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zaterdag 30 november 2013

(en) Southern Arica, African Anarchist Collective Newsletter Tokologo #2

Welcome to the second issue of Tokologo, produced by the Tokologo African Anarchist 
Collective. ---- Why do we publish this? We publish it because our country is crying out 
for an alternative. And that alternative is anarchism, which stands for a free and 
democratic society, run from the grassroots, in communities and workplaces, and based on 
equality and freedom. In such a society, wealth like land and factories would be 
collectively owned; production would be directed to meeting basic needs and ensuring 
environmental sustainability. In such a society, everyone would have a say in all matters 
that affect them; poverty and deprivation would be abolished; hatred and competition would 
be replaced by cooperation and mutual aid by all peoples.

Corruption, exploitation, police brutality, poverty, and unemployment wreak havoc on 
township communities, on families, on youth. Desperation provides grounds for hatred, by 
race, by nationality, by sex. The dreams of freedom of the1980s and 1990s have evaporated. 
Politicians make promises that they do not keep. Workers are killed when they demand 
higher wages. While Marikana comrades bury their dead, the super-rich spend millions on 
weddings and parties ?

The black working class, in particular, finds itself held by the chains of capitalists and 
politicians, and weighed down by the national oppression of the apartheid past. But all 
working class and poor people, of whatever race, find themselves in chains.

The solution is to fight for something better, a new society. This means organising our 
working class movements to fight for a new society, And it means freeing our minds of 
confusion, by educating ourselves with the truth about what is wrong, and the truth about 
how to make things right.

Tokologo aims to contribute to this project. If you agree with what we say, or want to 
know more, or want a workshop, why not contact us. Our email address is 
tokologo.aac@gmail.com or phone us on 072 399 0912.

Download Issue #2 of Tokologo at:

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