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donderdag 18 juli 2013
Hungary: 10.000 asylum-applications 2013 - 7.000 left Hungary
Dear all,
in the first half of 2013 the numbers of asylum-applications in Hungary have been exploding. 10.000 aplications until end of June compared to last year (whole year 2012!) 2.155. In the (by the way totally overcrowded) hungarian camps we count about 2.500 people, this means about 7.000 people should have directy left the country again. But even with those few who stayed the hungarian system is collapsing. See last press release of MigSzol:
Most of these people came from Serbia - and have most probably been in Greece before. We think this was an effect of the temporary stop of the harsh detention in Hungary from January till June 2013. This has changed with the new law from 1st of July on again. Most probably the result will be harsh detention policy again resulting in a drop of numbers of arrivals.
These 7.000 people are most probably somewhere in Europe - and will apply again for asylum in several other countries. This will lead most probably to an increase of Dublin-cases to Hungary. From our point of view, most of these people will (even if their first fingerprint was from Greece) have a Dublin-case to Hungary, because until now it was often considered that these people had left the Schengen area (through Macedonia and Serbia).
And to be honest: they will even with the newly found prisons not have enough places for such a number of people. We are right now working on an update of our Hungary-report from last year (see: We would like to know about experiences in other countries about legal steps to stop deportations to Hungary.
In Germany we count until now more than 30 court-decisions against deportations back to Hungary (only those we know about). Quite a lot of them we have documented on the website (only in German): And we would like to know more about practices from other countries.
Apart from this a group of 70 afghan refugees from the protests in Bicske and Budapest recently went collectivly to Germany and applied here for asylum again. All of them have different kind of protection from Hungary, some of them even a refugee status, so they are partly not treated under Dublin but they will try to send them back under the readmission agreement between Hungary and Germany (which is even more complicated because there is not time limit for the deportation). Also for these groups it would be good to hear if you have experiences.
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