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zondag 30 november 2014

(en) Canada, UCL, Collectif Emma Goldman - Ferguson: Move along, nothing to see. Just another racist murder by the police. (fr)

[machine translation]

"He Was Black. That's reason enough." ---- Police kill and always comes out unscathed. We 
already knew it, but here is another example. On August 9, the police officer Darren 
Wilson murdered Michael Brown suddenly 6 bullets in his body so that he was not armed. The 
body of the young man of 18 was then left in place for hours, in full view of passers-by. 
It was followed by several days of rioting in the city of Ferguson which was held on 
murder. On 24 November last year that the Grand Jury had to give its verdict. It's no 
surprise that Darren Wilson, Michael Brown assassin, was acquitted. According to the 
judges, it has only '' defend 'against the' 'bad' 'unarmed assailant. ---- This case is 
reminiscent of the events surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida. This young 
black 17 year old was murdered by George Zimmerman, a citizen who proclaimed himself head 
of security in his neighborhood, 26 February 2012.

Martin, who was returning to buy an iced tea and then go watch the games NBA on 
television, has been continued by Zimmerman who, having landed, was coldly shot dead. The 
killer used the law Stand your ground to justify the murder and the police accepted the 
version of Zimmerman as true without any further investigation. Stand your ground is a law 
of '' self-defense '' passed in 2005. A few months later, Zimmerman was acquitted despite 
the racist murder he committed (1).

In Ferguson as elsewhere in the United States, racism is institutionalized in the police 
force. Here are some statistics from a study of the body ArchCity Defenders . In Ferguson, 
86% of people stopped by the cops blacks (although they make up 67% of the population). 
Whites (29% of the population) are subject to 12% of traffic stops.

Blacks are twice as likely to be searched than whites, the report of ArchCity Defenders. 
And twice as likely to be arrested. "Yet illegal substances are found on blacks 21.7% of 
the time, while it is 34% for whites ..."

It affects blacks disproportionately (they are 35% of the prison population, although they 
form 13% of the population) (2).

What is the second largest source of revenue in Ferguson?

Ticketing The municipal and road regulations. There is talk of $ 2,635,400 in 2013.

So $ 2,635,400 in fines given by the 53 cops Ferguson. It's $ 321 on average per address.

And if you do not pay periods a ticket, the court issues a warrant, a warrant of arrest. 
And the next grilled red light at the next gum spat on the ground, one passes you in 
handcuffs. The Municipal Court of Ferguson launched in 2013, no fewer than 24,532 
warrants: three per address. Too poor to pay for are in jail for bullshit. (2)

In Quebec, the police kill herself also without having to worry of justice. The most 
striking example is that of Freddy Villanueva, who was murdered in 2008 in Montreal-North, 
while playing dice with his brother and friends. It would have been too 'close' the 
officer while the latter kept his brother who refused to identify himself. Playing dice in 
a public place is considered a violation of a public regulation. The police officer 
Jean-Loup Lapointe was not accused. Earlier this year, a cyclist crushed by a cop car that 
was on the reverse, died in Quebec. Having caught the person twice, the police handcuffed 
the man whose blood out through the mouth. Then they took up to bring him to the ambulance 
... It does not lift a person who is ailing failing to kill or cause serious sequelae.

Despite this, no charges. Ditto for the policeman who killed a child of 5 years after the 
father's car down to 120 km / h. Blame has fallen on the father who committed an 'error' 
'according to the judges because it was in an area of yield. As it was the latter that the 
cop came to 120 km / h in an area of ... 50 km / h. Of course, he thought he had the time 
to go. It is important to remember that there was no urgency to justify such a speed. 
These are some examples in a sea of police killings ... Each year, many people fall under 
the bullets of the police. But the justice system is always there to save their-ass. The 
police investigating the police's what happens. Justice twofold.

As stressed a person on the social network Twitter about the murder of Michael Brown 
Darren Wilson: ' The fundamental danger of non-prosecution, not riots, but Darren Wilson ' 
.dropoff window Luther King said: '' riot is the language of misunderstood '(and oppressed 
es). The biggest danger is that Darren Wilson will continue to patrol the streets and 
profiling people. The threat it poses is not excluded ... Even worse is supported by the 
justice system.

Down with the police state, down with racist state!

1. For more information about the murder of Trayvon Martin. 


3. For more information on the role played by the armed wing of the police: 
http://ucl-saguenay.blogspot.ca/2014/11/pas-de-justice-pas-de-paix-une-table. html

4. Here are some texts on racist acts by the police in Quebec:

Posted ago Yesterday by Collectif Emma Goldman

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