(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - [Paris] Rally
against the operation "Pandora" in Spain (fr, it, pt) [machine
Here we relay the news of STCPP (CNT-AIT Paris) that calls the rally against the "Pandora"
operation, anti-terrorist operation that aims many of our comrades in the Spanish State,
searched es, es imprisoned and prosecuted -es by "justice" capitalist. ---- Neither
victims nor innocent-es! If they touch a-e of us, they touch tou-te-s! ---- APPOINTMENT TO
THE EMBASSY OF SPAIN (22 Avenue Marceau, Paris 8, M 9 Alma-Marceau) --------- Tuesday,
December 16, 2014, on charges of terrorist association, the Kingdom of Spain kept as part
of the so called "case pandora" Fourteen persons incarcerated in seven remand pending
judgment. The same day, in Madrid and Barcelona, the national police violently dispersed,
and conducting four new detentions, spontaneous demonstrations of more than 800 people.
Spain, one of the four European countries accused of torture and police racism Amnesty
International is revealed by his violent state repression protecting itself by an
ambiguous and recently reformed Terrorism Act (ten days of isolation for the detainee at
risk of possible torture, violations and other ill-treatment), which defines a
terrorist-related offenses actions "whose end is to upset the constitutional order or
seriously alter the public peace.?
Under this charge, in Spain, people are likely to be detained and even jailed - for a
judgment that never comes - decked out ideological assumptions which do not meet in
reality only profiles established by the judiciary in serving the interests of the
political leader of the party time.
It seems that for Spain the new "danger" is in possession of materials of mass destruction
such as "flares", the "golf balls", the "knives" and of "inciting writings the bloodshed
"(which were not made public and whose contents have not been specified), which according
to the powers that be" inciting subversion of the established order. "(Definition
literally reproduced official statements after detention.)
Charges include over twenty explosions which no one has ever been informed and the media
have not echoed, with the exception of the explosion of the Basilica of Pilar in Zaragoza,
for which indicted two people of Chilean descent who are currently detained without trial
and which until today has not been assigned an accomplice, although recently we try to
involve them in the other inmates.
It is clear that we face a new arrangement similar to those already experienced in the 70
and 80 where the police apparatus libertarian organizations attributed to attacks by ETA
recently disappeared, even after their claim by the latter officially. The difference with
these new and outlandish claims is that there still lacks the attacks, victims,
explosives, facts that could support the alleged wave of explosions.
Obviously a system that gradually becomes corrupt and decadent need to redact each time
more its ills. Administrative and financial system that steals its 'citizens' needs direct
public opinion towards the so-called conspiracies. These are the ultimate consequences of
a state, heir to the dictatorship, never reached basic separation of judicial, legislative
and executive, where justice obeys the government and to laws enacted by it. For this, we
denounce any collaboration with a country that is working on the exploitation of the
people by the cacique in the most shameful European caricature of democracy.
STOP arbitrary detentions and disappearances of workers, wherever they reside!
Call for a rally Saturday, January 24, 2014 at 15h, against "Operation Pandora" in front
of the Embassy of Spain (22 Avenue Marceau, Paris 8th). Metro Alma-Marceau (M9).
Call relayed the Union of Workers, Unemployed and Precarious de Paris (STCPP) of the CNT-AIT
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