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woensdag 24 april 2013

(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie - Courant Alternatif CA #229 - What's up with the "new feminism"? (fr)

We sell for several months a "new feminism" from the East via groups like Pussy Riot ... 
and especially Femen, which are located in Paris last September. Also called "pop 
feminism", this group is more "popular" as feminist collectives already existing in 
France. In fact, it is certainly more media and publicized, and its use of the female body 
for this purpose (1) has fueled countless passionate debates. However, while critical of 
FEMEN gained in virulence in recent weeks, it has expanded mode and the ideas espoused by 
their leaders, and against their confusionism, more and more voices to remind some truths 
about women's liberation. ---- The "if punkettes courageous" in the tooth of the ogre 
Putin ---- To assess the effect of these "modern feminist", we ask: who are they, what do 
they do, why and what will it follow?

The Pussy Riot appeared in Russia in 2011, belong to certain intellectual and artistic 
circles hostile to Putin, and in their ranks many students. They created a strong current 
of sympathy at the international level, after the repression that has befallen on them for 
having a "punk prayer" - including saying "Mary Mother of God, become a feminist ... and 
Putin hunting" - 21 February 2012 in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, near the 
Kremlin. Three women arrested for this act "blasphemous" - Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria 
and Ekaterina Samoutsevitch Alekhina - were sentenced on Aug. 17 to two years in prison 
camp for "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred." On appeal, Ekaterina was released 
suspended, and she immediately before the European Court of Justice to defend his comrades.

Activism Pussy Riot is part of the protest movement that has resulted in three months of 
demonstrations in Moscow and other cities, in late 2011. This movement developed after the 
announcement on 24 September by Medvedev (then President of the Russian Federation), he 
supported the candidacy of Putin (then President of the Government) in the presidential 
election in March 2012 ( 2). "At this time, explained to Maria Alekhina Inrocks, we 
realized that the country needed a punk feminist activism, bands (...) mobilizing citizens 
energies against the crooks Putinist junta and opposition rewarding Russian themes that we 
take to heart: the gender rights and other rights LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans] The 
fight against machismo, the absence of a bold political message on music and art scenes, 
and struggle against the domination of men in all areas of public discourse. "

Rejection of Russian totalitarianism and Putin - with the claim of a "democracy" on the 
Western model, and without a shadow of a report critical of capitalism. Denunciation of 
sexism and machismo - a fairly well received today in the "civilized" societies where 
"gender" are often put forward to mask low-cost class conflict message ... On such bases 
How the Pussy Riot would not they won some fame in the West (3)? Even Angela Merkel 
denounced imprisonment "disproportionate" that "is not in harmony with European government 
securities law and democracy." The media praised the "punkettes" (a much nicer and 
acceptable "punk" label) for their brilliant studies and audacity, the "status" mother 
held by some of those so young and cute women held so appealing, their proud and sly 
defense at trial, since they have not bowed their criticism of the Russian system (4). The 
Pussy Riot are more artists who have performed here a happening ... welcomed by other 
artists around the world. Madonna in concert, took the opportunity to declare themselves 
lucky to live "in a country that respects freedom of expression." As for Yoko Ono, she 
apparently tweeted: "Mr. Putin, you are a wise man, you do not need to fight against 
musicians and friends. Save room in prison for real criminals. "In short, the Russian 
feminists have received a lot of praise and support ... but if their performance was 
performed in a Catholic church in a" democratic "state, it would have provoked reactions 
of a different tone (the FEMEN have experienced after action February 12 at Our Lady of 

In truth, the ideas of Pussy Riot Little is known about it is not reported by the media 
that they are fighting against the government on behalf of their love for Russia, they 
would save Putinism. And they apparently do not challenge religion: Nadezhda, one of their 
founders, apologized for believing es for the show in the cathedral. She said her group 
wanted to express here his "disapproval of a political phenomenon in particular: the 
support of the Patriarch [Kirill I, head of the Orthodox Church] Vladimir Putin, who has 
taken an authoritarian and anti-feminist turn '( sic!). In fact, the Russian Church has 
always been a solid ally of power even under communism (5), and since the fall of the USSR 
has regained its luster. However, for the first time since the end of the post-Soviet era, 
a large section of the society the Patriarch critical functions, expressing 
"dissatisfaction that accumulates over the years against corruption prevailing in the 
church, cynicism , commodification and direct dependence of power, "says Russian 
anti-Putin activist Ilya Boutra?tskis (site of the Belgian CSF, September 16).

Moreover, Nadezhda and Ekaterina were previously engaged in Voina ("War") - a group of 
artists founded in 2008 by Nadezhda and her husband, Piotr Verzilov, which has many 
resorted to obscene provocation in his appearances. I bet that the dissemination of such 
information could tarnish somewhat the aura of "activists antigenres." Although they have 
defended the homosexual cause in both organizing in 2010, the "trial cockroaches" (they 
released insects in the corridors of the court where two members of Voina were tried for 
an art exhibition "contrary to moral "), and the following year, when" Kiss the cops 
"operation, they were thrown into police neck to kiss on the mouth to denounce the police 
reform initiated by Medvedev ... but also participated in the two actions (de) pelleted 
who introduced Voina. First the "orgy" organized and filmed in February 2008 at the 
National Museum of Biology in Moscow on "Fuck the little Medvedev", while the latter had 
been elected president of Russia; and if it were, apparently, to show that in this country 
"everyone fucks everyone" under the eyes of the President, it was rather "classical" group 
of men who enculaient the women. Then, but in the same vein, painting by Voina a 65-meter 
phallus on a drawbridge, in June 2010, just in front of the headquarters of the FSB 
(former KGB) in St. Petersburg, to "fuck with the power Russian right-wing extremist. " 
Two sodomy to use punitive necessarily so - and for women for the first. One Pussy Riot 
Tyurna, has not less qualified Voina "cool" and "very close" and she said that his group 
was "very attached" to performances like the "orgy".

The "great war" and infallible weapon "topless"

Still, the "punkettes" Russian seem to be a militant group without expansionism, 
avant-garde and militarism displayed ... which makes them much more sympathetic than the 
(leaders of) FEMEN - "thigh" in Latin, but connected breasts (their "weapons", as 
proclaimed in the title of the "documentary" that have dedicated their hagiographic 
Catherine Fourest and Nadia El Fani, which happened on March 5 France 2 [6]).

The "trick" of FEMEN is indeed conducting their actions bust naked to the attention of the 
media. Anna Hutsol, who founded the group in Kiev in 2008, considers there to have 
invented "a unique way of expressing themselves, based on creativity, courage, humor, 
efficiency, without hesitating to offend." He added: "People would not be interested in 
our message if we were not dressed this way [!]. "Femen has since spread to Ukraine in 
other countries - Brazil, Italy, Belgium and France ... in the month of September. The 
FEMEN have increased their Parisian appearances: in October, before the Department of 
Justice to protest the trial of rotating, November 18, in a demonstration of Civitas ... 
On this occasion, of course, being violently assaulted by the service order and 
fundamentalist protesters after intervening in the parade naked torso with a veil on the 
head nun, and spraying people with fire extinguishers containing the "semen of Jesus", 
they received some kindness and raised memberships. But their action at Notre Dame, 
beginning in February 2013, which aimed to acknowledge the resignation of Benedict XVI and 
the vote by the Parliament of "marriage for all", critics began to spurt, particularly in 
the political class, right and left (or Valls Delano?, outraged, spoke of "unnecessary 
provocation" and expressed their support for Catholic France against these "acts contrary 
to republican values," for example).

The fifty members Femen claims that France have a great socio-cultural homogeneity (they 
come facs, media and cultural backgrounds - some with "they," we are told, but hidden). 
The French branch was installed in late January to modern washhouse, in the Goutte d'Or, 
and noted its location in an area where many Muslims or assimilated by a delightful poster 
pinup blue-white-red live and a stroll other topless to get to know the neighborhood.

In the absence until recently of texts with the movement and its goals - Calmann-Levy has 
published FEMEN, interviews conducted by Galia Ackerman with the Ukrainians who started 
the French section - it has been reduced to e- decrypt the messages displayed on the chest 
of his troops. Or rely on the word that Inna Shevchenko, soon in France, answered 
questions Liberation, September 17, 2012 ... posing nude (which prompted the journalist to 
tell us the details usually considered little use to enjoy about, like, "She crosses her 
legs"). It considers that its image is used to sell the "pop feminism" - a "new feminism" 
resolved to "show that feminists are not only old women hidden behind their books," but 
"soldiers" (re-sic !) that leads to shock and provocs operations directed at the media. 
"We know what the media need, she declared in December Rue89. Sex, scandals, assaults: 
they must be given. Being in the newspapers, is to exist. "With FEMEN" feminism becomes 
popular with young people "- as FEMEN is concerned with gender and age, but not social class.

His claim and his arrogance have not earned the leadeure of FEMEN as congratulations, one 
suspects: his remarks on feminism "traditional" were too echoes other to present feminist 
intellectuals as remote from sex (or hysterical and hard fucked). And if I. Shevchenko 
sometimes moderates from his speech, the distrust of his group grew in feminist circles, 
we have seen with the recent publication of texts questioning often very relevant (7).

"Be beautiful and debates up! "

The FEMEN were initially criticized for their particular mode of appearance:

An appeal to the female body in accordance with prevailing standards of youth, slimming, 
beauty and firmness of the skin - a form of solicitation for the good of the cause. 
"Women, you want to do you hear? One solution: get undressed! "Concludes Mr. Chollet. In 
the apparitions of FEMEN, we are faced with body "dream" that could just as well be used 
to support an ad for soap or a depilatory cream, and whose owners seem to follow the 
precepts of the coarsest advertising marketing for sale ("techniques" being implemented 
are still in the same position, one arm raised, the other on her hip, severe look, and 
scream and struggle when there is repression ). If these modern Amazons have time enough 
to power many male and female fantasies, they therefore suggest little change in social 
roles through their correspondence with the canons of beauty (8). And policy of deliberate 
photogenic is justified in the book FEMEN, where one of the founders Ukrainian said: "Our 
girls should be sport to endure difficult trials, and good to use their bodies properly. 
To summarize, FEMEN embodies the image of a new woman: beautiful, active and totally free. 
"Anyway, want to get a" subversive speech "by using the prevailing codes of beauty can be 
a deception, intentional or not.
Such "nudity" has nothing more to do with that found in places naturists, where the sexes 
are mixed body types and ages: FEMEN have bare chest and the beach when we want a tanned 
chest. If so undress in the street constitutes a crime, their partial stripping is 
actually in line with prevailing practices in the West - in fact, they are just like a pub 
that is down from its board. Nothing subversive in it.

The message "unclear" if not suspicious, their actions are most often reduced to show 
breasts surrounded by slogans necessarily elliptical and scream like ... hysterical. Mount 
"hits" media is not enough: there is a tradition of this kind in France (9) and elsewhere, 
but, as the Mona Chollet recalls must still there behind a strong political background and 
well thought which gives them their meaning: "The permanent reduction of women to their 
bodies and their sexuality, denial of their intellectual, social invisibility of those who 
are unable to please the male gaze are cornerstones of the system patriarchal. A 
"movement" (...) claiming feminist can ignore dumbfounding. "And if the offensive 
interventions FEMEN is likely to attract young women to feminist beliefs hoping to get 
through this" advance "society, the simple excitement of modern societies for the showing 
of the body can also lead to participate in "representations" available (no need to go to 
the "American Idol" to show physical features on TV).
Centering their efforts on the media, because in such a game, no it does not win - not the 
opposite. The FEMEN have certainly broken all records in terms of "articles on feminism" 
(in their "sextr?misme" is especially "sex" which tilter the media machine) (10), but 
think you can " win them "through this translates very naive: the media treat the most 
impactful events of the time with constant care not to bore their audience, and they 
distort at will the information they transmit. In addition, make "products" for them led 
activists to calibrate their actions and political message so that they are admissible. In 
short, as Claude Guillon, "said the press is not a neutral entity or a lever without a 
master to skillfully use it enough to get his message across. And not a public service 
institution aspiring to register and confirm proper democratic will of "indignant es'." 
And use the FEMEN make their body is being tired, not only journalists (11) but also the 
public. So soon, they "will remove the bottom" to continue to be viewed, if not listened 
to and heard above?
Political issues that are behind the media craze for this group are also beginning to be 
reported: "In France, notes Mr. Chollet, it reminds the media bubble around Neither whores 
nor submissive, which was celebrated in that it allowed reinforce the stigmatization of 
Islam and the "Arab Boy". Two former activists of the association, Lubna M?liane - 
Parliamentary Assistant to the socialist deputy Malek Boutih - Lebdi and Safia, have also 
been among the first to FEMEN rallied before taking their distance. "

A society where "women have more power than men"?

As information on FEMEN arrive, however, we see that there is also much to criticize some 
of their ideological positions and their inner workings. I. Shevchenko had told Causette: 
"Our success is our courage and the message that is delivered to the world. "Charlie Hebdo 
in March 6, she announced:" We need a society where women have more power than men. "That 
is a dream.

"There are many feminisms and the kind of ideas that defend FEMEN can be dangerous," now 
believe the rushing (12). Especially because their essentialist feminism is based on 
instinct and the "nature" of women in Ukraine, they talk of rebuilding a "national image 
of femininity, maternity and beauty based on the experience of Euro-Atlantic movements of 
women "their positions are moralists (" develop the intellectual and moral qualities of 
Ukrainian women "), nationalist (" improve the image of Ukraine, country full of 
opportunities for women ") and racist (like their action in the Turkish embassy on the 
pretext that Turkish citizens are the most active sex tourists). The FEMEN say "liberate" 
other women by telling them what is right and what is wrong, and some of their actions 
brand, feel guilty and infantilize Muslim women or prostitutes. In fact, LA Woman does not 
exist, there is no need to speak for women, and they must free themselves, not imposed on 
them as a model, with the turbulent stress accuracy. He concluded: "There is no" new 
feminism "or" new woman. " Feminist trends, demands and their modes of action have 
evolved, like all political movements, but we're not starting from scratch, we have a 
story. It is a long fight, that has never stopped and will continue as long as necessary. "

Regarding the veil, France FEMEN held in March 2012, under the slogan "Rather naked in 
burqa," a "antiburqa operation" to the Eiffel Tower encouraging "France" to undress as if 
this act was necessarily liberating . Rather than assert the superiority of nudity would 
be better defend the freedom of women to dress as they wish (13) and avoid giving lessons 
neocolonialism. But, said I. Shevchenko 20 Minutes, "we will not adapt our speech to the 
ten countries where the group operates. Our message is universal "...

On the issue of prostitution, FEMEN is abolitionist. In the same issue of Charlie, I. 
Shevchenko said: "When a woman has the opportunity to be CEO of a multinational Monday and 
Tuesday prostitute because she wants, I will accept it. It is similar to the burqa: when a 
woman can get naked on Monday and Tuesday wearing a burqa because she wants, I will 
accept. "Reasoning at least curious and ironic that encourages as C. Guillon and then, 
after the "revolution of women," Femen said that appeal to his wishes, there will be 
business cheffes and prostitutes? Still, the "settlement" of prostitution is far from 
being as simple and guaranteed that ensures I. Shevchenko: "The solution is the 
criminalization of the client [because] it is he who leads the business, allowing it to 
exist. This is the Swedish model, which works very well. "It is not so obvious, especially 
because there is a big difference between people of mafia networks compel by force and the 
threat to prostitution and others who decided to quickly make a lot more money with this 
activity by going to work in factories for a pittance. These people who live there are 
fiercely opposed to a repressive law resulting in more frequent rounds of police and the 
reference to the underground, "not only because it prevents them from working, but because 
they are (a little more) hidden (a little) isolated, and therefore (a little) risk. "

Finally, authoritarian leaders FEMEN is pointed, their "manifest" (still published in this 
Charlie) announced bluntly that this group is "led by a coordinating council which 
includes the founding of the movement and its most experienced activists." As for funding 
... the money would come from the Ukrainian FEMEN Shop and donations - but tumultuous say 
it comes from business and millionaires men (as Helmut Geier and Beate Schober).

"Rediscover" rather methods of direct action of radical feminism!

The Pussy Riot and FEMEN share, we have seen, an anchor in the former Eastern bloc makes 
them aspire to the Western model of institutions and ignore the misdeeds of the dominant 
economic system in the world. They also share a critique of the Orthodox Church, but also 
a nationalist position: if Pussy Riot trying to save Russia, the Ukraine FEMEN want to 
defend against Russian influence. This partly explains why, after the imprisonment of 
three Pussy Riot, the intervention of a Ukrainian FEMEN (emblazoned on the chest a "Kill 
Kirill") against the Moscow patriarch visiting Kiev, 27 July 2012 (14).

Both groups have a more provocative intervention mode, image-based and directed mainly to 
the media, is described as "activist" (according to the Anglo-Saxon mode) rather than 
"activists" - that choice of media is justified by the desire both to spend as much as 
possible their "message" and to protect themselves from the repression.

Finally, if their actions were provocative side, their goals are reformers: they demand a 
better integration of women in society (the Ukrainian FEMEN thus called for a sex strike, 
in March 2010, to protest against the lack women in government) ... and this is where they 
meet (most?) feminist group existing at present in France. While a small militant 
generational succession (rather Parisian) is carried out there in the late 2000s about the 
struggle of women, the goal seems to be primarily to improve their place in the existing 
society by admitting their " skills "(15) which are currently neglected: we know, women 
are better than men in their education and get more degrees, but they are underpaid and 
under-represented in high political and economic functions relative thereto. The idea is 
not to create another company, radically different from the ashes of it, and rather to 
"break through the glass ceiling" through parity, termination of machismo and sexism The 
... claims brought by institutional and feminist collectives such as Beard (appeared in 
2008) or Dare feminism! (2009).

The current orientation of feminism is to a large extent to the fact that patriarchy is 
not disputed that the capitalist system is taken into account, as if it was not the other 
foundation of social organization in place ... and as if the latter can be changed without 
anyone to touch him. In truth, patriarchy and capitalism go together, fight one without 
the other can only lead to the maintenance of gender inequalities and class - with 
individual improvements for women who succeed gradually gain high levels of the hierarchy 
... because they are fighting for it but also because this development is part of the 
economic logic, despite all male reluctance, because the maintenance of economic and 
social order that price. So, rather than dredging or media rights to beg of Officers, it 
would be better "rediscover" the direct action methods of a class struggle feminism to go 
to a real social emancipation.


1. On the question, the text read with profit by Claude Guillon "What political use of 
nudity? "Published on its website Feb. 7, 2013.

2. Having since reversed its functions with those of Medvedev, Putin can now seek a fourth 
term as president in 2018 and remain in power until 2024.

3. Regarding Russia, the writer Eduard Limonov anti-Putin considers, however (L'Express, 
17 October 2012) that the lower classes were shocked by their performance in the Moscow 
cathedral this action as it created a rift with the intelligentsia and the bourgeoisie of 
the cities.

4. In a letter read to the court on August 8, Maria says in part: "The court is not just a 
grotesque and cruel farce, it is the" face "of the dialogue as it is practiced in our 
country. (...) After more than six months in a cell, I realized that the prison, it was 
Russia in miniature. (...) And I'm not afraid (...). Because you can not deprive me of 
so-called freedom. This is the only one that exists in the territory of the Russian 
Federation. My inner freedom, nobody can take it away. "

5. Metropolitan Sergius ruled in 1927 that the Church and the faithful should participate 
in the new Soviet society.

6. After seeing, C. Guillon is returned to the subject of the FEMEN March 13 with "" Saved 
by the Bell "? FEMEN, finishing "also findable on the site.

7. See especially tumultuous [ http://www.tumultueuses.com/Ha-les-FEMEN ] January 24, the 
actress and director Ovidie March 8 [ http://metrofrance.com/blog/ovidie/.. . ] 
journalist-writer Mona Chollet March 12 (on the site of the World diplomatic "FEMEN 
everywhere, nowhere feminism").

8. To counter the criticism, FEMEN have released photos of some of their members who 
deviate from these guns, and I. Shevchenko claimed on France TV info that their 
"overweight women (...) can not participate because they do not have the fitness required" 
for their actions. The problem is that these "overweight" have not been used recently to 
one of Inrockuptibles, and we will probably never do either in "Obsession" mode and 
supplement consumption Nouvel Observateur which other recruits asked last September.

9. Hubertine Anclert reversing the municipal polls in 1910, the MLF activists dangling 
from soft calf in anti-abortion rallies in the 1970s, or the actions of ACT UP in its 
fight against AIDS.

10. In the first article on the FEMEN by Rue89, we just saw a picture of one of their 
activists in front of the house DSK, topless, with three paragraphs to accompany the 
image. But this article has apparently received 69,500 visits.

11. Marianne March 14 headlined: "Why are they FEMEN already outdated? "

12. This group of non-mixed radical feminists, established in 2008, is defined as 
anti-racist and anti-capitalist. He denounces the use of feminist and LGBT struggles to 
such Islamophobic racist purposes, and organized action naked torso in Paris pools against 
the control of women's bodies by patriarchy and the dominant standards of beauty and 

13. Like the Slutwalks these "Marches sluts" held in Toronto on April 3, 2011, in response 
to the explanation or justification of rape by the appearance of a woman - and therefore 
to recall the law women to control their bodies.

14. I. Shevchenko, who was arrested three times in Ukraine, meanwhile fled to France after 
sawing a cross in the square of Kiev, August 17, 2012, the day the verdict was rendered 
for the Pussy Riot.

15. An argument that is commonly found in the leaflets distributed at the International 
Women's Day: "How can society progress by passing skills of half the population? "As if 
the increasing integration of women in management positions was certainly a sign of 
progress in social equality.

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