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zondag 16 december 2012

(en) France, Alternative Libertair #222 - EU treaty: The unit, a battle in itself (fr)

The national demonstration on 30 September against the EU budget pact served as political 
season, bringing tens of thousands of people. The treaty was then passed by the PS and UMP 
in the National Assembly and the Senate. ---- Although the mobilization against TSCG [ 1 ] 
was initiated by dozens of organizations, the Left Front is arrogated to the success from 
the start, making the "demo M?lenchon." It is unfortunate that other signatory 
organizations, including trade unions (Solidarity, FSU and structures CGT), do not be
given the means to hear a different story and, being towed by the Left Front on that date. 
---- Need a speech antiparliamentary ---- Logical consequence: the watchword referendum 
prevailed over the rest. This is why Libertarian Alternative has not signed this appeal.

We would not call for a vote if a referendum had been granted by the government as in 
2005. But require the holding of a referendum is another logical, institutional and very 
illusory [ 2 ]. AL has called for the event by expressing total opposition to the treaty, 
the need to organize the struggle against austerity and for another company.

Consistent with its approach to anti-capitalist fronts, AL contacted anticapitalist 
organizations, signatories and non-citizen's call, to hear such words of order unity, as 
the conference's social July 11.

The Anarchist Federation (FA) has declined, not wanting to be associated in any way 
nationally. Same for the CGA, despite the presence of some activists to protest. The OCL,
OLS, No Pasaran and LO are not acknowledged. Alternative and Anti-Capitalist Left, Left 
Front members, felt that this approach would put door overhang vis-?-vis the Left Front. 
The NPA participated in a first time before not to follow, without explanation, while 
denouncing its release ownership of the date by the Left Front, evidence that there was 
much need to build another pole. We nevertheless coordinated to append our processions. 
Only PPLD Party (decay) and Moc (Movement of growth objectors) responded favorably, 
leading to a joint pamphlet "Neither austerity or stimulus for an alternative to the 
dictatorship of capital" distributed on the demo.

Obviously we are far from the expected dynamics. Besides, some problems were already 
known: the anarchist organizations are reluctant to enroll in political dynamics that they 
do not control. However, to participate in this event on other slogans that call for a 
referendum was possible and necessary, if only to express legitimate criticisms of this 
mobilization "citizen" who claimed to generate a dynamic whole front office. The other, 
the NPA still seems inclined to consider him only as an alternative pole to the Left 
Front. These difficulties at the national level does not prevent an alternative 
libertarian collectives to implement locally unitary representations anticapitalist. In 
the Lot-et-Garonne, a collective capitalist has been created by AL and the NPA. In 
Toulouse with two other courses whose Moc several common anti-capitalist news came out, 
especially around the Sanofi struggle with the desire to formalize a little more this 
unit. At Brest, AL and the NPA share a room and have released a joint leaflet retraction. 
In Montreuil, a new edition of the Fair self is in preparation. AL will multiply these 
local initiatives while continuing to solicit other organizations nationally. If the unit 
is a fight, then we will carry!

Gregory (AL Orleans) and Fanny (AL Saint-Denis)

[ 1 ] Treaty for stability, coordination and governance

[ 2 ] Especially finally, the PS had a majority on its own, without needing the votes of 
the right to vote on the treaty.

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