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woensdag 17 juli 2013

Hungerstreik: Eisenhüttenstadt - Stop Deportation Factory!‏

Eng/Deut] Eisenhüttenstadt today: Stop Deportation Factory!
Eisenhüttenstadt Abschiebemachinerie stoppen! Solidarität mit den
hungerstreikenden Geflüchteten!

Video: https://vimeo.com/70450112

Demonstration on 19.07.2013 at 2:00 pm in Eisenhüttenstadt

The refugees coming to Eisenhüttenstadt are getting systematically
criminalized for taking their human right of asylum. They are tortured
inmany ways. This system works, because the police, the immigration
department, the court and the company BOSS systematically exclude people
from the rest of the german society and don't let them know their rights!
There is no transparency or knowledge of what is going on in the lager and
the deportation prison. The oppression in Eisenhüttenstadt forces people
to try to kill themselves or even to committ suicide.
Since Friday eight imprisoned people are in hungerstrike, somes are
additionally in dry hunger strike. This tuesday Refugees and supporters
from Berlin and Brandenburg built up a tent in front of the lager, thus
trying to break the isolation of the people in the lager and in the
deportation prison.

Each hunger strike is one too much! Strongly and united we want to oppose
the inhuman isolation practices. The deportations and the cartel of
silence and the non-transparent disappearance of undocumented people must
be stopped! We want to put all the members of the Eisenhüttenstädt
deportation machinery under public pressure. It is unexeptable, that
people are imprisoned for taking their basic right to asylum. We demand to
stop all deportations, to close the deportation prison in Eisenhüttenstadt
and sufficient legal and medical care!

Be there on Friday 19/07/2013 at 2pm during the demonstration in
Eisenhüttenstadt. Meeting place for the train is at 12 o'clock at
Ostbahnhof, track 1, departing at 12.31. From the station we go together
to the starting point in front of the lager.

Solidarity has to become practical! Asylum is a human right!

More information: http://lagerwatcheisen.blogsport.eu/

Make Donation /
Please support our efforts of self-organizing refugee’s resistance against
human rights abuses in German Europe by spreading the word and financial
donation in favor of independence of our work:

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E-Mail: thevoiceforum@gmx.de
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