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zondag 14 juli 2013

(en) US, There Is No Justice For Trayvon Martin Under This System by First of May Anarchist Alliance

There is only one way to achieve any justice for Trayvon Martin and the thousands of other 
young, African-American men and women who have been profiled, attacked or killed because 
they were walking or driving while Black, and that is to resist, to rise up, and to 
rebel... If we want justice for Trayvon Martin and if we want to confront racism, racial 
profiling and the wholesale attacks on young African-Americans and people of color, then 
we must bring it. There is no justice for Trayvon Martin under this system. Be prepared. 
What we have to say, all of us is: Justice is coming and we are all bringing it. ---- 
George Zimmerman, the stalker with a loaded gun, killed Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old 
African-American youth who was unarmed and minding his own business. Trayvon Martin is in 
his grave; Zimmerman is on trial for the murder. There will be no justice for Trayvon Martin.

The capitalist media and the attorneys seem to be saying that the only issue at trial is 
who was screaming for help and if George Zimmerman felt he was facing bodily harm. The 
media and the attorneys say that if Zimmerman was crying for help and if Trayvon Martin 
was hitting him, if Trayvon was on top, then Zimmerman had the right to kill Trayvon 
Martin because it was self-defense or because Zimmerman was ?standing his ground.? This is 
total bullshit.

Zimmerman was the stalker, the bully, the attacker, the racial profiler. Zimmerman in his 
SUV with his loaded gun and his delusions of being cop in training saw a young 
African-American man wearing a hoodie and walking through the neighborhood. Zimmerman in 
his SUV followed Trayvon Martin and called the police on Trayvon Martin. The police told 
Zimmerman to stop following the young man. Zimmerman ignored this, got out of his SUV with 
his loaded gun and went after Trayvon Martin, shot him and killed him. Trayvon Martin had 
been to the corner store and was walking back to the house where he and his father were 
staying ? the home of his father?s fianc?. He was doing nothing wrong and like any of us, 
had every right to walk through the neighborhood.

Zimmerman stalked, harassed and came after Trayvon Martin for one reason: because Trayvon 
Martin was a young African-American man. Zimmerman had no right to self-defense or to 
?stand his ground? because Zimmerman was the stalker coming after Trayvon Martin. Trayvon 
Martin was the only person who had the right to self-defense or to ?stand his ground".

If you are sitting in your house watching TV and you see a stranger sizing up your house 
and then coming into your house, then you have every right to defend yourself against the 
intruder. If you hit the intruder in the nose when he?s coming through your door or 
already in your house, then you have every right. And, after you pop the intruder in the 
nose, if the intruder gets up, pulls a gun and shoots and kills you, then it?s murder. The 
intruder has no right to self-defense, no right to ?stand his ground.? It?s ridiculous to 
even consider that the intruder could claim self-defense and get away with murder.

But that?s what happened to Trayvon Martin who was minding his business while walking 
through the neighborhood. Zimmerman was the intruder, the stalker, the attacker.

Trayvon Martin called his friend to say some strange white guy was following him, stalking 
him in his SUV. It was Zimmerman who escalated. He got out of his van with his loaded gun 
and went after Trayvon Martin. If Trayvon Martin defended himself against this attacker, 
then Trayvon Martin had every right to defend himself. Trayvon Martin was doing nothing 
wrong. When Zimmerman, the stalker and attacker, pulled his loaded gun and shot and killed 
Trayvon Martin it was murder, clear and simple.

But the media and the attorneys and the courts want you to think this is some difficult 
problem; they attempt to sow confusion. They claim that if Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman, 
then Zimmerman had every right to shoot and kill Trayvon Martin in self-defense. Or 
Trayvon Martin was on top so Zimmerman had every right to pull out his gun and kill him. 
Don?t believe a word of it. Trayvon Martin had every right to defend himself against the 
attacker, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was a bully who stalked and killed Trayvon Martin. 
Watch how this all gets turned around so that Zimmerman is the victim and Trayvon Martin 
the attacker. A total lie, but ?justice? under this system is a total lie. Trayvon Martin 
is dead; he did nothing wrong; and he will not receive justice. Justice under this system 
is reserved for the stalkers and the racial profilers. It is not for African-American 
youth who are the victims of stalking and racial profiling.

Now the defense attorneys and the media, again, are trying to focus on whether Trayvon 
Martin might have smoked weed. This is has nothing to do with the case. Whether or not it 
happened, so what? It had nothing to do with Zimmerman?s decision to stalk, attack and 
murder Trayvon Martin. Make no mistake, even if the jury finds Zimmerman guilty of 
something, he will go to jail for a while and Trayvon Martin will still be gone. The 
racists and the profilers will continue to argue that Zimmerman was right and Trayvon 
Martin caused his own death. Trayvon Martin will still be dead.

There is only one way to achieve any justice for Trayvon Martin and the thousands of other 
young, African-American men and women who have been profiled, attacked or killed because 
they were walking or driving while Black, and that is to resist, to rise up, and to rebel.

If we want justice for Trayvon Martin and if we want to confront racism, racial profiling 
and the wholesale attacks on young African-Americans and people of color, then we must 
bring it. There is no justice for Trayvon Martin under this system. Be prepared. What we 
have to say, all of us is: Justice is coming and we are all bringing it.

That?s the only way there will be any justice for Trayvon Martin and for our brothers and 
sisters, friends, children and neighbors! We must organize and enforce it. We must bring 
the justice ourselves, in the streets and across this country.
Related Link: http://m1aa.org/?p=696

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