Content ---- PAGE 3 EDITORIAL ---- ANTI-NUCLEAR ---- PAGE 4 From camp Montabot / May 2013 --- PAGE 5 Repression of anti THT fight --- PAGE 6 Bure: the revival of anti-nuclear struggles? ---- RESISTANCE TO GREAT WORK HARMFUL ---- PAGE 8 Alternatives to the airport: it grows! ---- PAGE 10 On Nice-Notre-Dame-des-Landes ---- PAGE 11 The Basque country struggles against the TGV ---- FAR LEFT / fascism ---- PAGE 12 Thus forehead, brow, forehead ---- PAGE 14 Brief overview of the anti-fascist mobilization in Paris ---- PAGE 15 Fascism and anti-fascism ---- IMMIGRATION ---- PAGE 16 PS roundup little world in turmoil ---- FILE: PROSTITUTION ---- PAGE 17 A little history ---- PAGE 20 With prostitutes, against repression and insecurity ---- PAGE 26 BIG BROTHER ---- JUSTICE ---- PAGE 28 Despite speech Taubira, legal environment remains safe INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL PAGE 30 Germany: Ten Years of the Hartz reform PAGE 31 Italy: A Grillo who loses the ouri?res earning! PAGE 32 Cyprus: the future of Europe? (Part 2) PAGE 35 Cyprus: The middle classes in turmoil PAGE 37 Economic News NEWS PAGE 38 NATIONAL MEETING PAGE 40 Editorial Beginning with our common, let's take what is ours! Restructuring of capitalism is growing, with dramatic consequences. The middle class, with blurred, pays dearly for restructuring. She opts more for the defense of its privileges in an alliance with the bourgeoisie against the poor. If the top is doing pretty well overall, its lower fringes taking the brunt of the crisis, is mobilizing for some of them, in the defense of the social conquests and Welfare (health, education ... ). Another part seems to express his frustration, exasperation and fear under the pretext of so-called societal issues (homophobia against marriage for all ... background of xenophobia, racism, hatred of the poor, assisted, officials, weak ...) . The gradual and continuous disappearance of organized labor (even in its reformist version, but who wanted to "class") in Western Europe over the past thirty years, the breakdown and the extreme fragmentation of what constituted the working world, are factors dissipation issues of class. The immediate struggles of resistance to exploitation and political project of a new world that would abolish it tend to disappear. More ... " The capitalist system can no longer hide the consequences of the crisis in which he choked and paralyzed. The rapid destruction of the environment and the global economic crisis mean the same thing for all the poor and oppressed around the world :. disaster year after year, the unemployment rate increased against any statistical manipulation, some are marginalized by being declared "unemployable", while the vast majority of those who are able to find a job are condemned to the precarious work. youth and women, more than any other, the first to live in poverty, even if they work hard. Basic social rights such as education, access to health care and housing are attacked one by one : we can enjoy it as long as we can pay the consequences of global economic inequality forcing millions of people to migrate, either directly - by hunger and deterritorialization - or indirectly, by conflicts and wars.. Those who line the armored doors of the civilized world, the victims of discrimination and racism permanent, can exist only as cheap labor easily usable, and be drawn into the lives more miserable than the poorest their new homeland. And in response to the global crisis, the current authorities ask more. Businesses and governments have turned the crisis into an opportunity and attack anything that was hard-earned by hundreds of years of struggle. Thus the capital trying to get hold of urban spaces and our daily lives that we all produce in common, the rural areas that we owe our existence, their water supply, and even the seeds that are living , the rights we have torn by decades of social struggles;. of ideas and goods we produce in common, and even our genes The present time can only mean disaster for us Less work, more. hours of work and family institutions sanctified stifling domestic spaces, calls war everywhere and statements shamelessly talking of democracy being preempted water, endless projects for power plants evacuated whole, alienating urban transformations, neighborhoods force, education and health services commercialized, schools training the next generation of force precarious work of higher education where the capitalist forces and power games are openly institutions; public places monitored by hundreds of cameras and security devices, disconnected cities and neighborhoods soulless In two words:.. loss of what is common (...) For us, the urgent need of the hour is to create and increase opposition spaces and solidarity to break with this impotence and fragmentation. To make possible a series of joints on several levels, ranging from the practical necessities of daily life to more abstract political analysis. We know that we will be able to break waves that attack us, dispel the effects of disintegration caused to us by neo-liberalism, insofar as we are able to create and expand the common areas. " This statement produced by the participants in the movement and social struggles underway in Turkey, we can make our own. Cut trees in a park, increased rates of public transport were sparks to put hundreds of thousands of people in the street in Turkey and Brazil. But soon it spilled over a challenge to the capitalist system. While most Conservatives are trying to divert the movement towards nationalism ... Here as elsewhere, resume what belongs to us. A revolution needs to be done! OCL Reims Warning: the next issue published in early October.
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vrijdag 12 juli 2013
(en) Organisation Communiste Libertarie - Courant alternatif CA #232 - Content + Editorial (fr)
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