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woensdag 22 augustus 2012

This new legislation is contradictory!‏

Indeed it is. The Spanish migration law system is one of the worse in all
Europe. However, no many people think about the Spanish state as one of
the worse. And now with Rajoy is getting worse than worse. A pity that not
many activists are picking up in what it is happening in that Spanish

For example, until recently, undocumented people who were in detention
centres were deported back without being told about it. This means that no
date was given to them and suddenly the police (who are running the
detention centres) were going to the room, and then, the detainees were
taking to their deportation flights without previous notice. And without
giving them time to fight legally against their deportation or time to
call their close ones. And they were deported back.

Just a few weeks ago, three judges said that this was against human rights
(kind of) and now, they should be give them 72 hours notice. Time to tell
their families, friends or relatives that they are going to be deported
and to be able to say goodbye. As before they were not allowed to do so!.

As far as i know, none organisations, NGO are still allowed to visit
detainees and/or provide support to the people inside detention centres.

As far as i know, most of them are deported back without their cases been
looked at and without having any legal assistance.

Remember the case when Aznar (previous/previous prime minister) gave the
order to sedate undocumented people who were in detention centres for
having them to be put in a deportation flight and when these people (two
planes) wake up, they were in the wrong country!. Aznar tried to go ahead
with this but it was stopped (well, as far as i know).

Two/three years ago, two of these police killed someone in their
deportation flight. As it is also the police who do the deportation
escorting. Both were going to face prison and i do not remember the exact
number of money the relatives were going to get due to this. However, the
last news i got, it was that the court case had been adjourned!. So, i
have not clue what happened then. If any of you has any news about this,
it would be great to know.

On the other hand, for the last three/four months some of the general
media has tried to make the public aware of how bad the situation for the
undocumented people is.

Bron : Alegie

This new legislation is contradictory, indeed. Undocumented people are rather poorer.
No job for the most and less paied for some. Their situation will to be worse.
And that can involve or increase delinquency or prostitution rate.
Why don't they give the migrants papers? Each would like to ensure the fees on his own.

Bron : Bak

Ooops, i forgot to say that,

This new legislation starts on the 1 September 2012 and the five
communities against are: Andalucía, Cataluña, País Vasco, Asturias y
Comunidad Valenciana. Which they have said that they want to carry on to
provide free medical assistance to undocumented people.

Apparently, some other doctors associations have also said that they will
carry on treating people regardless their legal status. The only thing is
that in some of these places, people will need to have like a card to show
their identity, etc and unless they will be registered, they will not be
able to get the assistance they will need, unless they will pay.

For a few months now, a new legislation came out in Spain that has taken
away the rights of undocumented people without papers to be able to have
 free medical assistance. This also exclude pregnant women who want to
 terminate their pregnancy. Some governmental areas have said they are
 against this new legislation.

However, doctors without borders have started a campaign to say that they
 will carry on treating people regardless their legal status.

 See (article in Spanish):


Bron : Alegie

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