(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) -
Courant Alternatif #245 - Content + Editorial (fr, it, pt) [machine
Content ---- PAGE 3 EDITORIAL: RECORD PUNISHMENT ---- PAGE 4-5 Testet, Chronicle of a
Death Foretold ---- PAGE 6 Nantes Demonstration high voltage ---- PAGE 7 Strategies fear
and death to impose liberal project ---- PAGE 12 A reaction nipped in the bud ---- PAGE 13
News from anarchist prisoner ---- BIG BROTHER PAGE 14 touch BOTTOM ---- PAGE 16 The throes
of a daily press sucked the Web ---- PLANNING ---- PAGE 19 Boulogne; Capitalist spatial
planning: a logic of class and social segregation ---- ECOLOGY ---- PAGE 20 Act energy
transition: a bonus for the nuclear lobby ---- INTERNATIONAL ---- PAGE 22 Reflections and
reminders on the Kurdish struggle, the issue of Koban? and solidarity ---- OUR HISTORY
---- PAGE 26 Far from paris and clich?s, three books about Marseille ---- EUROPE ---- PAGE
28 Struggles within Europe and the fight against the EU ---- PAGE 32 THE ECONOMY IN BRIEF
It is now an established phenomenon: democratic states are transforming themselves towards
specialization increasingly pushed into the policing of society. This management by force
is designed to submit to the decisions taken by the state in sophisticated processes
supposed to give them democratic legitimacy. It is hardly necessary to dwell on the
nonsense that are regularly bludgeoned on the occasion of election due in particular to
convince us that the institutions they represent us and act for the common good. It is
almost clear to any reader - hard! - Of Alternating Current, the state is not neutral and
defends primarily the interests of the bourgeoisie and the ruling class. Nevertheless, it
develops laws require respect minimum social compromise. Although the balance still favors
the upper classes, it is always necessary to balance a bit the other way to preserve a
minimum of cohesion in society. Without this cohesion, social explosions would source of
disorder and ultimately would harm capitalist interests. That is why our governments are
never directly from the MEDEF. They faithfully follow the recommendations in outline (low
cost of labor, privatization ...) while mitigating the effects (establishment of a
universal health coverage, RSA ...) It is not even unusual to witness the spectacle of a
standoff between government and business. Much of staging is present in this kind of
confrontation, intended precisely to show that the state still serves to preserve some of
our interests. This subtle compromise, and reflects a social imbalance under control and
allows the continuation of business in peace.
The current period undoubtedly opened a new phase of the role of democratic states. We saw
in the previous issue of Alternating Current treated as project liberalization of trade
between Europe and America, type TAFTA, introduce a new form of legal order. These
treaties will have the effect of giving the free market value greater universal law,
taking precedence over all internal regulations to the states. It is in this sense that
disputes involving companies will be settled by private justice, composed mainly of people
from business circles, solely responsible for verifying compliance with free trade
agreements and not domestic law possibly introducing protective measures against employees
or the environment, for example. The world of big business and is a further point in its
hegemonic will to submit to its political institutions desiderata. If we could still
doubt, it is perfectly clear that the current social compromise the need to worry! - Yes
this compromise is still a little and makes that we always have a minimum wage and secu.
From then on, in the new configuration looming, what will the states? As before they will
enforce by force in Mecca decisions taken, with the difference that these decisions will
not be taken from the previous compromise, but on the will of capital, which does not care
about injustice, inequality and disorders generated. Therefore, the state will be forced
to substantially increase the level of stress on their populations to impose such
decisions and, inevitably, the level of violence of the repressive forces.
This has already begun, we have only to look at the police control in place in popular
neighborhoods for several years to control the "dangerous classes". These are areas of
"not right" as journalists love the styling, but rather in the sense that those who live
there suffer the daily harassment of the police and are not immune to a "blunder" playoff.
In the US the company's management involves, among other a massive political confinement
dangerous classes and young African-Americans are imprisoned up to 10%. The police crimes
against young suburban in France have become commonplace. This war experienced low
intensity against the "dangerous classes" is now extended to the repression against
movements that disturb institutions Notre Dame des Landes and first Chesfrene but also
increasingly against factory struggles, So union. In this context, the assassination of
R?my Fraisse may well be called an accident, but a predictable accident, a fatal risk
consciously taken by the authorities when they equip the police of the famous "non-lethal"
by the order type which is given to the armed forces, the prohibitions of growing
demonstrations and gatherings. It is through the terror which the government intends to
impose its social order in the neighborhoods, it is by the terror he tries to discourage
organized resistance by sending a signal: show became risky for anyone who challenges the
social and political order, only the official opposition, which collaborates with
institutions, is tolerated.
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