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zondag 31 maart 2013

(en) Brazil, Journal of FARJ: #157 - VIOLENC: ROTTEN FRUIT OF THE STATE AND Bourgeoisie (pt)

Content --- repudiation of the murder of MST-RJ militant ---- page 2 ---- "A Manifesto" 
Flores Magon ---- page 2 ---- "Earth" Malatesta ---- page 3 ---- Libertarian News ---- 
page 4 ---- The FARJ last week published the latest issue of its journal, the Libera! --- 
The 157 issue is the result of militancy and the reflection of the organization of social 
movements in land struggle (MST and MPA), the number is entirely devoted to the problem 
that the field workers face in their daily struggle and resistance. - In addition to the 
texts of the organization, the paper presents two classic texts (Errico Malatesta and 
Ricardo Flores Magon), libertarian news for the months of January to March, as well as an 
account of which we participate and organize demonstration in front of the consulate 
Argentina (on release to prisoners / as de Bariloche).

Releases The # 157 is available physically on F?bio Luz Social Library for distribution 
and can be downloaded in PDF HERE If you want to get some for distribution, please contact 
farj@riseup.net. The Libera also meets our militancy of popular movements that are building.

We used to reinforce the cry of resistance in tribute to the two comrades who left us!

Cicero and Regina gifts!!



"Pinga sweat on hoe the land is blessed."
If on one hand the beautiful verses of the plot
2013 School of Samba States
Vila Isabel - unfortunately financed by
a company of agribusiness - Sing
importance and the effort of the worker
rural, establishing the school as a champion
Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, the second
negligence, cowardice and impunity stun
these same characters with blood
two MST, Field of Goytacazes / RJ, murdered by
explorers who finance the misery and hunger.
We put the Government on account of negligence
that claimed the lives of two more fighters
field. Not surprisingly the
mediocre at best in the Dilma Government
relation to the promotion of Agrarian Reform in
country, even lower than the performance
negligible in Fernando
Henrique. Still less did the Government
State of Rio de Janeiro and the mafia
Garotinho, which controls the municipal policy
Fields of Goytacazes city where
the brutal murders occurred.

The neglect of which we speak can be observed
in 150 000 families are camped
under black plastic, undergoing
poor housing conditions, without access
to sanitation, rural education,
roads and electricity. There are no resources
available to these farmers invest
in production, there is no access to political
as PRONAF (National Program
Strengthening Family Agriculture), not
's rural technical assistance. In this situation
abandonment, the land is only able to produce
insecurity and suffering.

Cowardice, as well characterized in shots
the back that targeted the militant assassinated
feature is the exploiters,
damn landlords, colonels century
XXI. These people, if they can
be considered as such, are used for
every means to achieve their goals:
buy the state, people buy without
character, the war between finance
the poorest and the cult of capitalism. The
These government grants all rights,
incentives and subsidies for millionaires
produce food contaminated by

According to S?rgio Sauer, Rapporteur of the Right
Human on Earth, the Territory and Power
(Platform Dhesca Brazil), "Conflicts
in the field, unfortunately, that result
the assassination of leaders and peasants,
are the result of two key factors: the
absurd concentration of land and impunity. "
Historically, actual field
Brazil is a deep concentration
of land ownership. The data of
Agricultural Census 2006 IBGE come
reaffirm this concentration: while
large landowners hold 45% of the land,
small farmers, real
providers of food, beans and rice,
occupy only 2.4% of the country's land.
The huge orders for land
can be seen through the fact that
there are at least 3.7 million
landless families in Brazil.

Impunity, as could not be otherwise,
constitutes the contribution of the judiciary
for violence in the countryside. Many
cases of unsolved crimes and responsible
untouched. To illustrate, in February this
year was acquitted a defendant accused of murder
leadership landless in Paran? -
in a trial held 10 years after
the crime was committed. Justice is not
punishes the guilty and protects either
innocent. They were not included in
witness protection program, a
couple was killed after tappers
denounce illegal logging in
Par? in 2011.

Completing the scene, in the legislative
large landholders and explorers
field is strengthened by a countertop
ruralista reactionary and corrupt. These are
scoundrels who dictate the direction of policy
Brazilian environmental and rural, there is seen
that exercised decisive role for approval
New Forest Code. The workbench
ruralista is supported even by parties
Based allied government (PT, PC do B, PMDB,

The struggle of MST militants killed
Campos was greater than the struggle for
earth. They fought against Batista, who
small farmers expelled from their
land to build their empire
tropical; against slavery, even as
This absurdly in the Fields
Goytacazes; against the sugarcane mill owners
and their jagunfos, and especially
in favor of a decent life in the field that includes
production of healthy food for

Even with all these guidelines and CLAIMS,
the Raptor's corporate press
is organized to expose the society
the lie that the deaths were the result
the movement of internal conflicts,
thus omitting the list of crimes
entire chain of violence that comes from
concentration of land ownership to the lack of
basic in the settlements and in the field.

Thus, we have no more choice but
we organized front to be offensive
capitalism and never keep quiet
while there extermination and exploitation
the working class. It's time to fight, to
build popular power in permanently
workplaces, in the slums, in
field of study spaces and all
places where there are oppressors and oppressed.
It is in the organization and rebellion against
injustice that makes a strong people because
we can not accommodate long as there
fallen comrades. For the poor and
oppressed / the world, all the time
are fighting!

We would like FARJ of these fellows,
Cicero Guedes and the Regina
Santos, could still be on our side,
but now part of the land that both
struggled to cultivate. Their bodies will be
seeds of a better society, egalitarian,
fraternal and against capital. Their stories of
fight the culture that will make these
seeds germinate. To these heroes, our
honor and our struggle. We will not rest
never until the land and the means of
production of all are!


-------------------------------------------------- -
For our dead, not a minute of silence!
A lifetime of struggle! Cicero and Regina gifts!!

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