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zaterdag 1 juni 2013

(en) Southern Africa, Newsletter of the Tokologo anarchist collective Issue #1* May 2013 - Contents + Experiences that Bring Up the Hidden Wounds By BONGI MOTAHANE

Contents: ---- Experiences That Bring Up The Hidden Wounds ? The ?Brand Mandela? 
Steamtrain Rolls On ? The System Of Voting For Leaders Is Killing Us ? Evictions And The 
Struggles In The Townships ? Nationalist Politics Does Not Work For The Working Class ? 
Eskom?s Tariff Hikes Cannot Be Avoided ? I-ANC Ikhumula Isifihla Buso Sayo! Kubulewe 
Abasebenzi! ? ANC E Latlhile Seaparwelwa Khemo Sa Sone! Ba Bolaile Babereki!--Experiences 
that Bring Up the Hidden Wounds By BONGI MOTAHANE ---- On 22 August 2012, communities from 
in, and out, of Gauteng had a meeting at Khanya College, Johannesburg, on the Marikana 
massacre. More than half of the 50 people who participated, most of the delegates, came 
from the mine areas affected by the situation in the North West Province. The Marikana 
issue is unhealthy and painful, and it brings up experiences that reveal the hidden wounds 
of apartheid.

In solidarity and support with the working class
community of Marikana, the communities present,
together with the mine workers, felt it was important
to have a memorial day for the Marikana massacre in
the spirit of going forward. The mobilization should
be international and spread the word about Marikana
in our communities, because what had happened in
Marikana can still happen in any of our communities.
There should also be a memorial wall to write some
the messages about the late comrades.

The conditions of the mining communities are so
bad that even the state builds the RDP houses for the
poor near the waste from the mines. The air quality
is harmful to all the people; lots of people are sick
with TB, cancer and eye problems. Older people have
difficulties in having normal children, because of
radiation, that is harmful.

The participants coming from the mining areas want a
different world as the working class and poor get low
wages for selling their labour power to the capitalists,
and their communities don`t benefit from them going

But what they get when trying to demand back what
they produce is police brutality!

Overall, the meeting laid a strong foundation:
communities are going to protest, and spread the
issues, and there is an important role for civil society.
All communities that attended the meeting promised
to support a forthcoming protest march at Merafong
to the Chamber of Mines on the 24 August 2012. This
is in solidarity with th ecommunity of Marikana at the
Lonmin Mine.

* http://zabnew.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/tokologo-newsletter-1.pdf

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