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zondag 30 november 2014

Belgium, Brussels,19/12 - STOP TTIP - Encerclement / Omsingeling - Sommet EU Top!‏

Op 19 december, afspraak om 7 uur
Vreedzame omsingeling van de Europese top!
Allen naar brussel!

We komen om 7u00 samen op de volgende locatie: het kruispunt aan de Blijde Inkomstlaan - Wetstraat (tegenover het jubelpark).

Brief aan de deelnemende organisaties

Nadat de vorige regering het soberheidsverdrag had goedgekeurd waarbij alle Europese landen in een keurslijf gedwongen werden, doet deze regering er nog een schep bovenop.

Het recept bevat twee ingrediënten.
1. Soberheid ofwel de vermindering van onze uitgaven, de privatisering van de openbare diensten en een aanslag op alle werknemers (pensioenen, werkloosheid, het recht op staking…), in de naam van de competitiviteit en de budgettaire orthodoxie.
2. de vrijhandelsverdragen zoals het Trans-Atlantisch verdrag (TTIP) die achter gesloten deuren besproken worden en de werknemers nog meer met elkaar laat concurreren, onze landbouw vernietigen, de openbare diensten wurgen en onze democratie aan multinationals uitleveren.

Deze twee ingrediënten samen zorgen voor een giftige cocktail die de situatie enkel erger maakt en heeft maar één doeleinde : de sociale zekerheid ontmantelen en de macht van de rijken veilig stellen ten koste van de burgers.

In de Alliantie D19-20 willen boeren, werknemers/lozen, jongeren, milieuactivisten, feministen, enz… het actieplan van de vakbonden steunen.

Meer informaties over Alliance D19-20?

www.d19-20.be (in opbouw)

 19 décembre - 7h du matin
Encerclement du Sommet Européen!
Tous et toutes à Bruxelles!

Ce qu'il se passera le 19 décembre dans le Quartier Schuman

Nous donnons RDV à 7h00 au croisement Av. de la Joyeuse Entrée / Rue de la Loi (en face de l'entrée du parc du cinquantenaire).

Lettre aux organisations participantes

Par notre présence et l'encerclement pacifique, nous freinerons le démarrage de 

la deuxième journée du sommet européen. Un rassemblement principal est 

prévu ainsi que d'autres éventuelles actions dans les rues adjacentes ainsi 

qu'une manifestation finale qui nous réunira toutes et tous.

Plus d'infos pratiques au sujet de l'encerclement vous seront données une fois 

sur le lieu de RDV et via le site web juste avant 7h00.

Qui et pourquoi cette action ?

L’Alliance D19-20 est composée d’agriculteurs-trices, de travailleur/ses, de jeunes, d’écologistes, de militant(e)s, de féministes, d'activistes...

Nous souhaitons renforcer les mouvements sociaux en Belgique. Nous 

soutenons et participons au plan d’action syndical et appelons tout le monde 

(associations, syndicats, collectifs, individus) à être présent aux piquets de 

grève et actions syndicales, chacun avec ses propres slogans et ce jusqu’à la 

grève générale du 15 décembre à laquelle nous prendrons part. Le 19 


viendra renforcer l'ensemble des ces actions. Nous agissons contre 2 choses :

> L’austérité, c’est-à-dire la réduction des dépenses, la libéralisation des services publics et l’attaque sur l’ensemble des travailleurs/ses, au nom de la 

compétitivité et de la rigueur budgétaire.

> Les accords de libre-échange, comme le traité transatlantique (TTIP), qui 

– négociés en secret – vont accentuer la concurrence entre les travailleur/ses, 

détruire l’agriculture paysanne, achever les services publics et livrer la 

démocratie aux multinationales.

Obtenir plus d'infos sur l'Alliance D19-20 ?

www.d19-20.be (en cours de maintenance)

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #244 - FN congress in Lyon: Social Front against the National Fronty version (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

The FN congress held on 29 and 30 November in Lyon. As for the anti-fascist forces, the 
mobilization is required: an event as well as discussions and workshops are scheduled in 
Lyon. The challenge is clear that the far-right ideas must be fought relentlessly. ---- 
The anti-fascist front that recreates now faces an eminently more dangerous period than in 
the years 1980-1990, had led to the establishment of networks Scalp-No Pasaran Ras and the 
Front. The FN is now a must-electoral force, the Ides of March, and the ultra networks (of 
soraliens-dieudonnistes to identity and fascists of all stripes) manage to get some 
response. In response, after the disintegration of anti-fascism organized in the early 
2000s, we still move forward with measured steps, although the path is now engaged. It 
took nearly ten years for the anti-fascist movement of the 1990s managed to organize mass 
mobilizations like the demonstration against the FN congress in Strasbourg in March 1997, 
which had gathered nearly 50 000 people and contributed to weaken the fascist party. We 
are far from hope to succeed today such an initiative. So far we are not exactly at the 
zero point.

Rebuilding a movement against the extreme right

The mobilizations in June 2013 and 2014 following the assassination of Clement Meric, 
multiplication collective local antifascists (the realities and varied strengths 
contours), strengthening the Visa association and gradual structuring of Conex, but also 
week "Marseille against the extreme right" organized at the FN summer school in Marseille 
in September 2013 as antifascist weekend programmed against the FN congress in Lyon in 
November are characteristic of this period of reconstruction. In this process, local 
public have an important role to play. Diverse in their areas and their structuring, the 
collective now in dire need of coordination. Cartels organizations or groups of 
individuals, some can be firmly established and long, others, among the most recent, 
struggling to settle into the landscape. Each group is now referred to its local reality, 
producing its own response equipment, and most of the time, finds himself confined to the 
reaction piecemeal. But the lack of coordination - it is about strengthening asap! - Also 
results in difficulty conducting substantive discussions, although it expressed differing 
opinions or even confrontations would think collectively and strategically antifascist 
action at the national level.

Strategically precisely, the first obstacle to overcome in this reconstruction / ongoing 
redefinition of the anti-fascist movement is to affirm that the fracture does not occur 
between radical anti-fascism and anti-fascism mass. For Libertarian Alternative, anger 
that may exist at the emergence of the extreme right must be expressed: it helps dispel 
the trivialisation of the extreme right and its ideas, sitting by the mainstream media as 
well as by government parties as a whole. However, this anger may be expressed 
differently. Thus, at the end of November protest against the FN congress, there should be 
no break between supporters fellow radical actions and those wishing to "only" cycle. This 
positioning, this "diversity of tactics" Libertarian Alternative proposed to (x) group (s) 
of organization to share and take concrete (possible organization of legal and medical 
teams for example).

Against isolation for class solidarity

Alternative libertarian decided at its last federal coordination, to the success of the 
anti-fascist demonstration in Lyon a priority, pledging wherever possible in the unit 
managers who will this mobilization. At this event, we also offer our partners and 
anti-capitalist libertarians structuring a wide pole in the event, in which each 
procession would fit without dissolving it. And anti-capitalists appear united and speak 
with one voice against the fascist party and the extreme right. A voice that must be heard 
because she reasons of struggle and class solidarity of words, strike, self ...

Especially at the occasion of the mobilization against the FN congresses, forums are also 
planned. They can be an opportunity to defend social fascism as an alternative to 
Republican fascism, which too often appears as the only bulwark against the rise of the 
FN. By anti-fascism "republican" We particularly aim delusion of believing that an 
electoral force to the left of the left would be able to slow the progression of the FN. 
This is the explicit strategic choice of m?lenchoniste left and the PCF. It's also an idea 
that lives heads many activists, not necessarily Inserted es but polarized es by this 
strategy. Beyond the general discourse on the "abstention raises the FN" part of this 
Republican strategy that refers to the voting booth - and isolation - the anti-fascist 

For social fascism

Must still fleshing out this social fascism. If we consider the truly most disturbing 
period, we must then go beyond what our habits activists support us to implement. This is 
not to deprive yourself to do what we know how to do what we have learned over many years 
of practical struggles: organize events, collages, tractages, arguments and make sure - as 
possible - a physical presence at the extreme right. Facing the fascist temptation and 
extent of the penetration of far-right ideas, we must regain ground. The "simple" 
propaganda and piecemeal responses will not suffice, although these aspects are necessary. 
The physical market presence at the scene of life and popular sociability are a necessity. 
Not just to give a speech there might appear to be outside but to demonstrate and embody 
our commitments and mutual aid and solidarity values. Union action that we can develop our 
workplaces, social struggles that we contribute to animate on different fronts (housing, 
racism ...) can contribute and this is of course that we need to talk and that must first 
be known.

The united campaign "Uni-es against the extreme right" carried by the CGT, FSU and 
Solidaires is too "centralized", even if local initiatives have existed. The 
responsibility of revolutionary militants and contribute to decline even more this 
campaign across departments and local unions as in federations, unions and sections of 
professional sectors. All attest that unionism remains an essential bulwark against the 
rise of the extreme right, in its ability to carry out mass struggles and make tangible 
daily class solidarity. Strengthening the Visa association, establishing local offices, as 
is the case in the Bouches-du-Rh?ne, may also participate in this process. The creation of 
anti-fascist committees in the different unions and different levels of structure is also 
on the agenda. Do not overlook what a fascist intersyndical work can help in consolidating 
inter-union and inter-relationships, strong asset for future social struggles. But it is 
also developing other extra-parliamentary practices. Experiences like those of Crea in 
Toulouse, the Rotisserie or self-managed canteen Pyrenees in Paris, even if they are still 
embryonic and limited in this direction. Self-managed sites which may exist in some 
cities, such as the Spark in Angers, too.

... And extra

We must also keep in mind that if the (too) few experiences we can muster were mostly 
implemented in the city, it is crucial to find the contours of similar practices in 
peri-urban and rural areas. Although the modalities of intervention can be even harder to 
imagine, this is nevertheless a goal which can be discussed in collective militants.

The project is to make possible what is akin to social-run centers, true contemporary 
labor exchanges, where the most concrete and most basic solidarity is not an empty word. 
This is also why we must discuss in an anti-fascist movement that seeks to respond most 
effectively to the resistible rise of the various extreme right. The anchoring of 
anti-capitalist, anarchist and revolutionary militants in the social movement unionism is 
a definite asset to ensure that these initiatives remain confined to a pre militant 
square, and instead turn to the greatest number. Brought in the anti-fascist group in the 
different unit groups (especially those preparing to mobilize in November in Lyon), these 
proposals can draw ideological and strategic alternative and counteract legalistic 
discourse and Republicans while asserting an anti-capitalist position. For it is from our 
land, the street and the struggles that we will draw the contours of social fascism, mass 
and class.

Edith Soboul (Federal Secretariat AL)


The initial call to the mobilization of Lyon was launched following the conferences 
organized by Conex last June. This call, "Uniting and act against the extreme right" is 
worn by various anti-fascist groups that constitute the Conex but by union structures 
(Solidarity, federations South Education, South PTT and Responsible students but also CGT 
unions ...) and supported by political organizations AL.

Libertarian anti-fascist campaign (Claf), whose scope was expanded to the FA, now brings 
together almost all the libertarian organizations. The CLAF launched a specific call to 
action of Lyon. A website and a renewed campaign materials should help to strengthen its 

Finally, Syllepse editions have called intellectuals calling in particular that organize 
anti-fascist Popular universities during the mobilization of Lyon.

Demonstration in Lyon, starting 14h, place Jean-Mace


(en) Canada, UCL, Collectif Emma Goldman - Ferguson: Move along, nothing to see. Just another racist murder by the police. (fr)

[machine translation]

"He Was Black. That's reason enough." ---- Police kill and always comes out unscathed. We 
already knew it, but here is another example. On August 9, the police officer Darren 
Wilson murdered Michael Brown suddenly 6 bullets in his body so that he was not armed. The 
body of the young man of 18 was then left in place for hours, in full view of passers-by. 
It was followed by several days of rioting in the city of Ferguson which was held on 
murder. On 24 November last year that the Grand Jury had to give its verdict. It's no 
surprise that Darren Wilson, Michael Brown assassin, was acquitted. According to the 
judges, it has only '' defend 'against the' 'bad' 'unarmed assailant. ---- This case is 
reminiscent of the events surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida. This young 
black 17 year old was murdered by George Zimmerman, a citizen who proclaimed himself head 
of security in his neighborhood, 26 February 2012.

Martin, who was returning to buy an iced tea and then go watch the games NBA on 
television, has been continued by Zimmerman who, having landed, was coldly shot dead. The 
killer used the law Stand your ground to justify the murder and the police accepted the 
version of Zimmerman as true without any further investigation. Stand your ground is a law 
of '' self-defense '' passed in 2005. A few months later, Zimmerman was acquitted despite 
the racist murder he committed (1).

In Ferguson as elsewhere in the United States, racism is institutionalized in the police 
force. Here are some statistics from a study of the body ArchCity Defenders . In Ferguson, 
86% of people stopped by the cops blacks (although they make up 67% of the population). 
Whites (29% of the population) are subject to 12% of traffic stops.

Blacks are twice as likely to be searched than whites, the report of ArchCity Defenders. 
And twice as likely to be arrested. "Yet illegal substances are found on blacks 21.7% of 
the time, while it is 34% for whites ..."

It affects blacks disproportionately (they are 35% of the prison population, although they 
form 13% of the population) (2).

What is the second largest source of revenue in Ferguson?

Ticketing The municipal and road regulations. There is talk of $ 2,635,400 in 2013.

So $ 2,635,400 in fines given by the 53 cops Ferguson. It's $ 321 on average per address.

And if you do not pay periods a ticket, the court issues a warrant, a warrant of arrest. 
And the next grilled red light at the next gum spat on the ground, one passes you in 
handcuffs. The Municipal Court of Ferguson launched in 2013, no fewer than 24,532 
warrants: three per address. Too poor to pay for are in jail for bullshit. (2)

In Quebec, the police kill herself also without having to worry of justice. The most 
striking example is that of Freddy Villanueva, who was murdered in 2008 in Montreal-North, 
while playing dice with his brother and friends. It would have been too 'close' the 
officer while the latter kept his brother who refused to identify himself. Playing dice in 
a public place is considered a violation of a public regulation. The police officer 
Jean-Loup Lapointe was not accused. Earlier this year, a cyclist crushed by a cop car that 
was on the reverse, died in Quebec. Having caught the person twice, the police handcuffed 
the man whose blood out through the mouth. Then they took up to bring him to the ambulance 
... It does not lift a person who is ailing failing to kill or cause serious sequelae.

Despite this, no charges. Ditto for the policeman who killed a child of 5 years after the 
father's car down to 120 km / h. Blame has fallen on the father who committed an 'error' 
'according to the judges because it was in an area of yield. As it was the latter that the 
cop came to 120 km / h in an area of ... 50 km / h. Of course, he thought he had the time 
to go. It is important to remember that there was no urgency to justify such a speed. 
These are some examples in a sea of police killings ... Each year, many people fall under 
the bullets of the police. But the justice system is always there to save their-ass. The 
police investigating the police's what happens. Justice twofold.

As stressed a person on the social network Twitter about the murder of Michael Brown 
Darren Wilson: ' The fundamental danger of non-prosecution, not riots, but Darren Wilson ' 
.dropoff window Luther King said: '' riot is the language of misunderstood '(and oppressed 
es). The biggest danger is that Darren Wilson will continue to patrol the streets and 
profiling people. The threat it poses is not excluded ... Even worse is supported by the 
justice system.

Down with the police state, down with racist state!

1. For more information about the murder of Trayvon Martin. 


3. For more information on the role played by the armed wing of the police: 
http://ucl-saguenay.blogspot.ca/2014/11/pas-de-justice-pas-de-paix-une-table. html

4. Here are some texts on racist acts by the police in Quebec:

Posted ago Yesterday by Collectif Emma Goldman

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Screening of the documentary "Fascsim Inc." Chatzistefanou of Aris - Anti-fascism Lyon (fr, pt)

 [machine translation]
Friday, november 28 at 20h, screening of the documentary "fascsim inc." chatzistefanou of 
aris ---- Opening e Pen to 20h and the beginning of the pr oject ion 20:30. ---- Visible 
information on the documentary of the site with a donation to call at the end of it: ---- 
"Because fascism is not limited to Golden Dawn, but also promoted by political leaders, 
entrepreneurs and publishers ... Since the conditions of the crisis that promote fascism 
around us and are not behind us .. Since all Europe slips into the darkness of the far 
right ..." ---- The team that produced Debtocracy and Catastroika's enters the debate with 
a new documentary ---- This time we will present brief unknown stories of past, present 
and future of fascism and its relationship to the economic interests of each era. We 
travel to Mussolini's Italy to Greece during the Nazi occupation, civil war and 
dictatorship; and Hitler's Germany in the modern fascism in Greece and Europe. This new 
documentary will follow the footsteps of Debtocracy and Catastroika, describing the causes 
of the debt crisis, the impact of austerity measures, the erosion of democracy and the 
selling off of the country's wealth ..

Several independent media, including the national broadcaster ERT, now controlled by its 
employees, we already int offfert their support as media sponsors. But the co-producers of 
this effort, it will always be you.

Our third documentary is inspired and aspires to motivate anti-fascist movements in 
Europe, while remaining one of the largest independent production experience in the genre 
of documentary. Again, we categorically reject any funding from private companies or 
political parties, and this documentary will be released under a Creative Commons license.

In this effort we need your help. You can become co-producers through Paypal or bank 
transfer to a bank account. (Details here: http://infowarproductions.com/fascisme_sa/ ).

Black Feather, 8 rue Diderot, 69001 Lyon.
Permanence Saturday from 15h to 19h.
Black Ideas, 21h-20h Wednesday on Radio Canut (102.2)
Possibility to register on our public information page here

Palestine-Israel - The joint struggle contribute to the shift in the domination of the capitalist ruling elite*

Israel was built mainly by the national socialists who owned 75% of the economy at 1949. 
Due to the dependence on imperial powers the so called socialist elite invested a lot in 
building the Zionist-capitalist elite to which it lost the power in 1977. The interest 
conflicts within the Zionist-capitalist elite started to change balance between the small 
tycoons section that supported the Zionist wish to transfer the Palestinians out and the 
capitalist section that integrated in the neo-liberal globalization who wish to exploit 
the Palestinians and the workers of neighboring countries. The restructuring of power 
relations in the global capitalism after the last crisis had its Israeli expression in the 
near bankruptcy of the Tycoon elite and the present collapse of the government coalition. 
The economic damage already resulted from the B.D.S. which is enhanced by the joint 
struggle seems to hasten the shift in the balance of powers.


Haitham Al Khatib:"Today's demo was dedicated to AL QOUDS. The participants were 
Palestinians,Israeli and ?#?Internationale? ?#?Activists?.We all decided to march towards 
AL ?#?QOUDS? to put an end to WALLS and ?#?CHECKPOINTS?. Although the soldiers were not 
violent more than usual,they threw hundreds of tears gas and bullets at us.
There were dozens of protestors suffering from it. "They intentionally threw gas DIRECTLY 
at me with a clear intention to cause damage to me.
EVERYONE who truly cherishes FREEDOM and JUSTICE should have the RESPONSIBILITY to 
WE will never give up our STRUGGLE for our LEGITIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS!
Bil'in today - 9 Israelis with the anarchists against the separation wall, many 
internationals (including A French delegation that visited the village of Bil'in with 
Mayor Onglavil Mr. Jean Doris, the delegation participated in the march, as an expression 
of solidarity with the Palestinian People and Bilin village).and Bil'iners - in spite the 
"competing" demo in Qalandia, demonstrated west of the village. Though the Israeli state 
forces succeeded to block us from even approaching the route of the older (dismantled) 
separation fence, because of the strong wind from the north, they failed to disperse us 
though they showered us with tear gas 
Mohammed Basman Yasinhttps://www.facebook.com/mohamed.b.yaseen/posts/671195322979803
Here is a short video i made today at the moment of the arrest of a Canadian guy (Jessie 
Hadad ) in the demo of Bilin. Unfortunately I couldn't film what i saw With my eyes when 
the police border was beating him.https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10204428257799481
Friday in Bil'in, 7 Israelis "Paying the rent" for the pleasure of immigrants who are 
living in Palestine... and 10 internationals joined the locals in the demonstration 
against the separation wall and occupation, confronted the Israeli state armed forces. As 
usual lately, when we just marched within the village lands, the barrage of tear gas 
started. Due to a friendly wind our way was only blocked but we were not dispersed. After 
about an hour of confrontation and a change in the direction of the wind most of us 
returned to the built area of the village.


21-11-2014, The weekly demonstration against settlements and apartheid wall with slogans 
condemning the Israeli siege on Jerusalem started at the city center and moved towards the 
village entrance blocked by a huge number of Israeli soldiers . As the protesters got 
close, the soldiers fired a massive tear gas and sound bomb attack to push demonstrators back.
Israeli new settlement plans will prevent the southern villages of the city of Bethlehem 
from reaching their city leaving them in total isolation .
Popular resistance committees in the area said that they will not stop before they free 
their village and reclaim their stolen lands.

Nabi Saleh

Friday 14.11.2014
David Reeb http://youtu.be/4r7oFaX2t1c

Friday 21.11.2014 
Occupied Palestine, Nabi Saleh 21 November 2014
Nariman AL Tamimi, Asid and Basel Al Rimawi were shot by Israeli live bullets today at Al 
Nabi Saleh village
Nariman is currently having an operation in her foot, which was hit by a live bullet. Asid 
Al Rimawi 15 and Basel Al Rimawi 24 were hit by live bullets while the Israeli army was 
violently suppressing the weekly demonstration at AL Nabi Saleh which started from Al 
Shuhada square in the center of the village and was heading towards the village lands 
confiscated by the Israeli occupation.
tens of international solidarity activists and Palestinians from the village and the 
surrounding villages took part in this demonstration.
The demonstration was under the title (Jerusalem is calling) and aimed to mark the second 
anniversary of the killing of Rushdi Al Tamimi by the Israeli army. The demonstrators 
chanted against the occupation and illegal colonial settlements and for Jerusalem, 
Palestinian political prisoners an martyrs
Once the demonstrators reached the Israeli army checkpoint at the entrance of the village, 
the Israeli soldiers started shooting live and rubber bullets in addition to gas and metal 
bombs. Nariman was injured with a bullet (called Tutu) in her foot and was immediately 
taken to Palestine health compound. A 25 year old man and a 15 year old boy from the 
village of Beit Rima were also injured by live bullets from the same type (tutu)and were 
taken to Yaser Arafat hospital in Salfit. Tens of demonstrators were hit by metal-coated 
rubber bullets and asphyxiation as a result of the Israeli gas bombs.
israelpnm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayvNaFkNOD0
Haim Schwarczenberg: "Marking the second anniversary to the killing of Rushdi Tamimi by 
the IOF, residents of Nabi Saleh, including Rushdi?s family members marched to protest his 
killing and the routine killing of Palestinians by the Israeli army. The IOF fired live 
ammunition, injuring three protesters ? two from neighboring Beit Rima and another woman 
who was sustained gunshot wound to her leg and was taken to hospital in Ramallah for 
treatment." http://schwarczenberg.com/?p=1674



Yisrael Puterman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWg486bGYYM
Ni'lin continue to resist Israeli occupation and apartheid 28.112014 - one guy, 21 years 
old got shot in the stomach with a rubber coated steel bullet from close range in Ni'lin, 
as clashes continued until 03:00pm, in spite of the several attempts to shoot and cash 
protesters, luckily no one got caught.
soon full report at http://www.nilin-village.org/
This weeks demonstration started like all other weeks after the Friday prayer under the 
olive trees that grow in the outskirts of the village of Ni?lin. As every week the 
demonstration proceeded to march towards the separation wall carrying Palestinian flags 
and chanting slogans against the wall and in solidarity with the Palestinian struggling at 
the Al-Aqsa mosque.

However the situation in the village has been escalating since June of this year Israeli 
soldiers were waiting for the protesters as they approached the wall. Before the 
demonstration had arrived at it?s destination the soldiers attacked the protest with tear 
gas canisters fired straight towards the protesters as well as rubber coated steel 
bullets. The clashes continued until three in the after noon when the protestors managed 
to push the soldiers back towards the wall.

Since June 2014 the Israeli soldiers have been attacking Ni?lins Friday demonstration near 
habituated house and sometimes even inside the village, chasing protesters with jeeps and 
shooting at houses. We believe this is an attempt to make the villagers condemn the 
demonstrations and thereby making them stop.

Many new tactics have been put in place to make the Ni?lin demonstrations come to an end. 
One such tactic has been to let snipers shoot protestors in the legs in order for them to 
be easier to catch for the soldiers. Since June of this year 13 protesters have been shot 
in the legs but so far only one has been arrested. The military has also been adding more 
snipers over the course of the months. To start with they were using one sniper during 
demonstrations but now that number has grown to three.

The Israeli military's treatment of Ni?lin and it?s villagers are aided by the fact that 
the town has received no media coverage in more than a year and a half. This has led to 
Ni?lin being a testing ground for new military tactics against demonstrations.


14.11.2014 The army was especially brutal in the last weekly demo in kufr Qaddum
Friday 21.11.2014
The mad armed forces showered the place with skunk water including the non participants 
who came back from the olive harvest, fired live ammunition while aiming at demonstrators 
and cursing out loud at us.
Then, the village answered.
Already one boy injured by tutu bullets fired on the hundreds of resident protesters in 
the weekly demo against the occupation in kufr Qaddum.
Dozens of Israeli soldiers heavily armed firing and storming us inside the village, and 
the ppl stand defiant.
Amnon Lotanhttps://www.facebook.com/amnonlotan/posts/10152859008237037
Today over 200 local participants matched in Kufr Qaddum, along with a couple 
internationals and 4 israelis.
The army invaded the village on the main road early, with a few dozen soldiers, with gips, 
gas cannons, skunk and tutu rifles. In the first hour before and after the march started 
they were very violent, firing all the above all over the main street.
At least two were shot and treated for tutu bullet injuries.
About an hour or so after the march began, the soldiers showed more restraint, and began 
to retreat even before the heavy rain set in. This led to the ppl burning even more tires 
than usual, taking advantage of a strong westerly wind that blew it all into Kdumim.
All in all, moral was very high.
Amnon Lotan
28-11-14 - Israeli army just shot a European solidarity activist in the chest with live 
ammunition at the weekly demo against the occupation in kufr Qaddum! There was no warning 
and the invading soldiers were not in any danger. Over 200 local protesters with a dozen 
Jews and internationals keep an unarmed standoff in front of the army inside the village.

Sheikh Jarrah

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood 
every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes,
the taking over of the neighborhood by the settlers, and the Judaization of East Jerusalem.
They call upon each and every person who supports their struggle to join them.
This is the eleventh Friday after Salah being jailed. Please make a special effort to come
Please make the effort and join them this November 14th, for a vigil in support of their 

28/11/14 Blocking the Jerusalem - Jericho road
Nabi Mosa occupied Palestine, demonstration faced by huge number of Israeli soldiers and 
police, demonstrations called for the end of occupation, freeing jerusalem and the 
stopping of bedouin displacement in the area. --- Palestinian popular committees 
accompanied by international solidarity activists succeeded today to block the Jerusalem - 
Jericho road to restrict the Zionist colonists and soldiers movement. The peaceful protest 
was faced and suppressed by a big number of heavily armed Israeli soldiers of all units 
who used tear gas canisters and stun grenades to disperse and oppress the peaceful 
protesters and prevent them from blocking the high way.
The main goals of the protest were to shed more light on the ongoing displacement of the 
Palestinian Bedouins from that area (H1), to confirm that occupied Jerusalem is a 
Palestinian capital and Palestinian have the full right to enter Jerusalem city freely .

Don?t say we did not know #428
On Tuesday, 21st October, 2014, Border Police units (combat soldiers) came to the Bedouin 
East Jerusalem neighborhood, A-Za?im ? Za?atara. The residents are West Bank ID holders, 
and landowners, even though Israel annexed the neighborhood to Jerusalem. They are allowed 
to continue living there but are prohibited from entering the rest of Jerusalem.
The soldiers demolished three homes and an ancient cave used as a sheepfold.
Twenty one people were made homeless.
The next day the soldiers returned and confiscated tents donated by the Red Cross, 
following the demolition.

Don?t say we did not know #429
On Sunday, 09/11/2014, a group of Palestinian children from Hebron were on their way home 
from school, when a settler driving by stopped near them and pushed one of them. The boy 
fell and was injured.
International volunteers in the area approached border units policemen in the area and 
asked them to intervene. The policemen refused. As the settler drove off, the policemen 
waved him goodbye instead of arresting him.

Don?t say we didn?t know #430

On Thursday, November 6th, 2014, IDF soldiers arrived at the Palestinian village El?Aqaba 
(near Tubas) and demolished a home and a sheepfold. Nine people were made homeless.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the home demolitions in Umm El-Kheir in the South Hebron Hills (Don?t say? #427), 
those affected received tents as humanitarian aid. On October 29th, 2014, IDF soldiers 
came back and confiscated those tents. The residents started constructing tin sheds. On 
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014, IDF soldiers came and handed out Stop Work orders.

All village homes, except four, are threatened with demolition orders.

Questions & queries: amosg@shefayim.org.il

* From my blog at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall 
take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution
http://awalls.org http://ilan.shalif.com/anarchy/glimpses/glimpses.html

Belgium, Brussels, Jazz club The Music Village Program Week of 1st DECEMBER 2014‏

The Music Village asbl-vzw
50 rue des Pierres Steenstraat  1000 Brussels
>> http://www.themusicvillage.com

"If you have to ask what jazz is...
you 'll never know..."
Do not wait too long to reserve some of the only 71 remaining seats...

MONDAY  1st DECEMBER at LUNCH TIME 12.30  De Weik van’ t Brussels
Very funny, if you understand (or guess…) a few words of Flemish-Brussels language…
Presentatie: Johan Verminnen en Julien Vrebos
More info on www.bebrusseleir.be    
TUESDAY 2                               LAST MINUTE - EXCEPTIONAL CONCERT
Alessio Menconi  Unit
Alessio Menconi (guitar), Ivan Paduart (piano),Sal La Rocca (bass), Mimì Verderame (drums)
...one of much important and wanted guitar player in Italy and Europe...
...For one night at the Village, in the company of some of our best Belgian jazz cats....
TICKET : 16-18€

Soul T (lead), Nicolas Sanchez (trumpet), Marcelo Terra (alt sax), Nicolas Kummert (tenor sax),
Maurice Poto (keys), Javier Breton (bass), Ben Tequi (drums)

Combining the traditions of funk soul with a hint of hip hop-jazz,
Soul T blows minds with his electric live performances and raw sense of improvisation.
...Just soul brother...

TICKET : 7.50€

Espehlos - Mirrors
Cristina Rosal and Ana Milena Rocha (vocals), Pierre Gillet (guitare and mandoline), 
Miguel Rosal (bass),) Thibault Dille (accordéon and accordina)

...this highly interesting musical project bringing together Portuguese and Belgian musicians
around traditional music from Portugal (fado and…), 
Brazilian traditional music and jazz. ...
Five top vocalists and instrumentalists to discover, back from a successful tour in Brazil...
TICKET : 12-14 €

Malou Beauvoir & the Johan Clement Trio
Malou Beauvoir (vocals), Johan Clement (piano), Bart Denolf (bass), Luc Vanden Bosch (drums)
...Malou is a unique combination of her multi-cultural influences and experiences...
...her vitality and unique connection with her public is amazing!...
For one night at the Village in the company of one of the best swinging European jazz trio...
TICKET : 16 -18€

SATURDAY 6                                    SWINGING SWEDISH VOCALIST
Matilda Mörk & the Swingmasters
Matilda Mork (vocals), Ludvig Berghe (piano), Dirk Vanderlinden (guitar), Peter Verhas, (saxophone),
Hinderik Leeuwe (trumpet), Stefan Willems (bass), Paul Bourdiaudhy (drums)

Matilda Mörk (Sweden) has with her theatrical personality and experience
shed a light on the musical cabaret tradition 
that was so cherished during
the 1960 – 1970’ies  period...

...a mix of own (Swedish) jazz songs and standards...
...with the  support of one of our most swinging combo's...

TICKET : 16-18€

World,The End Malnutrition Daily is out! Edition of 30 November 2014‏

The End Malnutrition Daily
Published by
Fred Tissandier
30 November 2014
Leisure Science Business Environment Art & Entertainment World #hunger #games
Today's headline
Filipinas: “la gente valora positivamente el acompañamiento” - Desde El Terreno
thumbnailwww­.accioncontraelhambre.org - Un año después de aquel fatídico 8 de noviembre en el que el tifón Haiyan, también conocido como Yolanda, sacudió brutalmente Filipinas dejando más de 6 000 muertos. Tacloban, una de las ciudades m...
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