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zaterdag 2 februari 2013

(en) National Note: Coordination Brazilian Anarchist (CAB) - demystifying stereotypes and clarifying misconceptions (pt)

A bit of our conception of anarchism: demystifying stereotypes and clarifying 
misconceptions ---- In July of this year was held the 1st Congress of the Brazilian 
Anarchist Coordination (ConCAB), in the context of 10 years of building a Anarchism and 
organized specifically inserted in the struggles of our people. The Forum of Organized 
Anarchism (FAO), instance throughout this decade that brought together various 
organizations Especifists Anarchists from all over Brazil to discuss issues that allowed 
the accumulation necessary and requisite agreements for us to move forward in the task of 
building an Anarchist Organisation at National fulfill its initial function and, since 1 
CONCAB, ceased to be a forum to become a Coordination.

A new stage was thus open for militancy especifista Brazilian: provide a space for 
coordination involving nine different states of Anarchist Organizations, Federalist base 
and keep building - from concrete and practical in that it will expand its basis of 
agreements - drive greater strategic and organic to enhance social inclusion within our 
people. In this sense, are over 10 years of Anarchism rescue while current libertarian 
socialism, organized politically and socially embedded. It is the redemption of old but 
already atual?ssima maxim that says "emancipation of workers will be the workers 
themselves," but also the allied organization's historical practice of anarchism as a 
party, as the Alliance of Socialist Democracy Party and the Federalist Ala 
Anti-authoritarian of the 1st International (Bakunin, Guillaume, Malatesta, Cafiero and 
others) and also our sister Uruguayan Anarchist Federation, which remained active during 
the Uruguayan military dictatorship, maintaining social inclusion worker, student and 
organizing an apparatus armed fought the bloody regime of blood that stained our Latin 

However, our rich history that is intertwined with the history of the working class is 
often attacked or undeserved: often it is the simple ignorance or reproduction of speeches 
simplistic and reductionist, but often it is the bad faith of the prejudice and the need 
to build policy on the basis of slander, lies and self-promotion. Recently, we had the 
last contact and text that refers to "anarchists" in this way is a statement released by 
PSTU Curitiba, entitled "Our differences with the current Socialist Struggle (LS) / Other 
Octobers will come", which is analyzed stance of this group cited in the title of the note 
in the elections to the DCE UFPR and with them the Collective Breaking Walls (who owns the 
anarchist militancy Class Struggle Anarchist Collective - CALC, a member of the 
organization CAB). Regardless of what motivates this and other speeches, judge convenient 
to go public to give our position about the stereotype of the "anarchist" once again 
played at the expense of truth. So we stand nationally not to enter the fray of who is 
more revolutionary or has the true interpretation of the period in which we live, but 
because we feel a need to clarify what we consider misconceptions, inconsistencies and 

Our involvement while CAB is for a set of reasons that are usually served in materials 
such as referred to above: generalization and stereotyping of anarchism; accusation that 
we are a sect that left and we would have no responsibility, that we are anti-partisan , 
that'd be sectarian and intransigent, possessing, therefore, defamation and attack as the 
only way to build militant possible, we make alliances only with those who think the same 
as us, we possess in our history only anarcho-syndicalism as an expression and 
organizational policy and, even more, we attack any labor union, student and popular as 
being bureaucratic and unnecessary to fight. Also note that today we usually, "anarchist 
cult", would be limited in the general student sects more or less marginal and without 
actual insertion in the working class. We will give our views on everything until now 

First, we Coordination Brazilian anarchist tradition are part of a political organization 
called Especifismo. Especifismo because we defend as Anarchists of the need to organize 
ourselves politically as such. This need is expressed through a Political Organization 
Anarchist Federalist and tables, with entry criteria, militant training, endowed with a 
Minimum Programme, Strategy and Short and Long Term Goal Finalist. We are not, therefore, 
a sect. Yes we are, within the history of socialism, a party, as the Italian Errico 
Malatesta said: "We, the socialists, anarchists, exist as a separate party, such as 
program substantially constant since 1867, when Bakunin founded the Alliance, and we We 
the founders and soul of antiauthoritarian direction of 'International Workers 
Association. "Especifismo The expression is" home "in Latin America with FAU (Uruguayan 
Anarchist Federation), founded in 1956 and attended their training in old 
anarcho-syndicalist militants who organized themselves in foru (Federaci?n Obrera Regional 
Uruguay); older fighters of the Spanish Revolution; young student and labor activists in 
the country and some who lived with the remaining group of anarchists expropriators who 
performed several actions in the area of ??the River Plate.

The defender was FAU specifies the organization of Anarchism, by an organizational 
structure that organically vinculasse militants under a Declaration of Principles and 
Elements of Strategy and that could develop inside tasks pertaining to economic analysis, 
political-military training (projecting al development of an apparatus armed materialized 
and was called OPR-33 - Organizaci?n Popular Revolutionary Orientales 33) and of course, 
social insertion in the mass movement. The FAU throughout its existence (remains active 
today) played an important role in building the CNT (National Convenci?n Trabajadores), 
participating through unions or the basic direction of the entity itself, the construction 
of ROE (Student Worker Resistance) , Trend grouping that brought together much of the 
militancy and militant base class (anarchists, Marxists, Leninists, etc..) who opposed the 
direction of the PCU that was majority in the popular movement, and developed, at first by 
the MLN-T (through the Coordinadora) and then for a job himself, shares of expropriation 
of banks, abductions of bosses and figures linked to the dictatorship and support for 
popular mobilizations.

We share the CAB this tradition because it was through her that in the early 90's when the 
debate reorganization of anarchism, began the construction of Anarchists Specific 
Organizations that still work for their growth and greater inclusion. Therefore, we are 
not Anarcho-Syndicalist or Anarchist Student, why not make the defense of unions and 
student organizations anarchists, but rather the need to organize ourselves politically to 
intervene in the Labor Movement and Student. Thus, we are not opposed to the existence of 
entities 'representative', be they local, state or national, as we are not, in principle, 
contrary to the contention of the directions.

However, we can not just political calculation alleged enforceability of the class 
struggle of the dispute of the directions of the movements so that they are indeed 
revolutionary, why not bet our chips that direction (the direction) of a particular social 
movement is the result direct political group which directs. We do not deny the influence 
that this group can exercise, but do not make it a condition for the success of the 
fights. If we are in favor of a proposal combative, yes we need a Political Organization 
prepared to step in and take care of certain tasks the Popular Movements could not cope, 
do not think, however, that this organization is a Revolutionary Vanguard or direction 
because more qualified to synthesizing the desires of one class Socialism supposedly 
"scientific". Therefore, in our perception, the dispute is subject entities that have the 
ability to intervene and encourage the organization of Oppressed Classes, role these 
entities must meet, as well as the very scenario analysis Frente Social lived in each. 
Otherwise, the occupation of an entity becomes just a bureaucratic ritual that gives no 
role nor our class builds social force for a radical project.

Thus, we are not espontane?stas, thinking that the popular organization will come by 
itself. Contrary to what some say, we contribute to the strengthening of this 
organization, with modest but steady efforts, the popular movement, trade union, student 
and rural in various states of this country. We bet on the need for a political 
organization working consciously and intentionally in the development of popular 
participation and organization, be it labor, student, community etc., But always 
considering the decisive struggles, the accumulation necessary for a revolutionary sense 
that really put into question the system of capitalist domination - and the state as a key 
part of this system of domination - the Force is expressed in the Social Organization of 
the Oppressed Classes through their own organization tools, defense and attack our class 
enemies. Our design, has historically been confronted with the ideology of Statist 
Socialism, rightly believing that the destruction of the state depends on the advancement 
of the organization of the oppressed classes and the forging of a revolutionary subject 
that points in that direction.

"The old socialists spoke of building a new civilization. Durruti said we carry a new 
world in our hearts. Allude to values, a new way of life, new social relations. If history 
teaches anything it is that it does not take off, requires building a new social subject. 
And for this construction is key to active participation, transforming this subject. If no 
contact has taken with new, even if incipient social relations, this guy can not have 
other social referents which were known or which tends to reproduce. Is building social 
force and taking active participation in it that can form new embryos of civilization or 
the "new man," the other guy. Say this is the theme of how consciousness becomes, to use 
the classical language. From what has been seen by the economy itself does not transform 
consciousness. What the subject lives and daily lives as, historically, within the 
framework of certain devices, would be the main element of change of your consciousness. "

"Another historical subject not come from nothing, as not magically appear, must be the 
result of practices that internalize other issues that clash with the ruling. Effective 
participation, self-management, direct action, the federal form of operation truly 
democratic, solidarity and mutual support, require mechanisms, organizations, regular 
practices for their development. "(Document Theoretical Wellington Gallarza and Malvina 
Tavares - According theoretical FAU -FAG)

That's our goal Finalist: building a new society from a revolutionary process 
that destroys the system of domination while building and management mechanisms driving 
this new political and economic society. It follows that our defense of Popular Power, as 
a period of transition in the midst of a revolutionary process that consolidates new 
relationships, institutions and mechanisms of their own people. For this we need today, a 
Minimum Program that makes mediation between the lived reality as it is and our goal 
Finalist. In the words of fellow Italian Camillo Berneri "Politics is calculating and 
creating forces that perform the approximation of reality to the ideal system by formulas 
stirring, systematization and polarization that are stirring, compelling and logical in a 
given social and political moment. An updated anarchism, conscious of their own strength 
and combativeness of construction, and the opposing forces, realistic romantic at heart 
and the brain, full of enthusiasm and able to temporize, skillful and generous in their 
support conditional, capable, in short, to save his forces [...]. " This is for us the CAB 
Anarchism and therefore wrote this text for clarification, frank debate and political 

We are aware, as active minority, the numerous shortcomings and obstacles that we must 
face and that face. However, we are also aware of our sincerity, modesty and firmness in 
what we propose. Over those over 10 years of comings and goings and steps taken to mature 
our design, we have participated in varying degrees in several fights, constructions, 
struggles in Latin America and in the world and regardless of differences with other 
traditions of Socialism we demand respect. We are together and side by side in the fight 
for Socialism and Freedom and it does not turn aside.

Anarchists and Revolutionary Greetings!

Brazilian Coordination Anarchist (CAB)

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