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donderdag 28 augustus 2014

(en) Anarrkismo.net: Brazil, Marina and the Lulism second only to themselves or their dissent - 2 by BrunoL (pt)

 [machine translation]

Marina Silva, former senator PT Acre, former Minister of Environment (MMA) during the Lula 
government and former presidential candidate as a graft in the Green Party in the election 
of 2010, is pulling in disputed polls intention to vote the second half of August 2014 
Remaining least 45 days to investigate a 1st shift, Marina grows with the permanent 
exhibition, without criticism - due to the wake of Eduardo Campos and the commotion of the 
country following - getting almost hide fully, the weaknesses of his government program. 
---- Marina Silva and Neca Set?bal, in reconciling old Brazilian classes, the dissent 
Lulism operates under the mantle of finance capital based in Brazil. ---- Worth a note 
before following. This analyst, Strategy & Analysis publication do not need promises of 
political conviction by radical democracy, substantive, direct and participatory. So, 
needless to say that this time of national political tension, align ourselves more to the 
left, beyond the electoral scene. That said, resguardamos on the right of criticism 
without sounding like we're campaigning nor confusing analysis with relevant advertising 
exchange of political ideas. All this strengthened the editorial position of E & A and who 
here writes results necessary for lines to come.

Marina could transpire on the surface, some weaknesses that can charge high prices at the 
end of the 1st round and plucked the second round. To help in this analysis, I recognize 
the political wisdom of Gustavo Gindre - shot the best blogger of contemporary Brazilian 
critical. Reading and rereading your posts and comments, I observe the following pattern 
of political behavior, from a singular fact.

Marina has the trusted advisor to the former executive secretary of the MMA in the 
management of Acre, Jo?o Paulo Capobianco. Crossing the interview given by the operator to 
Valor Economico newspaper on 8/26/2014 (a joint venture between Globo and Folha groups), 
it became clear the choice not to confront anything to vested interests, even those that 
would be programmatic. If nothing is programmatic then anything is possible. No issues to 
support and give support to economic activities of large-scale agriculture, even though 
these are devastating to the biomes of the Midwest and the Legal Amazon. If Marina and her 
group of direct reports proclaim that they will not move or what would be the backbone of 
the government program, then it will not change anything that hurts direct interests of 
major economic actors.

The detachment - announced and already extended - the party structure and customizing 
aides imply surround Marina Silva of a select group of personal confidence. Without a 
government program, the tendency is to balance the Executive, comprising diverse interests 
and trying to do a broad coalition. Something like the Itamar Franco administration before 
the Real Plan. In practice, the program is applied to govern without a third party 
program, or accept the imposition of the agenda of who occupies the top floor in politics 
and in the Brazilian economy.

More worrying is the symbiotic relationship with Neca Set?bal, his campaign strategist and 
heiress of Ita? Group. Reinforces this concern when imposing pending fusion controlled by 
the Moreira Salles family (Unibanco) by the financial institution of Set?bal family bank. 
The IRS will need to fight - a lot - to perform this recovery under any new presidential 
term. But if the president is the "best friend" of the debtor, and operation is even more 
difficult. Such symptoms listed above indicate that as the "new politics" operator, Marina 
Silva follows in the footsteps of other repentant of days that militated by the base and 

His example is worth as an electoral product, but that's it. Is useless to excellent 
advertising campaign in those and those given by the neologism of "marketers", magicians 
isolation of the electoral process, detaching it from the political process. 
Unfortunately, we can have the first woman of humble origins in the Presidency, following 
the pattern of the founder of Lulism. The former senator also operates to accommodate 
social tensions, but with less momentum than distributive Lula and Dilma less executive 
The crazy Brazilian right has Dilma your best option in Aetius settlement itself as the 
ruling class and Marina unknown.

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