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vrijdag 3 mei 2013

(en) Brazil, Speeches of Gaucha Anarchist Federation FAG in the act of May 1 Accession of FAU and FAU to our act of 1st May (pt, ca)

FAG FOR SPEECH ACT OF MAY 1 THE FAU ---- On behalf of Gaucha Anarchist Federation, a 
member organization of the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination want to welcome this act by 
May 1st. A day of fighting. A day of remembrance. A date that is directly related to the 
influence of our libertarian ideology in the struggle of the workers. The origins of May 1 
are connected with the proposal of organized workers in the International Workers 
Association (IWA) to declare a day of struggle for the eight-hour workday. ---- AIT being 
the driving workers' struggles in this period, it is important to note that in our 
continent was the International anti authoritarian that had greater influence in the labor 
movement. After the Hague Congress of the 1st International where we separate the two 
concepts (the federalist and statist) amid strong controversy, is the current libertarian 
(anarchist) that will drive the continued international.

It was in 1872 in Saint Imier, Switzerland, Bakunin and the Federalists were founded the 
International Anti later known as authoritarian.

Was facing adverse situations and acting over a long period in hiding that the 
International was developing proposals and activities that keep direct correspondence with 
the practices of that period. The tactic of "revolutionary gymnastics", which included the 
achievements of strikes always aiming to accumulate forces for a general strike, these 
tactics were discussed in Congress of the IWA, 1866, will be carried out by the 
federalists in many countries which are prevalent in organization of the nascent working 
class, such as Brazil, where the strategy advocated by Bakunin and his companions to act 
in the labor movement, revolutionary syndicalism, succeeded a great success. Despite 
having been driven as an anarchist strategy, manifested itself as a work of the entire 
working class rallied around the unions and decided and decided to take it upon himself to 
change the world. It was revolutionary syndicalism in Brazil boosted general strikes in 
1917 to direct action, independence and class solidarity.

It is in this context that will go down in history 1st May as an international day of 
struggle of workers due to the tragic events surrounding the general strike for 08 hours 
of work in the city of Chicago, USA, in 1886, ends with a tremendous repression, resulting 
in numerous deaths and injuries by Chicago police, and the imprisonment of 10 anarchists, 
which 7 are condemned to the death penalty, life imprisonment and 2 to 1-15 years in 
prison, going down in history as martyrs Chicago

Historical rights won by the workers before the easing

The years following the period of general strikes in Brazil driven by revolutionary 
syndicalism of the twentieth century were marked by the Estado Novo dictatorship with 
President Get?lio Vargas applying a control and repression of the workers' organizations 
and draws on fascism. At the same time, it created the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), 
where a series of rights that had been claimed in previous decades were eventually 

The CLT was published in 1943 and throughout the 90s, in the heyday of neoliberalism 
during the tenure of former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, there have been a number 
of attempts to reform the labor laws, however, were unsuccessful because of political 
opposition made at the time mainly by the PT and also the resistance of the workers.

However, in November 2011, the Metalworkers Union of S?o Bernardo do Campo / SP, the same 
union that has designed Lula, the government presented a proposal for a flexible labor 
laws. The purpose of this proposal call Special Collective Agreement (ECA) is to 
nationalize and extend to the whole of the working class trading experience in this region 
of ABC, ie agreements that allowed employers to reduce wages and rights.

Are agreements that allow the negotiated prevail over legislated, ie, makes room only for 
the withdrawal of rights, since to negotiate more rights and achievements beyond what is 
already provided for in law there is no need to make any new legislation .

Thus, it is guaranteed to employers the reassurance that such agreements - made ?? 
separately by company, demoting rights and fragmenting some more struggles of the working 
class - can not be legally challenged. In other words, if the employee felt the injured 
from the approval of the agreement, if the bill become law, no good report nor recourse to 
the judiciary.

The evil of the proposed Special Collective Agreement faces resistance combative labor 
movement that seeks to recover and overcome fragmentation with acts in unity. Here we take 
as an example the recent national mobilizations that precede this May 1 around common 
agendas that touch all the oppressed classes in the country.

The Workers Party as a preservative of the structure of domination

In Brazil, the 10th anniversary of the Workers Party as the ruling elite retained an 
economic base based on exports of agricultural and mineral commodities, agribusiness and 
large IT infrastructure projects and energy under the leadership of large transnational 
economic and financial groups. The Brazilian government over the last decade BNDES 
financed with money from the expansion of Brazilian TNCs producing oligopolies that 
control the country's economy.

The recent events in the national trigger not only a political choice that made the PT, 
but also the limits and constraints of being part of the structure of the state where he 
ends up reproducing the logic of the system of domination. The recent appointments of 
Maggi, caucus member and largest grower of soybeans in the world individual to the 
commission of Environment and Marco Feliciano, pastor of the evangelical bench member for 
the Commission on Human Rights demonstrations that are worth any alliance in the name of 

The seat taken by conservative and reactionary forces in two committees historically 
hegemonizadas by progressive forces, which now reveals first are political
agreements-election. The appointment of Marco Feliciano is also related to the formation 
of political alliances in order to support the seams-government election in 2014.

As a backdrop to these recent events the situation is also the consolidation of private 
interests that cross the mega-projects of the Initiative for Integration of Regional 
Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA) attacking the environment and the rights of 
indigenous peoples, Maroons, peasants, and others .

The fight for public transport as test power of the oppressed city

Every year in different cities of our country we are attacked in the first few months by 
the employer transport together with the public with outrageous price increases in bus 
fares. The poor transportation involving buses in bad shape (without the necessary 
adaptations for disabled), delayed and overcrowded lines, a system of overexploitation 
sector workers combined with a exorbitant fare, are part of a series of slights imposed by 
the Up the workers and oppressed from north to south of the country.

This scandalous situation has led especially the youth to mobilize and take to the streets 
against the increases, the free pass student and unemployed and another transport model, 
which is 100% public. Already going over a decade where many Brazilian cities began to be 
literally shaken by struggles against rising bus fares and the free pass for students and 
the unemployed, as was the case of Salvador (2003), Florian?polis (2004, 2005) , among 
many others.

This year it was the turn of Porto Alegre stand against the increase in the rate of 
transport and against the poor condition of public transport. After years of small acts 
with little effect but a lot of dedication and patience militant, had last month massive 
acts against the fare increase, reaching its apex to gather more than 10,000 people in an 
act and a few days after more than 5000 people in an act under a heavy rain.

A memorable journey of struggles that took place in a time where the government showed 
itself intransigent, claiming the impossibility of reducing the rate while the corporate 
media played a role of ideological agent of the government and the employer's transport, 
criminalizing and ridiculing the movement.

The unit of various sectors of the left, without sectarianism, around the block Struggle 
for Public Transport and sectors libertarians and combative in front Autonomous been 
accumulating act by act, leafleting in leafleting, meetings meetings since the beginning 
of the year. The strength of the streets, the willingness to fight radicalized 
demonstrated in several sectors of the youth and also the road workers who have joined the 
fight made the righteousness acatasse an injunction forcing the withdrawal of the 
increase. An important victory under in a moment marked by capitulation, by the absence of 
direct action and popular struggle autonomously. A victory that takes shape much larger 
than the reduction rate and opens the way for a new style in social struggles, rejecting 
personalism "enlightened leaders and organizations" who speak and negotiate the default 

With the win part of the movement to employer transport, hitherto silent, stepped in 
seeking to overturn the ruling. While not able to reverse the court decision precarizam 
further transport by decreasing the number of lines and causing people to spend even more 
time in queues and having to endure even more crowded bus. Daily crimes of a class! Crimes 
as "subtle and refined" as their "customs" and homes and therefore not worthy of being in 
the headlines gaping corporate media.

The corporate media since the beginning of voraciously attacked the fight against the fare 
increase, began to change the discourse so turned massive fight. So cynical now "claim" 
the legitimacy of the struggle while working every day to sow discord and divide it, 
especially from the isolation and criminalization of the most militant sectors.

This same media has assumed the role of indiscreet agent of repression, ostensibly 
identifying and reproducing images of comrades who practiced direct action acts on (while 
silenced on the police repression that many seriously injured companions, in addition to 
the numerous scandals involving the mafia transport ) to require them to be summoned and 
convicted in court. There are already dozens of summoned companions and many are already 
reports of fellows who have received threats through the streets of undercover agents.

The role of the corporate media as an agent of this ideological domination system that is 
capitalism is nothing new for the organization and struggle from below. A good example is 
resuming the heroic struggle of the workers of Chicago by the reduction of the working day 
and the tragedy that followed, more than a hundred dead and wounded comrades, and the 
arrest and subsequent execution of anarchist comrades who became known as "the Chicago 
martyrs. "

Amid the witch hunts that occurred after the crackdown on the Chicago strike, the 
corporate media of the time exposed his hatred foamy struggle and workers' organization. 
Claimed the Chicago Times "The arrest and forced labor are the only proper solution to the 
social question", since the New York Tribune went beyond "These brutes [the workers] only 
understand force, a force that can remember for generations ... ". As in episodes of 
Chicago, we have still the mainstream media occupying a role as an agent of ideological 
domination system, forming consensus, conspiring, fragmenting and criminalizing the 
struggle and organization from below, which requires face this enemy with the same force 
we face the employer and individual governments shift.

Thus we reinforce our attitude, the agenda of public transport is not a police matter, 
the social question is urgent and necessary that accused can only be resolved by political 
decision. And to enforce their demands the people can not trust their interests to the 
bureaucratic power of conspiracies cabinet and decisions made ??behind closed doors 
between political elites and dominant economic groups. The grassroots democracy is a 
social mechanism that is in politics for meetings, marches by, distinct forms of struggle 
and grassroots organization of popular sectors.

We are united with the Block Fights in defense of the collective model trasport 100% 
public, which settles to the profit of the bosses in the exploration of our rights, civil 
liberties access and mobility of all the people of the city. A model public 
transportation, along with the strengthening of trade union opposition road against scabs 
and control and surveillance of the popular sectors form a social project that requires 
long Peleias the way. For anarchists FAG, the public model is a framework for accumulating 
forces of change, advancing rights and obtain better services by default the control of 
private capital. Struggle to empower the people and do not accommodate the bureaucratic 
structures of power that usurps the collective strength in public law, but in particular 

Salute to Column 30 years of Cerro-Teja

It is with great satisfaction and joy that today we join the celebrations of the 30th 
anniversary of this column Cerro Teja-May 1. Important milestone in the left classist and 
combative eastern Column has remained steady over these 30 years and maintaining a culture 
of strong class organization and struggle that is present both in the history of these 

Claim with affection and admiration for the great example of "slums" promoted by the 
workers of the meat in Cerro, the spirit classist, combative and intransigence towards the 
executioners so well expressed in the slogan of "Carneros ni, ni milicos" agitating 
workers of refrigerators and residents of these neighborhoods. The 38th parallel during 
the strike in solidarity of unions, the persistent resistance against the "pachecato" and 
later the civil-military dictatorship, occupation ANCAP during the heroic general strike 
against the coup gorilla now completed 40 years of impunity.

For us it is always a great joy to witness the maintenance of a class culture, 
organization and struggle in these neighborhoods ones that were the scene of historical 
struggles of our class. We are sure that the column-Cerro Teja has been a major factor to 
keep alive a memory of struggle from below in Uruguay, as well as organizing and animating 
sectors classist and combative willing to fight without lameness.

Therefore salute all comrades who take to the streets today to add to this important column.

In memory of the martyrs of the meat industry: Companions Spala, Mu?oz, Motta and Paleo gifts!

Viva the 38th parallel and strikes by unions in solidarity!

Viva general strike against the coup gorilla!

40 years of impunity: justice and punishment to the guilty!

In memory of Alberto "Pocho" Mechoso, social fighter Cerro disappeared by genocidal 
Operation Condor and recently found.

Viva Column Cerro-Teja!

Arriba them that Luchan carajo!

Gaucha Anarchist Federation


Salu Fellows of the FAG.

We present In this medium to say from Uruguay, from the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation sister.

And be the 10th this there, but with the loving brotherhood and our of materiality That 
organizations have enjoyed almost 20 years, and That it had enjoyed in the days That come 
in Struggles in the construction step That we will giving also today with the CAB.

This closes the brings moments of deep reflection. Now it comes to Acts That libertarian 
times come the memories them all. Because Those episodes from combat and delivery but 100 
years ago until today in hemostatic Renounced them anarchists Following the fight, no 
delivery, guided by dreams and desires pasionarios, Freedom.

Now change has Exchanged system has undergone changes of various kinds, has used 
modernization to its end to strengthen their play, has changed their speeches, but always 
has maintained its hard core firm. The strength of their ideology death, destruction, 
oppression and exploitation.

We Called them anarchists, to the height these times of history, watching not Stop These 
modifications. Pursuit to give them ways That Charges That it joint a system accumulates 
wealth and power in one sense for them cliff beneficial. That is those top 1% of the 
Mankind accumulating and 99% of the wealth.

We Called to be also Struggles inserts for this long. And this is an idea shared with 
colleagues but the FAG. Give them since Acts dynamic fight and since it everyday our 
popular organizations: trade unions, peasant organizations, Barriales, scavengers, 
cultural, student assemblies against the shipping rate. There is a theory since detached 
from the world, That separate our struggle everyday give it resistance. Not a coffee since 
come our thoughts and proposals. On the contrary come and be coming Following them since 
social movements.

It is then that Within the 10th That resistance exists and must practice creative forces, 
carrying something new. Must be traversed by Solidarity, Independence of Class, Direct 
Action and Direct Democracy. Because our commitment is not easy to it, not modify 
reproducing the existing it practicing. Our proposal for this integrated antagonoicas 
forces to prune offer: from resisting assemblies, demonstrations, and action all that can 
give this murderous beast pursed That is capitalism.

We then let a big hug: At our brotherhood FAG deep, heavy past and future That entails 

With the memory felt the ones in the companions who accompany and Pocho as Mechoso, 
Gerardo Gatti, Santa on Romero, Elena Quinteros, the Gaucho Idyll, Fair Pilo, but brothers 
and many have Given That It better their lives to give the best their love to his equals 
below, and increased delivery, wrestling, and fighting them powerful.

Why the Socialism and Freedom.

Not dead who Fight!.

That struggle up them!.

Uruguayan Anarchist Federation

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