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dinsdag 12 maart 2013

(en) Venezuela, Declaration of El Libertario on Hugo Chavez's death (ca, fr)

Nor mourning, nor party! Time for autonomy of social struggles has arrived! ---- Add up 
when a serious illness, medical decisions conditioned by short-sighted policies, and 
patient hallucinated by the government, only such an end was expected: the leader is dead, 
and then we end up with a change substantial on the Venezuelan political scene. ---- In an 
instant, what was the greatest strength of the plan is its main weakness: Ch?vez was all,
and it is no longer there, it remains only to stave off absolute fidelity to his memory 
with the obedience to its provisions succession, which highlights the weakness of a 
government that has sought to strengthen its allegedly "Socialist People" with the 
practice of a grotesque personality cult, which has become empty of its invocation soul. 
The deceased himself is primarily responsible for this outcome.

The secrecy surrounding his illness was powered by the same springs the extreme 
centralization of power, which, for lack of ideological coherence internally, leaving his
followers fend them to the legacy of the command, with a clear advantage for senior 
bureaucrats "rojo-rojitos" [dark red] and the military caste in negotiation tasks to 
ensure impunity for corruption.

As for the right-wing opposition Social Democrats and the new situation is without having
overcome the defeats of presidential elections of 7-O [7 October] and regional 16-D [16 
December], in which elections they were engaged with enormous illusions and with the offer 
of a "rich populism," promising voters to maintain and be effective in the use of 
instruments that have both patronage benefited Ch?vez. Now the opposition wants to believe 
that accommodative metastasis chance finally placed within his reach his ascension to 
political power whose ambitions and mistakes, laziness and incompetence were kept away 
from the many years, they can exert a predatory stupidity and eagerness similar to that 
bobibourgeoisie Chavez [Bolivarian bourgeoisie] practiced.

Faced with this petty and opportunistic calculations, where the equivalent Gran Polo 
Patriotic and opposition Mesa de Unidad Democr?tica, we have a serious situation in the 
country: high inflation, rising unemployment and job insecurity, devaluation money, 
terrible personal insecurity, crisis services, water and electricity, education and health 
of soils, lack of housing, public works or obsolete implementation hasty aid only 
demagogic for extreme deficiencies of the needy, and a long list that is not less disastrous.

These issues are not the central concern of both sides vying for the Silla de Miraflores 
[seat of the presidency] and the oil loot. For this reason, our collective response should 
ignore their blackmail demands from us in exchange for electoral support solutions that 
never arrive or are ridiculously incomplete.

It's time to spill the rotten political leadership and build from below, a true democracy, 
with equality, social justice and freedom. We must strengthen the widespread outrage at 
the situation we suffer the social struggles into autonomous, self-managed and extended, 
saying politicians clearly the power that we do not need them or as powerful as 
intermediaries granting us that us downstairs and united, can harvest without "white 
hands" or "red berets".

The group editor El Libertario / / ellibertario@nodo50.org

www.nodo50.org/ellibertario - www.periodicoellibertario.blogspot.com

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