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zaterdag 31 mei 2014

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - With the Zapatista people murdered for Galeano (fr, pt)

On May 2, a paramilitary group attacked the Caracol of La Realidad, one of the hearts of 
the Zapatista organization, killing Galeano companion. Libertarian alternative reaffirms 
its support for the liberation struggle led by the Zapatistas in Chiapas (Mexico). ---- 
Even as we celebrate worldwide the 20th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising, even though 
- and precisely for this reason - communities just opening a single trade area of its 
kind, the Escuelita, which received nearly 6,000 international sympathizers are in view to 
sharing the experience of struggle and construction of Zapatista autonomy, even though the 
Zapatista struggle is experiencing a new twist on 2 May the paramilitary group referred to 
as CIOAC attack of the Caracol of La Realidad, a decision centers and Zapatista organization.

Truth and justice Galeano

While the Good Government Council of La Realidad had called a meeting to try to appease 
with existing members CIOAC tensions, paramilitaries took the opportunity to sack the 
independent school and clinic caracol. They then ambushed a group of people returning from 
work outside of La Realidad and attacked them with machetes and guns. The Galeano 
companion Votan and professor Escuelita, including left life, murdered.

This attack is the culmination of weeks of tension caused by the paramilitary group, but 
also years of intimidation and aggression that, if committed by paramilitary groups are 
planned and organized by the ruling parties in especially the PRI but the PAN and the 
environmentalist Green Party serving capitalist interests of large landowners and 
multinational corporations.

All our thoughts are with the family of Galeano and his community, and the Zapatista 
movement it is imperative to support the face of this aggression that marks a new phase of 
crackdown. This attack is indicative of the will of the Mexican government to end front to 
experience autonomy. Es aware of the seriousness of the situation, the Zapatistas decided 
to appeal to the EZLN (Zapatista National Liberation Army) to defend themselves against 
this policy of terror worthy of strategies deployed during the massacre of Acteal 
committed by paramilitaries in 1997. This decision under duress augurs a very hard period 
for Chiapas resistance.

We denounce the Mexican government, the ruling parties and the capitalists who crush the 
struggles for autonomy of peoples and call to support the Zapatista movement in the 
construction of "a world where many worlds are possible".

Libertarian Alternative affirms its unconditional support to the Zapatista people and all 
peoples struggling for their emancipation, their dignity, their freedom.

Around the world, governments, armed arm of the capitalists, repress people and people who 
do not want to be led by a deadly neoliberalism.

Against all forms of oppression that generate States and capitalism, International Solidarity!

Libertarian Alternative adheres to the Sexta[1]

The EZLN and the Zapatista movement have shown over the past few decades that there was no 
fatality in this world dominated by neoliberalism, injustice and governments to boot 
capitalists. Even the poorest, most forgotten-es, can stand and shout Ya Basta! Enough! 
And choose another way, based on justice, democracy, dignity, solidarity, equality.

What has been successful in building the Zapatistas since the creation of the EZLN is a 
source of optimism and inspiration to all those and all those who struggle for a better 
world. Political, social, cultural, are not the same in France and in Chiapas, and do not 
require the same answers, but a common desire must animate us, as everywhere on this 
planet regain control of our lives. And in this respect there, the Zapatistas are an example.

Libertarian Alternative long struggle against all forms of oppression: capitalism, state, 
patriarchal, racist. We participate to the extent of our abilities to social movements and 
struggles in our workplaces, and disseminate our ideas as much as possible to create a 
libertarian communist society free from all forms of domination.

Since the Zapatista uprising, we have followed with interest the development of solidarity 
and the struggle, and have aired in the pages of our newspaper. But we never formalized 
our solidarity, nor have participated in meetings and activities organized by the 
Zapatistas and solidarity movements. Unfortunately, it is difficult to engage on all 
fronts. But today, that economic, social and ecological consequences of neoliberalism are 
more dramatic and irreversible, it seems important to participate in the new dynamics that 
the Zapatistas are trying to drive. That is why we decided to join the Sexta Declaraci?n 
of the Lacandon Jungle .

In recent months, the 20th anniversary of the uprising, we participated in different 
cities of France in solidarity activities in common with other groups and collectives 
support the Zapatistas, with public debates, meals solidarity and participation in rallies 
in support. With these collectives, we try somehow to make our aid. And we want to spread 
the Zapatista struggle and demands for autonomy of the indigenous peoples of Chiapas and 
elsewhere, and require the application of the San Andres, the release of political 
prisoners and the end of military harassment and political violence which are too often 
victims peoples of Chiapas and the rest of Mexico.

Waiting for the opportunity to meet our fellow Zapatistas and Sexta, we remain attentive 
to the evolution of the situation in the Zapatista communities, and continue to mobilize 
in solidarity.

Libertarian Alternative, May 26, 2014

[1] Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, launching the Other Campaign, calling for 
the exchange and solidarity between struggles

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