The emancipation of women was a reflection element of the anarchist movement in
construction met for the first international antiauthoritarian 1872. Hundred and forty
years later, while just concluded meetings of Saint-Imier, the women have been able to get
a place in the struggles and within organizations? ---- The program of meetings anarchists
Saint-Imier which took place from August 8 to 12, leaving the impression that feminism was
at the heart of the concerns of the organizers: a workshop of self-defense-only, a
conference, but more importantly, provided in the large auditorium, reported in the large
wholesale red box tables anarcha-feminist every day! But the reality was different and as
Saint-Imier in the struggle, women were significantly underrepresented in an environment
where men are almost always the front of the stage. No preparation had been made for the
tables and it was for participants to cope with the vague title. Early interventions
p?tirent lack of context. But women have decided to make the following non-mix, and
concrete proposals have gradually emerged.
Sexist practices die hard
The discussions focused on problems within meetings. Practices as macho die hard and do
not stop at the door of our movements: hubbub, cut speech, invisibility in the debates,
intimidation or simple ignorance, the words of women are struggling to be heard.
The women decided to organize to act collectively. The letter G, formed with the hand
gender, should report situations of male domination, and provocative text, read at the
meeting closing the report. Prospects have been launched for the current anarcha-feminist
create an international network through a mailing list, write a charter and organize
international meetings in the next two years. The current anarcha-feminist, was formalized
in 1992 at international meetings that took place alongside those anarchist federations.
It aims to feminize practices anarchists and anarchist wear reflections within feminism,
including family, social benefits, etc.. [ 1 ] On these points, the meetings of
Saint-Imier has been a boon for its development. It is regrettable, however, that there
has not been at the meetings, back in the mix and the debate has focused on internal
problems without addressing the merits, the issue of external claims or strategy feminist
struggles. Despite the desire for unity of women anarchists, these debates could highlight
real differences. Finally, these roundtables, even unprepared will only give sequels to
games that are not finished joint statement organizations.
Elisa (AL Toulouse)
[ 1 ] On the anarcha-feminism, see the section of the Women's Commission of the FA "The
anarcha-feminism," Refractions, No. 24, Spring 2010, p. 41 to 50.
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