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zondag 31 augustus 2014

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - IAL #100 - Of homophobia "great replacement" ideological offensive of the extreme right (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

Anti-fascism - Anti-patriarchy - Anti-racism ---- There is one year, Clement Meric fell at 
the hands of the fascists in Paris. Three months later, in Greece, Pavlos Fyssas, rapper 
and anti-fascist activist, was assassinated by the Golden Dawn neo-Nazis. A year later, 
many rallies and demonstrations commemorated the death of Clement, that of Pavlos but also 
that of many anonymous victims of racist, homophobic, sexist or anti-Semitic crimes 
committed by fascists. Yet despite these numerous and sometimes massive demonstrations 
(nearly 8,000 demonstrators ? e ? s in Paris), what conclusions can be drawn from these 
"one year"? ---- Dissolved groups still present ---- We remember that Manuel Valls, then 
Minister of the Interior, took five minutes, between two racist circular to ban the French 
Mission and the Nationalist Youth. A year later, the dissolved groups are still present. 
We always find the same activists, the same leaders: Ivan Alexander Benedetti and Gabriac. 
The organization continues to exist under the name of "Young Nation" founded in 1949 by 
former collaborators and militia itself dissolved in 1958 for his involvement in the 
attempted coup supporters of French Algeria. It was under this name that they continue to 
spread fascist propaganda.

The far right continues its great ideological unpacking

Apart from issues of dissolved or known organizations, the year was marked by another 
offensive of the extreme right. Starting homophobic demonstrations and an already well 
disseminated Islamophobia, far right holds a true display of his ideological catalog. The 
extreme Catholic right seems to have opened a boulevard with homophobic and transphobic 
manifestation of "AKI for all", the wars of chapels between the different sections of the 
movement thwarted aspirations to create a unified force. The movement "the future for all" 
founded by frigid Bargot seems anecdotal, and Christine Boutin attempted to found a 
Catholic European consolidation with "life force" was an electoral and financial disaster. 
Since the end of their mobilizations, there are therefore two distinct divisions and 
political strategy.

Homophobia in action on gender theory: days withdrawal schools

Part of the AKI for all continue to operate on the same ideological background, with 
spearhead, homophobia, transphobia and anti-feminism. JRE, asking parents to withdraw 
their children from school, have come up against the ABC equality curriculum that aims to 
introduce the issue of social gender inequality in school. The peculiarity of the JRE is 
to pursue a strategy of rapprochement between Catholics and conservative fundamentalist 
Muslim fringe neighborhoods. Behind this strategy include Farida Belghoul converted at the 
thought of Alain Soral and equality and reconciliation. The discourse of JRE is also 
inspired by this organization combining homophobia, transphobia, anti-feminism and 
conspiracy delusions. Last goal as of this organization compete with associations of 
parents through "the Independent Federation of Parents of students brave" (FAPEC). Many 
actions against these JRE were organized by Professor ? e ? s schools through meetings 
with parents or antifascist mobilizations as in Saint Denis on 13 April1.

The resurgence of anti-semitism

The most radical part of the participants of "AKI for all" was organized under the banner 
"Day of Wrath". This movement was first introduced as a result of the policy for all AKI 
and red caps. But behind the organization of this event are the most radical of homophobic 
crusade last year groups: identity, the royalists of the French revival of fascist Young 
nation, supporters of Equality and Reconciliation... It is through the latter organization 
and links with Dieudonn? that the movement seems more widen, reaching a foreign audience 
to the traditional extreme right through the Internet.
After a demonstration on January 26 in Paris massive enough to view its clearly 
anti-Semitic and fascist character, a second phase is taking place. The objective is to 
organize a day of demonstrations in major French cities. But internal dissension in the 
movement and a series of anti-fascist mobilisations were not allowed to convert the try 
from 26 January. Most of fascist events were canceled or failed to show (as in Toulouse, 
Marseille...). In Montpellier, few fascists were now framed by heavy policing, while the 
cons-demonstration organized by the anti-fascist group gathered, she, more than 600 people.

Islamophobia in "great replacement" new workhorse of the extreme right

Another striking feature of this year: the progression of the FN. The electoral level, he 
finished ahead of European elections. The scores are of course to be qualified with 
respect to the high level of abstention. But the far right, through the FN seems to be the 
only political force to maintain and grow. How does this translate into? By strengthening 
the political position of the party is progressing disproportionate to the actual 
electoral growth. All factors are gathered for this progression. At the political level, 
other electoral parties have opened an avenue to FN: UMP has long adopted much of its 
thematic and resumed his speech, the PS continues to trivialize racist discourse against 
undocumented Roma and advocates economic rigor. Regarding the left and the extreme left, 
it is necessary to examine their responsibility: their choice to abandon a clear 
anti-capitalist speech in favor of an anti-liberalism focuses on critical financial 
capitalism and "dictatorship of Europe". This ideological decline is accompanied by a 
protectionist rhetoric patriotic view that paves the way to the extreme right nationalist 
and conspiracy.

But outside electoral matters is the ideological anchor speeches FN and its personalities 
close as Robert M?nard worries. Behind a part of the electoral discourse of the FN and the 
European extreme right there is the rhetoric and thinkers of identity movement.

Great replacement theory

Last workhorse of the extreme right, the theory of the Great replacement. The formula 
comes from the novelist and essayist Renaud Camus but its ideological foundation dates 
back to the theorists of the New Right and the origins of contemporary identity movement. 
The great replacement, simply put, is the theory of a "great contemporary danger", a 
replacement of the European population by immigrant population. It is taken by identity in 
the suicide note of Dominique Venner he sent to Robert M?nard. but also by members of the 
FN including Jean-Marie Le Pen, executives of the UMP or columnists like Eric Zemmour.

One more step after islamophobia

Islamophobia was already the heir to the political family of the New Right. The idea of 
not talking about races, but cultures and move stigma towards "cultural identity" was set 
up in the 70s by the extreme right. This new vocabulary helped make audible to a wider 
public discourse that remains fundamentally racist.

's "great replacement" is the step after. No more culture change but people speak, 
undercurrent of "race." Behind this idea is the founding myth of racism, the end of the 
"white man", fear of miscegenation. It is a return to the fundamentals of racist thinking 
that finds its place in political discourse but also in the mainstream media. In the 
European Marine Le Pen has openly called for "making French children."

After Islamophobia, homophobia, anti-feminism and anti-Semitism, the theory is yet another 
great replacement offensive of the extreme right, which influenced by its most radical 
fringes imposes its terms and ideas in society.

Yet it is possible to fight and stop the far right field struggles, whether face to JRE at 
Day col?re2 or identity in lyonnais3 subway. At the ideological offensive, it is necessary 
to have a clear speech. Clear with respect to the state which we have nothing to wait for. 
Clear with a government that favors the far right with the rigor and racist anti immigrant 
? e ? s policy on expelling camps Calais few days after indignant against the score of FN. 
Clear with respect to our anti-capitalist struggle that is not limited to denounce bankers 
or some large foreign fortunes but to fight our ruling classes, employers or government, 
where they are.

To do this, several libertarian organizations decided to join them force within the CLAF 
(Antifascist Libertarian Coordination). Fascism is in the struggle that the fight is the 
fight we will conquer.

Antonin & Natasha Group Montpellier

1. "Back on the" Day of withdrawal from school "JRE: St Denis and elsewhere it will not 
pass! "Paris-luttes.info.

2. "Fighting against the extreme right and the trivialization of fascist ideas! "On the 
site of the Collective Antifascist 34.

3. "elsewhere No fascist militia in public transport and nowhere" on Rebellyon.info.

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