These are just a few examples, for the record. The struggle for a roof inextricably
mingled in the fight for the conquest of public space plebeian, to transform the city into
a territory where emancipated against insurgent city, power and resistance are available
at present to be revolutionary momentum. ---The immediate needs and aspirations are not
limited to the essential housing, earning the battle of the first social law, they deploy
a project to enter space and land to make a living free. It is a requirement also
immediate that the right to housing. This is actually the same requirement. -- 1871,
Paris: The Paris insurgent-es of the beautiful spring of 1871 made this time one of the
most exemplary urban struggles: the reappropriation of an entire city, freeing the lives
and territory, it also the institution of popular power and non-autonomous state.
In reclaiming the space through which modern urbanization wanted too pretentiously, steal,
they showed the world and history, the city was right to claim self sister, the
socialization of urban territory. On 16 May, communard-es, overthrew the Vend?me column, a
symbol of empire, militarism and subjugation of peoples and of the triumphant bourgeoisie
and urban these achievements: the Grands Boulevards, the halls, the redraw authoritarian
neighborhoods. The people of Paris took revenge then those who wanted to reduce the city
to a center of consumption and pleasure, "city of light" for those that romantic and
unstable frightened populace.
1905-1921 Place of Anchor Kronstadt Kronstadt sailors and workers have made up the anchor
instead of the great revolutionary emotions and the heart of this community insurgent who
will turn to face Czarism, government bourgeois and socialist moderate the February
Revolution, and finally to the bureaucratic dictatorship of the Bolshevik commissioners.
Instead of the anchor was the political center. This public space released, dedicated to
grassroots democracy and direct insurgent 16,000 gathered on 1 March 1921 for a meeting
decisive. A resolution proposed by a powerful anticipation of Petropavlovsk sailors there
was passed, embodying the break with the Bolsheviks and state capitalism. Only two
officials voted against bureaucratic power. These were probably decorated by Trotsky and
the Red Army who will, a few days later, the island insurgent "third revolution" a
bloodbath reminiscent of Versailles repression.
1922, Mexico: Since 1910, the country is experiencing a series of radical and
revolutionary struggle. Between 1922 and 1923, tens of thousands of tenants lead
requisitions housing, prevent evictions, and refuse to pay their rent. In the same period
the city of Veracruz has also experienced a radical struggle based on the rent strike.
1931, Barcelona: The CNT will expand workers' struggles in a systematic intervention on
all social problems affecting the proletariat. In the city and its suburbs, while rents
increase that wages stagnate. The anarcho-syndicalist union launches a rent strike. A
Committee for Economic Defence (CDE) is formed by the CNT. She asks for a rent reduction
of 40%. Mobilization begins on 1 May 1931, it will last until the end of the year. Despite
harsh repression, numerous owners must negotiate with their tenants and are required to
reduce rents.
1932, Washington: In the month of May, 20,000 veterans and their families mostly jobless
claim their bonus veteran flowing to Washington. They settled in parks, military bases and
occupying buildings. In July, the Senate refused to pay the premium due to them, President
Hoover sent the army. Troops led by MacArthur, shoot and burn camps, stormed the buildings
occupied and forced the evacuation.
December 4, 1935, Geneva: Three groups of union building, Fobb hosted by the
anarcho-syndicalist Lucien Tronchet undertake to demolish a particularly unhealthy slums,
rue de Cornavin. Trade unionists and members of the unemployed / waitresses want to extend
this action by mobilizing against the evacuation of occupied housing unemployed and force
the government to stop L?on Nicole operations relocation of evicted tenants in buildings
unsafe public property . Fobb the committee and the unemployed / waitresses want to force
the construction of decent apartment that would work for workers / eras would relocate
properly and people expelled by the governed. The motto is: against unemployment - for
work, against evacuations - for the unemployed against the stewards - for renters. The
heart of the union fight that was everywhere in the Suisse Romande Fobb was the LAB
(League Action Building), organizing direct action association.
May-June 68: June 36 strikes were marked by massive occupation of factories and
workplaces. The struggles of May and June 68 occupations not only lead businesses and
universities, but also those of many official buildings, cultural venues. Occupations
symbolize a time of intense against power-bases and provide support to the extension of
the struggle. They mark the cycle of social struggles that extend to the end of the seventies.
Rome 1969: The spontaneous occupations begin in the summer. Despite the intervention of
the police and the evacuations of hundreds of publicly owned housing, and free long
abandoned, are occupied. In the area Celio is a committee which includes suburban
agitation occupiers and nuclei are militants. In September, 200 new apartments in a busy
district of Ostia. The aim of the movement is to build the self-organization. Its motto:
requisitioning units.
Milan, 1975: While what the traditional working class gradually abandoned the
neighborhoods of the center as the Ticinese many young occupy the old community houses
giving birth to new "red light districts".
France, 1975-1980: A long rent strike against workers / waitresses are immigrant-Maghreb
and black Africa SONACOTRA public housing agency that controls, regulates and proletarians
foreign pressure. Workers / waitresses are unwilling immigrant-constant increases and
apply self-reduction of rents.
Madrid, 15 May to 12 June 2011: The indignant are thousands invade the Puerta del Sol in
Madrid and transform the place into a public space oppositional. It is a social movement
that break open a radical challenge to the separate state institutions, the political
class and capitalism. The indignant are the Spanish state have made the occupation of
public spaces and building strength in the territory of one preferred mode of action to
force the visibility, legitimacy of the social struggle. So unfolds an independent
movement partidaires devices and strategies of conquest and occupation of state power, a
direct action movement popular.
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