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woensdag 18 september 2013

(en) Britain, Call-out from the Autonomous Student Network for (Re)creating an Autonomous Student Network

We (Glasgow Anarchist Federation) have been contacted by the Autonomous Student Network. 
They are keen to talk with student groups in Glasgow that would be interested in working 
with others using anarchist principals. If your group is interested being part of the 
network then their call-out and contact details can be found here: 
---- This is a call out for radical anti-authoritarian students and student groups 
interested in (re)creating a national Autonomous Students Network. ---- Following the 
statement of the original ASN(active in 2010-2011), we are proposing a network for 
building solidarity and grassroots power in our campuses, workplaces and communities as 
part of the struggle for radical social change.
The ASN would be a project aiming to highlight the problems facing higher education and 
the student movement and taking action to resolve these problems. In the bog of trotskyist 
soundbites, we need an anarchist discourse on education and student organisation that has 
a sustainable network of contact and support behind it. The network should have both a 
local and a UK-wide focus, allowing local groups to support each other?s actions and 
projects while also coordinating groups for joint action on wider issues.
We hear plenty about cuts to education but we hear nothing about how our universities have 
been taken over by oligarchies of professional managers running undemocratic institutions 
for business interests. Our universities depend on students, lecturers and staff to 
function. We should be the ones deciding how they are run.
Similarly, there are few voices pointing out that the NUS is perhaps the single biggest 
obstacle to the realisation of a strong student movement capable of bringing meaningful 
change. It is little more than a careerist ladder for future Labour politicians whose 
vested interest it is to suppress radical student action. The NUS is unreformable and 
unrepentant. It should be opposed with creative alternatives.
This is merely a post to test the waters. We look forward to hearing what people think. 
Get in touch by commenting here or by messaging Sheffieldautonomousstudents@gmail.com
In solidarity,
Sheffield Autonomous Students.
(Re-blogged from 

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