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vrijdag 29 augustus 2014

(en) Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - IAL #100 - Today more than ever, solidarity with the LGBT struggle! (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

This text was distributed as a leaflet Lyon Group for the Coordination of Anarchist Groups 
during the course of Lyon LGBT Pride of Saturday, June 14, 2014. ---- In 1969, the United 
States, riots broke out in response to one of the many raids aimed what is now called the 
LGBT (lesbians, gays, bisexual ? s, trans). By this violent and daily repression, official 
(police raids, identity checks, denial of access to basic rights,...) or informal 
(beatings, insults, hiring discrimination, rape, banishment of families, humiliation, 
ridicule...), the company fully intended to return the LGBT their closets. If the modes of 
repression can be more insidious, the situation has not changed much. ---- State of play 
---- Since the law permitting marriage of gay couples ? s and adoption in this context is 
passed, it is often said that equal rights was obtained. What about the reality?

First, concerning the Taubira law. Agreements signed between France and Poland, Bosnia and 
Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Slovenia, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Laos and 
Cambodia prevent national conventions ? e ? s these countries to marry someone of the same 
sex in France. So there is a dimension of state racism in access to rights.
were also found on some issues a random enforcement. A judge recently created out of the 
concept of "fraudulent parenting" to deny a couple of lesbians adoption of their child 
conceived by LDCs.

law that regulates the adoption is supposed to be applied to all children living in 
families founded by a couple. But contrary to his campaign promises, the government does 
have buried the law authorizing the LDCs, and under pressure from cathos and 
reactionaries. In addition to the legal limbo that follows, this increases social 
inequalities since couples are forced to go to other countries to be eligible for LDCs, 
costly act, without any help or refund.

What equality and for which rights?

Moreover, the notion of equal rights for the LGBT community is much broader than the issue 
of marriage and adoption.

- We can not, for example, speak of equal rights as the change of Staff Civil for trans 
people remains as an obstacle course / the fighter ? e, making it very difficult for me to 
find a job or housing.

- We can not speak of equal rights in a context of increased attacks (testimony of 
homophobic attacks have increased by 78% between 2012 and 2013 according to a report from 
SOS Homophobia) against LGBT people, while at the same time the courts are relatively 
lenient with offenders.

- We can not speak equal rights when it is known that the rate of suicide among LGBT youth 
remains much stronger than that of young CIS1 straight and that this situation is 
maintained by the climate of homophobia and transphobia uninhibited in which we operate, 
relayed among others by the "AKI for all" and "anti-gender".

The reactionaries to attack the school

This band of reactionaries and religious fundamentalists has indeed found a new workhorse 
since the Taubira law was cohosh. After decried marriage for all that they believe distort 
the family and lead to the decline, here they are now denouncing the "gender theory", a 
theory which would be primarily taught in public schools by hateful leftists and teachers 
whose goal would be to pervert children. "The ABCD of equality" is at the heart of the 
storm. This school program whose goal is to fight against sexism and gender stereotypes 
become, as reactionaries, a propaganda tool to undermine the very nature of men and women 
and the social roles that each would naturally predisposed. There are many examples 
(Legend of teaching masturbation taught in school, scandal around the "Skirt Day" in 
Nantes, etc.) disinformation and manipulation by these factions, who will stop at nothing 
to spill their torrent of hate.

What is worrying is that some of the responses made to calm the controversy were also 
transphobic or homophobic. When parents rebelled against the idea that LGBT community 
associations are in schools, the response has often been to tell them that it was a lie. 
However, associations are made well in school and make it a real field work in the fight 
against discrimination and deconstruction of prejudice. The fact of hiding in media, 
public and official discourse is a climate of shame. It's not hiding LGBT people that 
attitudes will change. We also heard Professor ? e ? s, y ? e ? understood syndicated s 
contend that it was absurd to think that working on gender discrimination could cause 
children to become gay and / or trans. We believe that the fight against gender oppression 
requires a deconstruction of the relationship to h?t?ronorme2 to allow everyone to live 
more ? e freely, ie not necessarily heterosexual ? s and not necessarily in the genre 
assigned at birth. It "does not cause them to become", but it opens the field of 
possibilities. Because Equal rights is not effective! Because-as Lesbophobia, homophobia 
and transphobia kill! Against domination h?t?ropatriarcale cissexiste3! Because this year, 
it is important to be visible and allow our many affirm once more that our bodies belong 
to us and our journey!

Group Lille and Lyon group

1 Cis: cis person is someone whose gender matches that which was assigned at birth.

2 heteronormative: the heteronormative is the social norm to believe that everyone is 

3 Cissexisme: the cissexisme is the system of oppression experienced by trans people.

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