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zondag 6 januari 2013

(en) Brazil, Anarchist Collective Black Flag Bulletin CABN dez/2012 (pt)

Save comrades! ----- In December, ended after almost two months the strike of health 
workers, who mobilized heavily category and received the solidarity of other workers, such 
as the banking and public transport workers, as well as other movements and organizations. 
The strike was considered successful by category, who conquered much of their claims 
against the intransigent government Colombo, demonstrating the ability of the working 
class when you join and fight! 
http://www.cabn.libertar.org/?p=730 --- Day 21, announced the end of the Mayan calendar, 
the descendants of these people set in motion. Five towns in Oaxaca dawned taken by a 
silent march of Zapatista. In a brief statement, announced: "They heard? It's the sound of 
your world falling.

It is the resurfacing of our world ", and on day 31, they released a new statement:

- Day 29, were handed over the remains of Alberto "Pocho" Mechoso, a founder of the 
Uruguayan Anarchist Federation, tortured and killed by the dictatorship, and who has been 
missing for decades. A ceremony was held at the Athenaeum Cerro, who claimed the memory of 
the life and struggle of Pocho as an example for present generations.
Words in memory of Pocho: http://www.cabn.libertar.org/?p=765
Communiqu? of the Cerro Athenaeum: http://anarkismo.net/article/24576
Videos of the act: 

- In Joinville, a new rate increase was announced, following the policy of applying the 
adjustments in times of holidays and end of year, when students and workers find it more 
difficult to get together and go to the streets. The new mayor, Udo D?hler, claimed to 
have repealed the increase, but only down 10 cents, keeping the adjustment that weighs in 
the pocket of the poorest. Yet another round of fights is being built, spreads over this 
attack on workers and students with the power of people on the streets! Jan. 8, from 18h, 
a demonstration is scheduled in Flag Square.

- OX Latin American Encounter of Autonomous Popular Organizations (ELAOPA) held the 25th 
to 27th of January, in Rio Grande do Sul Programming and entries are now open for the 
page: http://elaopa.org/
Building Popular Power
To integrate the fighting!
That 2013 will be a year of organization and struggle in pursuit of socialism and freedom!
Greetings libertarian!
Anarchist Collective Black Flag

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