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zaterdag 19 april 2014

The Anarchist Forum Cologne: Interview with Anarchist inside of Syria (de)

The Anarchist Forum Cologne sent a few questions to comrades / inside Syria and get the 
following answers: ---- How are your relations with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the regime 
and the Kurdish autonomous government? ---- Answer: We support the Syrian revolution for 
freedom and dignity against the dictatorship of Bashar Al Assad and the Baath Party. We 
support secular and democratic elements of the FSA and the right of all people to resist 
tyranny through armed struggle. But at the time win Islamist groups within the FSA to 
growth and dominance, which we can not support and we are cautious about their programs 
(these are still regarded as separate from counterrevolutionary, extremist jihadist groups 
such as ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra against which spend most Syrians / inside). We support 
the Kurdish rights to self-determination and our Kurdish companions / inside in combat. We 
support Kurdish fighters / inside that are more attuned secular and democratic.

Is there active anarchist groups in Syria? Since when do these groups exist? - What 
activities perform, how they do that?

Answer: There are no active anarchist groups in Syria. The Syrian anarchist collective, to 
which we belong, is a small group of people who are currently located mainly outside 
Syria. We communicate, exchange information and support each other through private 
communications. We also have a public Facebook page (1), where we try to inform people 
outside of the situation in Syria and the Syrian Revolution.

Individual Anarchist / inside / inside Syria Freedom participate in revolutionary 
activities in their communities and especially in local councils / committees.
, we have contacted since the beginning of the revolution, learn from each other and begin 
to work together. We hope we can build on in the future on these activities and be active 
as a collective.

What is anarcho-Fe-mi-nis-tin-tions ?

Answer: There are a Syrian anarcho-feminist facebook page (2), but we do not believe that 
this is an active group and have no contact with her [Note: actual entry dated 04 01 2014] 
. Our team consists of men and women and we believe that the struggle of women for 
liberation of Syria is of central importance.

Where can we find libertarian activists in the various by the Free Syrian Army, the regime 
or the Kurdish zone controlled areas?

Answer: Libertarian activist / interior are in areas controlled by the FSA and the Kurd / 
inside. They participate in their communities in revolutionary activities, especially by 
local committees and regional councils.

Are there areas in which anarchist / interior are in the majority or where anarchist ideas 
are practiced (or where this will be in the future may be available)?

Answer: Anarchist / inside are numerically small in Syria and there is no organized 
groups. But anarchist practice was the heart of the uprising in terms of horizontal 
self-organization of the people. This is strongest in the municipalities and local 
committees of the case, which were founded by the Syrian anarchist Omar Aziz. Autonomous 
horizontal self-organization in liberated areas of the state was in Syria, more than in 
other Arab countries. (3)

We hope that these experiments in the future carry the seed for a liberal consciousness 
fruits, and support the development of such activities. Many revolutionary activist / 
inside now have no confidence in the regime, the formal opposition and the adjusted parties.

What has changed your socio-political activities of the growing violence?

Answer: The increasing violence affected the revolution and revolutionary activities as a 
whole. The situation in Syria is now very hard. There is massive destruction, instability, 
and a humanitarian crisis. With the increasing militarization accompanied Islamization and 
sectarianism. Many activists have had to leave the country - not only because of 
persecution by the regime, but also because of the persecution by extremist Islamist 
groups (counter-revolutionary forces) as ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra. It is increasingly 
difficult for people to organize themselves - their everyday life now revolves around 

Nevertheless revolutionary activities be continued and there is still widespread support 
for the original goals of the revolution. We will continue to support these efforts and 
call for this fight for international solidarity.

Question: What do anarchists in Syria about the role of trade unions and there are 
currently fighting in plants?

Answer: We are not fighting in establishments known, although there are a number of 
strikes occurred in the first days of the revolution, in which large parts of the 
participating country. It was difficult in Syria because of the dominance of the Baath 
party in the trade unions, so there is in recent history no strong labor organization. 
Fighting there, especially in the neighborhoods.

We also recommend the following sources for more information in English:

http:// darth vein. net /



http:// leilashrooms. wordpress. com /

http:// budourhassan. wordpress. com /

http:// syriafreedomforever. wordpress. com
(revolutionary socialist / inside or Trotskyist / inside, but they have some good 
information about the base resistor)

We look forward to further cooperation!


1) Syrian Anarchists (???????? ??????), https:// www. facebook. com / syrian. anarchists

2) Syrian Anarcha Feminist Movement (?????? ??????? ??????? ?????????), https:// www. 
facebook. com / SYR. A. F. M

3) Leila Shrooms: "The life and work of anarchist Omar Aziz, and his impact on 
self-organization in the Syrian revolution" , 

Anarchist Forum Cologne ,
http:// anarchistischesforumkoeln blosport de..

(Spring 2014)

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