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vrijdag 31 januari 2014

(en) Brazil, Anarchist Collective Black Flag CABN - Bulletin Jan/2014 (pt)

Salve comrades! ---- The Anarchist Collective Black Flag back with his monthly newsletter 
in 2014! ---- This vehicle is posted on our website and also distributed in our news list 
with a monthly summary of the main materials Theoretical and news about social struggles 
produced by field anarchist, especially CABN and other organizations of the CAB. to part 
of our news list, please send an email to ca-bn@riseup.net ---- In this January issue: 
combating repression in Joinville, the second number magazine "Libertarian Socialism", 
journal Libera, new materials FAG, II Symposium on the Cecilia Colony [Read at: 
http://www.cabn.libertar.org/?page_id=1267] ---- Suppress the fight in Joinville ---- In 
Joinville, where the population and social movements to resume protests fight the increase 
in bus fares, the business response and government follows the same: ignore popular 
demands and silence voices that contest.

This time, the repression was again applied force. Three militants were arrested 
arbitrarily in the last manifestation, and threatened and assaulted, two of the CABN. a
great act against the increase and against the criminalization of movements
social was called for Wednesday, the 29th.

Video produced by Collective Metranca call:

Note support Anarchist Collective Black Flag carried the fight
Pass the Free Movement in Joinville :

Note solidarity to the struggle of the CAB in Joinville, denouncing the repression
Police and reinforcing the call to fight against the increase and
criminalization of social movements:

- Journal Libertarian Socialism n?m.2

In January 2014 the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination publishes the second
number of his magazine " Libertarian Socialism " , with the theme Theory and
Ideology. The magazine will be on sale with the militancy of CABN as well as
other organizations that comprise the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination .

The online version is also available here:

- Journal Releases
The number 160 Libera newspaper produced by FARJ was published . that
edition has a note on the second Congress of FARJ , who completed
10 years in 2013 , a text on collective economy and unification of struggles
country and city , a text on political practice , ethics and militant style ;
and an analysis of the Dilma government and its relationship with agribusiness .

We highlight the important contribution of FARJ text entitled "The
social transformation now built in - political practice, ethics and
militant style," which can be read here :

The full paper can be accessed here:

- New materials Gaucha Anarchist Federation
FAG has recently published the second material number "Thought and Battle"
your new vehicle of communication with theoretical-ideological materials. it
can be accessed here:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/201476419/Pensamento-e-Batalha-n % C2% BA- 02

The FAG is also publishing a material called " For the strength of the streets "
with the set of analyzes produced during the struggles of 2013 . Read more

- Second Symposium on the Cecilia Colony
On April 12, 2014 the II Symposium will take place in Palmeira , Paran? , on the
Cecilia colony . The Research Centre Marques da Costa on the FARJ ,
along with others , is helping to organize the event
rescue the memory of this important fact and place of the story
Brazilian anarchism. More information :

Libertarian greetings !

Anarchist Collective Black Flag , a member of the Anarchist Coordination
ca-bn@riseup.net | http://cabn.libertar.org

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