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woensdag 18 juni 2014

World : (en) Ukraine: Activist Perspective

Interested in political situation in ?#?Ukraine?? Not satisfied with what conservative, 
liberal and official ?#?leftist? media can offer? Cannot stand being showered by 
?#?propaganda? from both sides? Interested in a view ?from the left?, but without cliches? 
Then here is a page for you to follow. ---- We, a group of Ukrainian left-wing activists 
and anarchists, have recently launched a new English-language Ukraine: Activist 
Perspective Facebook page, with the aim to deliver to the reader critical and informative 
publications in ?#?English? about the ?#?classstruggle? in Ukraine, the Ukrainian 
?#?economy?, ?#?socialmovements?, labor ?#?union? activities, and the struggle against 
?#?xenophobia? and ?#?authoritarianism?, ?#?militarism?, etc.

Most of us participated in the ?#?EuroMaidan? protests one way or another. We witnessed 
both all the progressive and reactionary sides of the protest and its consequences. Now we 
are trying to develop the ?#?grassroots? democratic intentions of ?#?Maidan? and fight 
against conservative and pro-market tendencies, militarism that sprang from it.

Of course, no one can be objective, especially if one tries to speak from within the 
conflict. Unfortunately, we are no exception. But we do try to publish only proven facts 
and make conclusions on their basis.

If you want to keep up with what is progressive in Ukraine, and to receive first-hand 
information about everything else from a critical perspective?please, like us and share 
the page with your friends!

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