuclear power.
- Initiatives against property speculation, supporting neighborhood squats and struggles
in defense of public housing rentals.
- The struggle of women, demanding equal rights and opportunities. The struggle and
mobilization in any situation of discrimination against women.
- The defense of public services and social rights such as health, transport, education,
pensions, etc., Threatened with privatization via liquidation or complete disappearance.
In the trade unions, the Workers Solidarity has raised protests together with all those
organizations and groups that have so decided, against the successive labor reforms and
their consequences (job insecurity, helplessness, etc..). Likewise, the defense of
pensions, the right to free medical care for everyone, retirement at age 60, reduced time
to 35 h. Weekly claims will defend by all workers, workers and students organized Labor
Specifically, with regard to collective bargaining Workers Solidarity defends:
- The linear wage increases. The same increase for all workers and workers in order to
narrow the wage gap between the different categories and, simultaneously, to achieve
greater unity in the struggle to claim the same rise.
- Job creation fixed against increasing productivity and competitiveness, which just means
more work with fewer workers. In this sense, fight insecurity and wages demanded equal
rights for all, fighting the establishment, even via agreement with the unions of the
system, second-class workers with lower pay and no rights.
- The continued reduction of working hours, without conditioning it to wage cuts or rights.
- The increase in vacation periods in the same sense as the two preceding claims, ie, in
the sense of working less to work everyone.
- The absorption of the contracts, with the assimilation of the workers of the same on the
staff of the contracting firms.
Workers Solidarity is presented to union elections to works councils in companies or
sectors where they choose their affiliates and members, not to "represent" anyone, but as
a method to raise Union Sections.
Today, Workers Solidarity is a small organization, but within the Labor Movement
recognized for its ability to fight and open approaches, one of the few organizations that
maintains all fronts to combat the system of capitalist exploitation.
Further, Labor Solidarity at the time prompted the construction of a resistance box to
support workers in struggle and to defend the union and social repression by the Employer
and the State. The Workers' Resistance Box is now a completely independent organization
Workers Solidarity with their own bodies and activity.


The General Assembly is the organizational base of Workers Solidarity, and is open to
participation by all affiliates and members. It makes all decisions, can not under any
circumstances be supplanted by any Board, Commission or Committee.
The General Assembly may be convened by the Union Sections Company or Office, the Trade
Union sector and even by local federations of Trade Unions.
All meetings of the management bodies of Solidarity Workers are open and the same may
attend all affiliates and members who are interested.
All the organizational structure of the Workers Solidarity, as decision making is done
from the bottom up. In the workplace affiliates and affiliates may be, if more than three,
the Union Section in the company. Sections can also be Trade Union Office or sector. All
of them are organized in the appropriate branch union. Failure to reach 25 affiliates or
affiliates in the affected branch of production will be organized in Various Trades Union.
All unions in one locality are coordinated in the Local Federation of Trade Unions,
through which organized general and common tasks.
Local federations of the different towns, counties or cities federate with each other
through the concerned Regional Confederations and these, in turn, Confederal Committee.
The entire organization meets in Congress, at least once every four years, presenting for
debate any activity, operation and lines of action, being the highest decision making
body. They participate in all Congress delegates and those delegates elected to it in the
General Assembly of the union. They may hold positions in any management authority,
provided that the decision of the majority of colleagues, unless it belonged to any
political party, as this will disable partisan activism to hold any office in the
organization, by agreement of Congress, which includes experiences in the past gotten unfair.
All charges are revocable, while seeking to be rotated provided there possibilities for this.


Everyone knows that today's society, while retaining its oppressive and exploitative
nature, varied forms of domination, incorporating all the technological advances,
psychology and sociology.
Today, exploitation is not confined to the extraction of surplus value in the workplace.
The operation continues in the neighborhoods and places of communal living, places of
entertainment, etc..
Likewise, the oppression is not confined to the front of the police repression and other
repressive state apparatus. Education, media, all possibilities of manipulation and
control, today met the role formerly fulfilled only the stick. This repression is not
confined to political and trade union rights and their use individually or collectively,
the current oppression is directed against human freedom, and affecting all facets of
life: national, cultural, opinion, sexual, etc. .
This makes the current oppression and exploitation are much less direct, more subliminal,
yet deeper and anuladoras the individual, trying to mold it to serve the existing system,
directly attacking their decision-making and responsibility.
It has never been possible to create a revolutionary alternative without their own
cultural environment. The importance of culture is now indisputable. Since the system's
attack against the working class, their exploitation and oppression, are much more
scattered and diffuse, you need to give answers militancy, and a working class as a whole,
much more educated, capable of analysis and understanding of reality and, above all with
their own criteria solidly made.
Therefore, the Workers Solidarity does not seek only grow in number of affiliates and
members, but work is needed to raise its critical level and because the maximum number
acquiring lifelong habits.


Workers Solidarity ever accepted a division between economic and political struggle
between union and social struggle, seeing in the partitioning of the struggles a way to
divide the working class and incapacitate for social revolution.
Currently have appeared different fronts of struggle that can not be ignored. The change,
revolution, should cover all aspects of individual and collective life. Here, fronts of
struggle as the anti-militarist, fascist, ecological, anti-nuclear, feminist, etc.., Daily
acquire greater consistency and relevance.
Progress is needed on a daily basis, fighting on these fronts and get it done increasingly
global and unitary, reaching its deepest sense of struggle against the system as a whole.
All overlooking a complete revolutionary change, as under capitalism there is no isolated
solutions to any problem.


Currently, the working class and social change any position are attacked by the system,
using all means at their disposal to introduce and promote the division and competition
among workers. Socially, opinion makers, primarily through radio, newspapers and
especially television, are increasingly seeking more successfully, to achieve uniformity
of thought. Thus, we find the disappearance of listening, reading or critical view of the
news and information with which we are constantly bombarded. More and more working women
and men who think, speak, do, want and desire that through these means is offered.
At work, with the invaluable help of the unions of the system, using unemployment,
insecurity in the job, layoffs, refuse contracts, the general situation of helplessness,
and so on., To keep hands and feet tied a working class submissive and domesticated.
This combination of attacks has created a state of discouragement and disappointment among
workers and workers, which has been losing organization and militancy. In short, it is
giving a major setback for the working class as a unified class about own objectives.


Faced with this situation is to restart a job to help rebuild the labor militancy and
return to working women and their confidence in their own strength, making them
participants in each and every one of their decisions.
This is not an easy road, or to be more radical than others, but achievable tasks to get
marked, every day, more workers, workers and students, while at the same time,
mobilization, and necessary response to each attacks we are receiving as a class. For this
reason, we must take the fight to the street, retrieve a space for expression and social


In all the fights always look for the maximum participation of women workers and workers
and the extension thereof, as the only way forward. Control methods have to raise them
with flexibility, assessing the balance of power and the actual situation of the company,
sector or general, that is, depending on the area in which it is made. What matters is the
maximum wear of the Employer or the State with minimum wear of the labor force trying to
get our hands on the dynamics and pace of the fight.
While total and indefinite strike is still the best weapon of the workers' struggle, his
approach today, is a utopia in most cases. Of course, in times of strike is to "go for
it", while running out due to inactivity. We must bring it to the street demonstrations,
sit-ins, rallies. Multiply the information, giving the maximum number of items to workers
and workers affected. at a time, to advertise to the outside. trying to extend the problem
and, if possible, the spread of the strike.
Other methods of struggle, as the boycott of overtime, piecework or for certain products,
absenteeism, low performance, partial strikes, intermittent or rotating should be used to
wear to employers and to prepare the favorable situation to all levels to further
Make it clear that not enough to fight a season (in the agreement, for example). The
unions and the workers' struggle is a thing of the day. Every day you have to defend,
consolidate and expand our organization and our achievements. Reduce the fight back to
specific moments ago our positions and even hinders one's ability to answer general and
specific at this time.


The workers must decide. Therefore, one of the basic axes of Workers Solidarity is the
transmission of information and the positions of the Union to each of the issues that
affect us as a class.
All workers and organized labor in the various sections Unions, Trade Union Branch or
local federations to participate in the development of the various newsletters, newspapers
or magazines of the union.
So, for years, is published by the Association Section of the newspaper Metro reverse. A
24-page publication in newspaper with regular features and information sector overall,
which includes sections to publish and make known to all workers and workers anarcho our
ideology and our history in the labor movement.
The body of the Local Federation of Madrid is THE PICKET, a tabloid newspaper, which in
recent years are orphans.
THE SOLIDARITY is the journal of the Confederation. Want to have a biannual basis, but so
far has been a year. 12 issues were published, the last two with a new design and to
include reprints monographs.
Also by agreement of the Fourth Congress being edited books considered essential to
anarcho-syndicalism at a very affordable out of print and not easy to find in bookstores
and libraries. We edited " The Militant Proletariat "by Anselmo Lorenzo," War, exile and
imprisonment of an anarcho-syndicalist "Cipriano Mera," History of Labor Movement
1900-1936 " by Francisco Olaya and " Temporary contracts and precariousness "of Jos? Luis
All publications can be purchased at the premises of the union (C / Espoz and Mina, 15, 1
left. 28012 Madrid, Metro Sol, or C / 49 2 ? Left Valderribas 28007 Madrid, Metro Pacific)
countries. You can also find them in bookstores alternatives (dealers of Dreams, The


With this document we intend to make known what is and what he wants to be Labor
Solidarity. The necessary brevity, does have to be limited to very general lines you can
find some questions unanswered. Contact with the Workers Solidarity activists can help us out.
The power elite and their faithful partners (trade unions of power), they want to get used
to working women and workers to trade unionism in which his role is reduced to pay the
price and remain passive, while others decide for them and other behind their backs.
Would have us believe that things are well and can not be otherwise. We painted the
company as a huge machine, with its operation and its own laws, independent of human will,
against which men and women are unable to change its course. From Workers Solidarity, we
aim to break these false ideas ("has always been rich and poor", "has always been that
way", etc..) Fed by the enemies of the working class. On the contrary, we believe that
this society based on injustice and inequality can and should be transformed, and this
requires the union, then:
- The union is the organization which endow a set of workers, workers and students who
volunteered to organize the defense of their interests as such and ultimately to achieve a
society without exploitation.
- The company is the set of individuals who compose it and the relationships between them.
That if they want present?rnosla as huge machine is to assume that we are just a minor
piece and so keep your hands free to impose, among a few, these laws and benefits that run
Or what is the same, you're free, you can build (or strive to build) a human society just,
equal and free, where nothing escapes the will of their constituents.
Freedom and responsibility go together. That's the choice: take responsibility or give up
freedom. If you choose the former, it is essential to evaluate the need for the
organization. The isolated individual is diminished in an important aspect of himself as
only reaches its full dimension as a member of a community from which arise the
embodiment, the exercise of freedom, individually and collectively.
The central idea is to reach Workers Solidarity that our society is free, supportive,
without exploitation or hierarchy, ultimately a libertarian society.

Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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