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vrijdag 1 november 2013

(en) Ireland, The Rag, Issue #6 is finished! And the London Anarchist Bookfair!

Dear RAG followers, We are overjoyed to announce that after three long years, the newest 
edition of The Rag is complete! It was touch and go, and there were a few late nights put 
in, but everyone rallied together and Rag #6 was born! There are so many great articles in 
this issue, it would be difficult to only name a few. If you're in London, you can find it 
for sale in The Feminist Library and Housman's Bookshop. If you're in Ireland, we will be 
distributing the magazine after our launch, which we are planning in a few weeks time 
(more on that later!). ---- RAG members Leticia and Angela (the person writing this blog 
entry) headed over to London from Dublin on the "Sail and Rail," a journey enjoyable to 
some but grueling to others, especially when weighed down with piles of heavy magazines!

But the trip was worth it on Saturday, when folks began to approach our stall to get their 
hands on the newest edition of The Rag. It was so wonderful to not have to disappoint 
people looking for the next issue, and to say, "Here it is! The issue you've been waiting 
for!" And to show that interest in anarcha-feminism is far from waning, we sold a few 
hefty stacks of back issues as well.

AK press kindly asked RAG to participate in their anarcha-feminist panel discussion: 
Unreasonable Demands. The description read, "Gender hierarchy is entrenched in our society 
? and, unfortunately, is frequently reproduced within anarchist movements, even as we 
oppose other kinds of hierarchies. Meanwhile, as 'mainstream' feminism becomes 
increasingly accepted and co-opted by liberals and neoliberal bootstrappers alike, 
anarchist feminists often find ourselves sidelined." Also on the panel was Zoe Stavri, 
author of the Another Angry Woman blog. Though I was there on behalf of RAG, I actually 
spoke about the Abortion Rights Campaign, which I've been heavily involved in, and the 
challenges faced in creating the campaign goals and strategy. I talked about how the 
Abortion Rights Campaign settled on "Free, Safe, & Legal" as their ultimate goal, although 
it's considered an "unreasonable demand," even amongst pro-choice advocates.

The packed room listened with great attention, and several people asked questions about 
the campaign and the history around how Ireland became an "abortion-free" country. 
Overall, people were curious about the specific strategies needed to make abortion 
available in Ireland beyond the very restrictive and punitive new legislation. I explained 
that abortion cannot be legal without appealing the 8th amendment. And to do that, we need 
a referendum. I was very surprised that many people in the audience did not know what the 
8th amendment to the Irish Constitution was, though, admittedly I shouldn't have been, as 
many people living in Ireland don't know either.

Anarchism is obviously about smashing the state, so I think some people were frustrated in 
the fact that we are working within the existing political structures. One woman even 
suggested we get to the streets with our guns! But that wouldn't change the fact that we 
still need a referendum. We need to repeal the 8th amendment while we're waiting for the 

People also wanted to know about existing networks in Ireland that support women going 
through crisis pregnancies, both during and after their terminations. I mentioned the UK 
organisation Abortion Support Network (ASN), which helps find accommodation and funding 
for women in Ireland traveling to the UK for abortions. However, as for Irish support, I 
was at a loss. This question would come up again later in another panel discussion, and it 
begs discussion.

Another question which has haunted me ever since came from a person wanting to know what 
people in the UK can do to support us in Ireland in our campaign for free, safe, and legal 
abortion. I responded that they could spread the word and help us educate people in the 
situation in Ireland, support ASN of course, and I should have probably stressed more that 
people can also donate to and follow the Abortion Rights Campaign on facebook, Twitter, 
and by signing up to receive their electronic newsletter. But I return to this question 
because there must be more that our throngs of supporters all around the world can do. 
Hopefully the campaign can have a think about it and come up with a more comprehensive 
list of actions.

The bulk of the discussion, however definitely went to Zoe, who spoke compellingly about 
how we should "kill all men." I couldn't possibly sum it up, but let's just say it was 
entertaining, and many of the attendees described it as "refreshing."

Many thanks go to RAG friend Criostoir, who manned the stall for us when both Leticia and 
I were participating in the Bookfair. And to Andrew, Aileen, and Farrah from the WSM who 
arranged for us to share their table.

The second panel I took part in was organised by the WSM, was "about the hidden, yet 
central role of anarchists in the pro-choice campaign" and "the importance of 
international solidarity with the abortion rights struggle." To that end, I described the 
non-hierarchical structure created by the Abortion Rights Campaign and the five working 
groups, as well as how decisions and strategy are made. Farrah spoke about the article she 
wrote for the most recent Irish Anarchist Review about intersectionality in the pro-choice 
movement, which led to an interesting discussion.

We left the Bookfair empty handed, having unloaded all of our Rag #6 issues that we lugged 
over! Hooray! Thanks to everyone who chatted with us, bought magazines, asked questions at 
the panels, and who were generally awesome. And thanks to the organisers, who made sure 
everything ran smoothly.


Links at: http://ragdublin.blogspot.ie/2013/10/the-rag-issue-6-is-finished-and-london.html

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