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maandag 4 februari 2013

(en) Canada, Ucl Collective Montreal - The main lines of Communist revolution in a French libertarian! (fr)

Commune: What is a libertarian communist revolution? nefacmtl.blogspot.com ---- The 
Information Policy Blog Local Collective of Montreal, a member of the group Libertarian 
Communist Union (UCL Sunday, February 3, 2013 ---- What is a libertarian communist 
revolution? ---- The following lines appear undoubtedly some naive (s). ---- This is the 
risk in dealing simply and in few words, complex issues that have been the subject of 
countless publications, since at least two centuries. ---- This is to make the initial 
responses (reflection, debate) questions that arise - almost never dare to make - and many 
of those who find those street protests and flags libertarians. ---- Perhaps more 
activists confirmed (s) they will also make their profit from this imaginary dialogue, 
which has no other ambition than to encourage others verbally.

(This text was written in 2002 by Claude Guillon, a French anarchist, and is taken 
directly from their website.)

What is a "revolution"?

We call a radical revolution - that is to say that attacks the roots - the economic 
system, social and political system.

In a capitalist society such as we live in a revolution will tackle the wage system, in 
which human activity is largely limited to the stress and work (production of goods), 
exploited labor for the benefit of owners and / or shareholders.

Abolish the revolution, with wage labor, money, which serves to support the abstraction of 
value (of a commodity, an hour of work, a human being ...).

Revolution runs immediately what can be described as "large" institutions, such as the 
state, the police, and possibly his army. It also disrupts the institutions of everyday 
life such as the family and the couple, where the relations of authority are organized by 
age and sex (adult authority on minor [e] s, men on women ). This upheaval is both an 
important goal of the revolutionaries, and the material effect of a period of break with 
the habits of everyday life (general strike movement difficult, occupations ...).

If some things are now easier to change than a century ago (eg separate erotic pleasure 
and procreation through contraception), other behaviors were little changed (always women 
do 70% of housework ). Reflection and struggles on these issues are part of a 
revolutionary struggle that will not stop a miracle or a big night morning.

The prospect of a revolution is not it utopian?

In other words, a revolution is possible?

It is impossible for us, and we are sure it is to bear the world as it is!

We have everything to gain from a radical change in the world and nothing to lose, because 
everything that makes us the enjoyment of our short life - meetings, discussions, love, 
shared emotions - this is now forced limited atrophied.

There will be no perfect society once and for all to live happily without conflict. It is 
in the effort, in the very movement of the revolutionary transformation of social 
relations that proves life a thousand times more exciting.

As the Russian anarchist Bakunin wrote: "I am truly free only when all human beings around 
me, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of others, far from limiting or denying 
my freedom is instead a necessary condition and confirmation. I really do not become free 
by the freedom of others, so that more men are free [add: and free women, and children 
free] around me, deeper and wider is their freedom and broader, deeper and wider my 
freedom becomes. [...] My personal liberty and freedom upheld by everyone extends to 
infinity. '

It will continue to eat well, to enlighten empty the trash, what do I know?

Spent the first days of paralysis, inevitable and necessary (to affirm the strength of the 
movement, deter potential movements of the army or the police) should be restarting some 
sectors: transport, supply, distribution water, gas, electricity. All these assets will be 
distributed free of charge.

Many other sectors will be permanently abandoned, either immediately or gradually.

Immediately: factories producing goods unnecessary (a majority of current production) or 
harmful. Gradually: an industry such as nuclear, which requires even after the cessation 
of production, monitoring and dismantling of complex activities.

We remark that the abolition of wage labor, shared by job rotation necessary for the 
functioning of society (garbage collection, eg.), And the suppression of money 
(distribution community necessities and for the rest imagination and barter on the current 
model SEL) rule very simply false issue of unemployment.

Note also that in terms of food, only the food "organic", currently reserved to wealthy 
clients, will be distributed collectively. This choice of sense depart disaster risk such 
as "mad cow disease" or GMOs.

Many practical issues are discussed and resolved in time by the people concerned, and in a 
way difficult or impossible to predict, it is vain to draw in advance a list of measures. 
However, it should be understood that revolution does not mean ownership by the population 
of the world as it is. Should be otherwise "self-management" arms factories, tax 
administration, and detention camps for undocumented ... One wonders why we spend so much 
energy to get there?

Hypothesize, for example, and to illustrate our reasoning anyway, in terms of transport, a 
way too expensive, too dangerous and also harmful to the environment (kerosene, noise) 
that the aircraft would be phased out. One can think that the concern Countdown "modern" 
travel time will be considerably extended. Because no one will care more "to Asia in ten 
days," we prefer to find people and landscapes, without a boss dictate to you the return date.

The Revolution Is not synonymous with violence?
It is not difficult to observe around us, in the family or in the street, watching 
television or reading the newspaper to see the world as it is today, capitalism being 
globalization, the legacy of colonial societies of the last century, the world is 
synonymous with the worst violence.

For example: the male domestic violence today, in a country like Spain, six times more 
victims (90 women murdered by husband or lover in 2001) that terrorism Basque separatists ETA.

The degree of violence necessary to overthrow the established order does not depend on the 
good will of the revolutionaries, but to a large extent on the reaction of the masters of 
the world. The determination industrialists, technocrats, politicians, and voters Le Pen 
to respond to a revolutionary movement, the violence they would be willing to use to 
reduce all that unpredictably determines the degree of inevitable violence of a revolution.

In a society where technically developed can be implemented in many sabotage techniques 
(including computer), which require little or no physical violence, the better chances are 
met paralyze the system with less human casualties that accidents road weekend of Easter.

Subsequently, the company revolution - the priorities to adopt health (no toxic drugs, no 
quotas hospital equipment), prevention (Sida), reducing drudgery and dangerous - reduced 
the number of "social victims" who are now paying with their lives for the operation of a 
system based on profit.

Is not it easier and more realistic to change society through reforms?

Reformism looks like a reasonable solution and "realistic."

The problem is that, alone, he never reform.

Function of historical and political reformism is not to arrive at the same results as a 
revolution, means slower or "soft". Function of reformism is to defuse the rebellion and 
to convince the victim of the capitalist system that may well develop their fate within 
the system, without changing the rules, and without depriving the reformers of their jobs.

Even if it is to achieve reforms, revolutionary strategy is most effective. Indeed, one 
can only be answered in two ways - possibly combined - a revolutionary threat: by force or 
by reformist concessions.

If a social movement limit itself, in order to be presentable on television, reasonable 
and realistic, its claims and goals, it will not escape the violence (he sends CRS) and 
may not get anything at all.

In a negotiation, power will always try to give less than what is required, and if I ask 
less than what I want, I'm not sure I get what I want.

The easiest way is to show clearly the revolutionary project, which does not preclude 
temporary benefit concessions from the state.

Take advantage of the revolution does not opt ??for "all or nothing", by giving always 
essential to later (big night), it is rather enjoy all historic occasions, all the 
struggles for reaffirm the requirement communist and libertarian regain all the freedom to 
share everything in equality.

Everything is agreed to appoint the "democratic progress" have also been granted under 
pressure from the street and barricades. Sometimes modern leaders to allude, when they 
hope that this historical deter new barricaders to stand against them. We say that such 
people have died so that we have the right to vote, which should discourage us from using 
other means of action. But of course this is a lie. Many people have actually fought and 
some died in battle, and when the French Revolution, against those who would confiscate, 
declare the end of compulsory and later against those who wanted to return to the 
monarchy. But ultimately, it is the republic which kills more workers on the barricades, 
including in 1848 and 1871, during the Paris Commune.

There are new reformist groups. They may use a vocabulary or illegal action methods 
borrowed from the revolutionary movement. They claim the right to housing, a guaranteed 
income for all, or a tax on capital movements ... They capture the generous indignation 
and the need for action to many people who do not feel attracted to revolutionary factions 
often closed and sectarian. They have no other prospect than illusory "citizen control" of 

But "democracy" is precisely the staging policy of citizen control, guaranteeing the 
morality of "capitalism with a human face", "economy regulated by law," as Jos? Bov?. 
Although they may temporarily embarrass a minister, a government or administration, they 
finally participate in the functioning of the system, which applies to neutralize them, 
integrate, digest.

The revolutionary project, that is to say, the idea of ??a revolutionary break with the 
present world and the proposed construction of another company is not a dream, in the 
sense that it would be impossible to achieve. The revolutionary project is the best way to 
be realistic, that is to say, to stick to our rebellions, our desires, our dreams, to 
refuse all too real nightmare of a world Marx had already observed that it is "bathed in 
icy water of egotistical calculation."

There are parties, leagues extreme left who call themselves communist and / or revolution. 
What separates libertarians?

Postaliniens of [1] to PC Trotskyist LCR (100% left, with real pieces left inside!) There 
is no shortage of supporters of "communism" or "revolution", provided they to be leaders 
and beneficiaries!

Anarchists, libertarian communists have remained faithful to the principle shown by the 
First International: the emancipation of the workers must be the task of the workers 

We have only to avant-garde, the schemers and bureaucrats! This is the exploited 
themselves to take matters into their hands, and everywhere now - on the site of the 
operation employed in the neighborhoods and on the streets - without waiting for the 
correct historical period ordered by the Central Committee.

Returns on the story (that of the Russian revolution, for example) are effective ways to 
verify the authenticity of feeling good today displayed by some and by others. It took 
only eight years to eliminate the Bolsheviks, for murder and put into camps, all 
opposition political Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries and anarchists. The revolt of 
the Kronstadt sailors and Makhnovist insurrection in the Ukraine were crushed in blood. 
Terror bureaucracy, which Trotsky was an essential part (the head of the political police 
and the Red Army), turned against his own supporters. Himself was executed on Stalin's 
orders in his Mexican exile. But many Trotskyists today have so much trouble that 
postaliniens to digest their past and unambiguously condemn or bullshit crimes of Lenin, 
Trotsky, and Stalin.

Today, Trotskyist LCR attempt to capture their profit sympathy for anarchist ideas they 
feel in the social movement and its manifestations. Besancenot has only the word 
"libertarian" in the mouth and explained that red flag is stained black [2] (and green, to 
dredge the Greens). But what does he say? The LCR wants to participate in "a government 
that would break with capitalism and pave the way for democratic socialism" (Revolution, 
p. 150). This is word for word the same lie that Mitterrand used in the late 70s to 
reconstruct a socialist party capable ... what we saw (it is true that the mole Trotskyist 
Jospin came to be appointed Prime Minister). Of course, everything would be different with 
the LCR! Is it safe? Besancenot read: "We do not remove money overnight (p. 180) [...] Our 
project is more ambitious: to create massive employment by reducing working time [...] (p. 
209). "However, the phase transition [old Bolshevik joke!] Towards an egalitarian society, 
the production process is still subject to the technical division of labor. There will 
still workers, employees, technicians and managers each carrying specific functions; 
income will be further identified by skills and not needed (p. 252). '

And what will happen to the impatient fuck does that have to produce for the new regime 
under the leadership of the same executives paid with the same money, all under the 
direction of light militants LCR? They send the "new jobs" militia responsible for them 
back in the skull of a sudden butts historical realism that decides central committee 
meeting when the time is ripe!

How can we trust people who, even after 80 years of reflection, justify repression future 
ahead? Their closets are filled with corpses, we do not forget. As for libertarian ideas 
and our black flags they pretend manage franchise: DOWN LEGS!

Everything would change, invent! ... It seems a superhuman task!

At least give the delirium of believers, that there would be a "god" creator manipulates 
humans like puppets and monitor since no one knows what "beyond", we must consider that 
humans are the only responsible for their life, what they accept or reject.

That does not mean that the undocumented living in Paris or landless peasants in Brazil 
are guilty of oppression they suffer, but they are men of flesh and blood who exploit and 
persecute, and not a superhuman fate, against which it is impossible or futile stand.

As the effort required to build a different future, they are huge, but - at the level of 
the entire human race - no more impressive than those that you have provided, human infant 
of a few pounds, depending on all the adults who surrounded you, to become an individual 
thinking, talking and walking on its hind legs, able to use a computer and sing a poem by 
Rimbaud ...

Think about the extraordinary field of culture, knowledge, and energy that humanity is now 
divided by religious fanaticism, colonial wars, tribal, exploitation and hunger. This 
field is only used ten percent may be, and for the sole benefit of globalized capitalism. 
It will not be difficult to "less worse"!

I'm sorry, but I do not believe it!

Nobody asks you to "believe" in the revolution, as we believe in the Devil, the aliens or 
reincarnation. It is not a distant prospect and motivating, as a kind of super-carrot 
(organic!) To suspend you before the nose.

Revolution is the collective project of the free association of free individuals who are 
beginning to change the world right now.

It is only too easy to find in the reading of a newspaper or the behavior of colleagues 
reason to retreat into the vulgar cynicism: "All idiots! ". To suffer the most, the height 
of misanthropic bitterness is so special category: blacks, immigrants, women ...

A revolutionary, "optimism of the will" is not a moral bias, it has a dynamic content and 
practical experiences the most enjoyment, and we love to make love the more we encounter 
individuals different, and we are hungry for the world's diversity, plus we check in 
action its ability to change lives, and we discover new reasons to act.

Vade Mecum II, Paris, (first version, May 2002).
[1] At PC or Attac, the postalinien (contraction of the prefix qualifier Stalinist and 
post), no longer has the sickle and not always the card, but it assumes the historical 
role of Stalin: undermine the revolution by all means.
[2] Revolution, Flammarion, 2003, p. 72.
Posted by Prole at 15:31
Labels: anarchism, self-government, libertarian communism, repression, revolt, revolutionary
No comment:
[ 1 ] At PC or Attac, the postalinien (contraction of the prefix qualifier Stalinist and 
post), no longer has the sickle and not always the card, but it assumes the historical 
role of Stalin: undermine the revolution by all means.
[ 2 ] Revolution , Flammarion, 2003, p. 72.

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