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zaterdag 19 juli 2014

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #240 - Diary (fr, pt)

It is coming ---- Antifascist demonstration in memory of Clement Meric Place de la 
Bastille in Paris on June 7. ---- One year after the death of Clement Meric, a 
demonstration was organized in Paris on June 7 in his memory and in general for all the 
victims of fascism, of racism, sexism and homophobia. Far from being isolated cases, the 
violent actions of extreme right forces are now more numerous every day. Faced with these 
attacks, only the opposition of a united front will help to block the extreme right. ---- 
More: http://www.pourclement.org ---- Public meeting on June 10 in Thionville ---- Given 
the extreme right, which antifascist responses? It is around this issue that Alternative 
libertarian Moselle public debate organized a meeting on June 10 at the home of Raymond 
Queneau associations of Thionville, 5 place de la Gare. The evening will start at 20h.

National Conference against the extreme right on 28 and 29 June in Paris

National conference against the extreme right, organized by the National Coordination 
against the extreme right (Conex) will be held on 28 and 29 June in Paris. These days are 
an opportunity to share our experiences and analyzes about the rise of the extreme right 
in France and in Europe and to prepare future joint actions.

More: www.conex-coordination.fr

Celebrating 150 years of the First International in Nancy from June 13 to 15

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the International Workingmen's 
Association, a large group of mainly French and German politicians, trade unions, 
associations in which Alternative libertarian is involved organizing a weekend of events 
from 13 to 15 June Nancy. Debates, concerts, event will be on the menu for these three 
associations with the presence of political activists, trade unions, but also musicians, 
artists who make a political, cultural and festive event.

More: www.150ans-first-internationale.org

MEETINGS OF ECOLOGY RADICAL Sunday, June 8 in Montreuil

Meetings "social climate" are designed to meet and to discuss all the different currents 
that claim to radical ecology. Under this term, which is claimed by a growing number of 
players, what are the objectives of economic revolution, social and cultural? Meetings 
confront visions and proposals for each grasp the differences, commonalities, and build 
political convergence.

The program includes a panel discussion on "crossed visions between decay, ecosocialism, 
social ecology and libertarian" (10h-12h); discussion "How to address the ecological 
transition in the world of work and production? "(14h-16h) followed by discussion" 
Ecology: how to fight? how to act? "(4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.).

Dating in As You ?moi at 5, rue de la Revolution in Montreuil


Expo anarchist buns conquest of bread in Montreuil

The Conquest of Bread, bakery self-managed and well-known Montreuillois Montreuilloises 
organized an exhibition of stencils on bread in collaboration with the artist SO Sunday, 
June 22 in his room. The idea is to present the technical drawings and technical baking 
stencil while combining edible.

Exhibition in The Conquest of Bread at 47, rue de Beaune in Montreuil

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