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woensdag 1 mei 2013

(en) Anarchist Collective Zumbi dos Palmares CAZP - CAB - May 1: Resistance and Struggle! (pt)

The origin of May Day dates back to the labor struggles of the nineteenth century, more 
specifically in the United States, where 80 years of that century unfolded a large joint 
in different regions to fight for the eight-hour work. At that time and long after, were 
common journeys that exceeded 15h daily. ---- This was therefore a milestone in the battle 
between capital and labor: Those who produce the wealth of the world fighting against 
those who appropriate your product, the fight for the greater part of the day was not the 
employer but the employee, a step in the struggle for a new society. The motto was "eight 
hours work, eight hours for recreation and eight hours of rest." Today we know that if 
society were organized according to principles of libertarian socialism and everyone 
worked, we would need to devote far less than 8h daily work.

Accordingly, the date was set for May 1, 1886 as the deadline for employers to grant a new 
workday claimed. So, at that date began an immense strike movement, which has expanded to 
several cities in the U.S., particularly in the industrial city of Chicago. There was a 
strong presence of anarchist militancy, he was actively involved with the organization of 
this and other struggles.

In the following days, there were several clashes with the police, which resulted in some 
protesters killed and arrested. When, on 4 May, police tried to stop a peaceful 
demonstration to the disproportionate use of brute force, there was an explosion in the 
columns of repression and about seven policemen were killed and 70 were injured. To date 
not confirmed for the attack, but there is strong evidence indicating that it was the very 
reaction that implanted the pump in their ranks to publicly justify what followed: 
Immediately, a massacre in which nearly 100 workers were killed and a brutal crackdown 
with arrests of people, many of them without any involvement with the labor movement. 
These people were brutally tortured before giving them any participation in movements 

The most prominent activists, most of whom were German immigrants and anarchists, were 
directly accountable, and most were not even on site the day of the attack. Surely, were 
direct employees of mobilisations and struggles of the working class in the country they 
lived in, but had nothing to do with the explosion. Prominent among these are: Neebe, who 
was sentenced to 15 years in prison; Scheab and Fielden, who had the sentence reduced to 
life imprisonment after much demonstration; Lingg, who committed suicide in prison, and 
Spies, Parsons, Fischer and Engel, hanged. Afterwards, was officially recognized their 
innocence and who were still prisoners were released. Before that, the story had already 
caused international uproar across the union movement worldwide.

The May 1 then passes to various movements for workers as a symbol of class struggle. It 
is remembered every year with demonstrations in several locations. Turned the labor day, 
being recognized by the Second International (the international social democratic parties 
and the ends). Later, the ruling class and their governments are to adopt it as a national 
holiday in many countries, as a way to co-opt the labor movement and to appropriate the 
story changing, as are the calls work day and no more day worker.
This step marked the history of resistance of the oppressed people should always be 
considered in respect to all who died on the way in the search for a new society, but 
above all so that we can reflect on their examples in the continuation of that battle in 
our time.

We anarchists have always been present in the fight pear building a new society, which for 
us has to be guided by equality and freedom. Like the Chicago anarchists, anarchist 
movement was responsible for the development of a unionism in Brazil, we call 
revolutionary unionism of intent. This united to fight for improvements in social 
conditions of workers with more immediate struggle for social transformation, well 
entrenched throughout the class period. The expression of this type of unionism was 
striking the late nineteenth century until the 30s of the twentieth century, not only in 
Brazil, as in other countries. Were marks that time the Brazilian Workers' Confederation 
(COB) and the Workers Federation Alagoana, part of this process and hegemonic influential 
workers in their times. The dominant political force was the anarchists who allies 
shoulder to shoulder with other classmates, built several fights. Worked as an active 
minority, were in class, were inserted in it, and by no means at the forefront, driving 
them authoritatively.

Today we live in times of great demobilization, and ideas as the revolutionary unionism of 
intent are no longer hegemonic in our society. In large part, the unions are bureaucratic 
and linked to the boss and their governments. However, never forget that the majority of 
humanity potentially hold within the spirit of their own liberation. We, the oppressed 
will always be the majority of mankind as the last social class system and the profound 
inequality it.

We anarchists campaigned incessantly for the awakening of civil unrest. For this revolt is 
organized, self-managed and has a clear goal: libertarian socialism. Much remains to be 
done and we can not be sure of victory.

The workers' struggle is also part of the struggle of oppressed them and also we operate. 
The reorganization of the labor movement has to leave the workplace: a more devious it may 
be, the worker has to be the protagonist of the process. The unions are greater than its 
direction, but to get it they have a combative nature and may go beyond the immediate, the 
key is to bring the whole class to fight not just change direction. Good union boards will 
result in a strong movement and ability to build the fight and not just run it.

We Anarchist Collective Zumbi dos Palmares (CAZP), along with the Brazilian Anarchist 
Coordination (CAB), are inserted in the union struggle and built in various locations, 
with great humility, knowing how to build and lack craving redemption unionism of intent 
revolutionary. Belong to the tradition of the anarchist struggle of the martyrs of Chicago 
to the present day.
Neebe, Spies, Parsons, Fischer, Engel, Scheab, Fielden, Lingg and all other 
comrades who fell by the way

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