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woensdag 30 juli 2014

The VOICE: First Appeal for Support of our celebration of the continuity!‏

The VOICE: First Appeal for Support of our celebration of the continuity!
Make donation to support our 20th Anniversary 1994 - 2014

Hello Everyone,

Make your contribution and spread the call for donation to finance the
20th Anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum.

We would like to inform the all activists, Campaigners, Supporters and
most especially all the antiracist and pro-refugee networks in Germany
that we are starting to mobilize for the preparation events of The VOICE
Refugee Forum's 20th Anniversary in October in Jena.

Wir möchten alle AktivistInnen, Campaigner, Unterstützerinnen und vor
allem die antirassistischen und pro-Flüchtlingsnetzwerke in Deutschland
darüber informieren, dass wir mit der Mobilisierung für die
Vorbereitungsveranstaltung für das 20-jährige Jubiläum von The VOICE
Refugee Forum im Oktober in Jena beginnen.

Refugee activists will be invited to Jena from time to time to participate
in the preparatory meetings before and during the Anniversary and there
will be visits to refugee camps to inform them about our anniversary.
(See the donation call for more information: The VOICE Call for Donation:
Contribute to the celebration of the continuity! 1994 – 2014
http://thevoiceforum.org/node/3672 )

We will appreciate if you could support to contribute to the success of
this historical moment of our activities and engagements.

As you may have been informed already, we are calling for independent
contribution to finance this anniversary and we will be proud to realize
this anniversary without official sponsorship of the anniversary.

15.000 Euro is estimated for the preparation and organization of the events.

At the moment we would like to request for any amount of money as part of
donation from interested supporters for our preparatory events and as well
as for the realization of our anniversary in october that will be taking
place in Jena and in other parts of Germany.

Our first preparatory meeting will take place on 2/3 August in Jena:
The Elements of Persecution and Crimes of Deportation - Invitation for
2nd-3rd of August 2014 http://thevoiceforum.org/node/3663

We are calling on everyone to make this anniversary a success through
mobilization and participation in the upcoming events.

Let’s Rise up and Keep Trucking!
Best Regards from Jena.
The VOICE Refugee Forum in Jena
Email: thevoiceforum@gmx.de

Donation Account:
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Sparkasse Göttingen,
Kontonummer: 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01 IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29

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