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maandag 3 december 2012

France, Alternative libertaire #221 - Roma: The PS expelled, but "humane" (fr)

Since Sarkozy's speech in Grenoble in 2010, the situation of Roma in Bulgaria and Romania 
has only worsened. The return to power of the PS did not change the trend.
In July and August, 2-3000 Roma were expelled es land they occupied, a figure comparable 
to last summer. Valls can boast to do as well as Gueant. Only difference, he claims to 
want to add to the strength of humanity: to expel, yes, but humanely. Supposed to express 
this balance, the interministerial circular of 26 August "on anticipating and accompanying 
the evacuation of illegal camps" is the height of hypocrisy. The scoops are available from 
the display without concrete content. Diagnosis "comprehensive and individualized" before 
evacuation is left to the discretion of the prefects that can excuse a lack of time or 
staff to fall by the wayside.

The circular states that children living in the camps should be educated "without delay 
and to ensure continuity" but further expulsions makes it very difficult one real 
education. Measures to promote employment are just a smokescreen. The immediate removal of 
a special tax is announced, then after an indeterminate period, the list of occupations 
permitted to Bulgarians and Romanians will be expanded. This does not change the 
fundamental problem, because until the end of the transitional period, in December 2013, 
and they are obliged to follow a long and dissuasive application procedure for work permits.

Humanity facade

The government is far Claims support groups yet he says want to listen. Sham consultation, 
humanity facade. Real, there is constant police harassment, brutality evictions in the 
morning, the destruction of their meager possessions, wandering in perpetuity. This 
exchange between Sarkozy and Hollande is style, not substance. This confirms the rightward 
shift of the PS, which does not fall behind the right field security, which itself runs 
after the FN. A strategy that does not justify that prejudice against Roma and reinforce 

Collective solidarity Roma Lille M?tropole, RomYvelines collective, collective Romeurop 
Nantes, collective solidarity with the Roma in Marseilles, etc.. : Everywhere solidarity 
is organized. Grouping associations, trade unions, political organizations, these groups 
claim primarily an immediate expulsion without any acceptable proposals for housing, as 
well as the immediate repeal of disposions Transitional nationals of Bulgaria and Romania. 
They are not politicians, who stigmatize outsiders to prevent the unit against their own 
policy, which will be anything but equal to our struggles. Change is always now!

Herv? (AL Marseille)

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