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maandag 24 februari 2014

(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - February 22, in the streets of Nantes, against the airport and the city CAPITALISM = AIRPORT - STOP IMMEDIATELY! (fr)

Mobilization against the airport project is now entering a new phase. ---- On the ground, 
with the active occupation of the ZAD and cultivation of land seized, with 200 local 
committees throughout the hexagon, it has never been as strong and organized.
however we will not cut the showdown, even if it is difficult to predict when, where and 
how ... ---- After the failures of social struggles in recent years, block this airport 
and win this battle forty years (and we will win!) project would help turn the tide, to 
restore confidence in collective action to unlock a whole situation, opening up 
opportunities to rebuild balance of power against capitalism, austerity and the 
euro-employment blackmail, to promote other social and territorial struggles and prevent 
criminalization ...

February 22 is a must due to all those who want to link inextricably environmentalists and 
anti-capitalist struggles, ask explicitly visible and all the issues of the struggle to 
get to the bottom of the review of this project useless and harmful to the image of the 
world, with the prospect of emancipation social.




Representative struggles against capitalism and its consequences for humanity and the 
planet, the mobilization against the airport project is entering a new phase.
On the ground, with the active occupation of the ZAD and cultivation of land seizures, 
with 200 local committees throughout the hexagon, it has never been as strong and organized.

Objections to the project demonstrated by contradictory complementary studies and legal 
remedies - which delayed all the project - the state flouted its principles of legitimacy 
(democracy, defense of the common interest ...) to serve private benefits of a 
multinational and building a metropolis of Grand West fantasy, new sesame Economic Growth. 
Thus, the prefect of Loire-Atlantique signed end of 2013 work permits Road Bar and 
destruction of species, the ZAD of Notre Dame des Landes, announcing a future transition 
strength. This would not be new to impose a major industrial project ...
When Caesar operation in autumn 2012, are determined opposition on the ground and 
solidarity that followed, which prevented the launch site .

Today, we will not cut the showdown, even if it is difficult to predict when, where and 
how ... If the next municipal and European elections may delay the offensive, they will 
not change since both parties could reach the "business" , PS or UMP, are for the project.


All arguments of the project leaders have been removed (Nantes-Atlantique saturated 
sounds, economic profitability, actual cost of an extension ...), the pro-airport now 
trying to tout the job creation and recovery economic activity ... with a majority public 
funding of ? 600 million largely underestimated and Private Public Partnership in gold 
Vinci (which also deprive sites of many small businesses!).
Indeed, social situation is deteriorating (business closures, growing insecurity, reduced 
public services, social assistance and pensions ...) in parallel with increasing tax 
incentives for employers: 50 billion cuts in social contributions and credits taxes, in 
exchange for promises ...!

European free trade treaties with Canada and the U.S. will further destabilize many 
sectors. The proposed "farm thousand cows" of Abbeville, stopped by the mobilization, 
embodies the model of agribusiness, profitable thanks to the price of electricity produced 
by biogas, without regard for the human and environmental consequences.
If model is needed, it will eliminate peasant agriculture that still resists. The logic of 
all economic, fueled by the government, is the opposite of the values ??of mutual aid and 
food autonomy brought by resistance to airport project.


This blackmail employment must be terminated by opposing another production model, defined 
collectively, taking into account the human, ecological and social settings.
For example, the initiative Sow your ZAD zadistes together since March 2013 and farmers 
experiment another group operating in recultivating by various techniques of expropriated 
This critique in acts of capitalism is also the logic of urban reorganization at work on 
the Nantes-Saint-Nazaire, future metropolis that justifies the eyes makers an 
international airport, a road bar and all urbanized areas will follow! Again, the economic 
competition between urban centers globally legitimate a policy of concentration on the 
cities, reaching a threshold as their population and resources guarantee a favorable 
economic environment to maintain them in the international race by profitability, 
creativity and staging of their attractiveness. That was the gist of the operation "Nantes 
European Green Capital 2013".


This concentration of wealth, services, cultural initiatives and technical infrastructure 
provided access to the centers of these cities affluent social classes, simply by local 
taxes, property prices and consumption patterns proposed. Capitalist logic at work has 
driven the lower classes to the periphery and the center gentrified. It was attended by 
local political powers in a chair urban community imposes its choice to the old common, 
integrated and "digested".
Ayrault The government has also formalize this trend become a priority strategy by 
appointing fifteen regional cities plus major intercommunal with new responsibilities. 
This does not mean less state but reorganization of this unit still more at the service of 
capital, in real time .
Transfer from the airport to Notre Dame obeys the logic of this new local order 
reorganizing and polarizes authoritarian space near or regional, to become essential, 
central, profitable.

The airport and road bar are necessary metropolisation and result.
Some opponents of the airport just sit in the institutions that carry, finance and manage 
the project: this contradiction is a fundamental point of cleavage and unsurpassable them 
and we . If there is already a depopulation of the countryside, a slow life in towns and 
small cities, condemned to second homes or dormitory, the metropolis still accentuate the 
majority of the population, scattered and isolated, with commuting required between 
residential and working areas, commerce and recreation.
minimum sociability This induced the organization of the metropolis can only encourage 
passivity and discourage attempts at resistance.
's fight against the airport project thus raises much broader issues concerning the 
capitalist mode of the future society, the development of our territories and our lives by 
force, in the interests of capital and the state. In addition, a view class, as workers, 
unemployed, precarious, we have no need of this airport and our participation in the fight 
also expresses a social solidarity with small local farmers and precarious opponents which 
together build live work grow and experiment on the ZAD.


On 22 February, we call heard this expression so joyous and determined in the anti-airport 
protest to ask explicitly visible and all these issues to get to the bottom of the review 
of this useless and harmful project, in perspective social emancipation.

After the failures of social struggles in recent years, this block Airport and win this 
battle forty years project (and we will win!) Help turn the tide in France ... but also 
because this fight has taken on an international dimension . It is to reconstruct a 
balance of power against capitalism, to promote other struggles and prevent 
criminalization, as trying to do the Italian State which equates resistance TAV project 
Lyon-Turin terrorism and uses and procedures and emergency laws, close to a situation of war.

Lead this struggle, it is also trying to develop today other social relations not based on 
capitalist competition and state authoritarianism, but rather based on solidarity, mutual 
aid, direct control, autonomy self and social movements.

WE CAN FIND IN NANTES Saturday, February 22 , FROM 12H,
50 hostages NEAR PR?FECTURE,

Initiative supported by individuals, Nantes University Collective Against Airport, 
Libertarian Communist Organisation, Anarchist Federation, Libertarian Alternative, PAL 
Poitiers, Saint-Nazaire Front libertarian, libertarian Lochu Group (Vannes), Anarchist 
Group CRABS (Quimper) ... (first + signatories updated list ...).

Practical information

Ads grouped departures by bus or carpool requests and offers accommodation militants in 
the Nantes region, a dedicated "ads" in the context of the fight against airport NDDL site 
was created here:


Without Borders

On February 22, will also be a day of mobilization No TAV in Italy (see the appeal of the 
Coordination Committees Movement NoTav here)http://oclibertaire.free.fr/spip.php?breve527

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