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dinsdag 3 juni 2014

FdA / IFA Gai D?o # 240 - Inhalt + editorial (de)

FdA / IFA ---- 04 The war nourishes the State ---- 05 Resolution Policy - Anarchist 
Federation Berlin ---- 05 Resolution Policy - Emancipatory group Konstanz ---- Worldwide 
---- 06 zapatismo Debate - Part 4 - Response to " The malicious laughter of some very free 
spirits " or It is no worse slavery than that of those who believe themselves freely 
without being there! ---- 11 At home with anarchists in Transylvania ---- 14 the come 
Rebellion - The Ukraine and the plight of the Left ---- 16 The Ukraine after the 
"revolution" - fighting corruption - for a fair capitalist competition ---- Movement ----
17 ... and rob Their houses - to house search at Black Mosquito --- Analysis & discussion 
---- 19 Lampedusa - on the public debate on European refugee policy ---- 25 The end of the 
" classic Guild " behind bars ? ----

27 migrant workers and Italian anarchists in the Ottoman Empire ( 1870-1912 )
30 Brief Sketch of the anarchist movement in Poland
35 FdA at first hand - Regular Matches for FdA members



Hello people,
generally , we believe that this is good times for libertarian ideas ,
Activities and organizing efforts are . This does no t that
it always goes forward only . Such s efforts are always in their own
To see local context and there comes then have the time at the previously
still well running groups sometime but the sails spreadable s - or simply
Place mach en place for future forms of organization owned by their . As is the case
with the emancipatory s group Konstanz and the anarch ist en Federation
Berlin, whose On ?sungserkl?rungen we document here . both
Structures were part of the German Federation spoke strength Anarch is * inside
( FdA ) , which is currently exploiting to a friend in a dynamic en wrapping process .
In addition to these rather sad news but we also have much more positive
to report: We can work with this issue for both the Zapatistas series
continue as well as our informal series to Ukraine, where we try s ,
us cautious tig slowly toward the Th ema .
As a new series is available in the business I tsrubrik a th ema , with which the
Most have Prob einlich never igt dam AEF : migrant workers inside *
and Italian e Anarch is * inside the Ottoman Empire s . Stay tuned !
Eastern Europe makes us so beautiful nell no t going on , because even with Romania and Poland
learn it in this issue very much .
We are always very happy with your submissions . Sch ick t so quiet
further f ei?ig articles and more . If the Th ema fits and we have space ,
we take to be happy .

Your editorial of Gaid?o

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