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dinsdag 3 februari 2015

Britain, Anarchist Federation - London Group, Organising for Resistance - Anti-fascist mobilisation to Dover

The best laid plans of far-right to ?secure our borders? was in tatters thanks to the 
intervention of militant anti-fascists in Dover on Sunday 25 January. ---- Afed members 
were amongst a decent contingent across the South East and further that was able to 
mobilise against the dregs of the far-right to not allow them free reign to spread their 
hatred. Contrary, to what one media article has claimed there were no UAF in sight, but 
that?s never stopped them from claiming credit before. ---- The day was chosen to coincide 
with a French fascist demo ? which was banned over the other side of the border. A 
facebook post calling to ?Secure our Borders ? Support the Truckers? organised by a group 
calling itself the South East Alliance, an old-school fascist split from the EDL, hoped to 
have a quick march and an easy day in the South East sunshine. Upon our arrival, the way 
they legged it into a deserted pub garden it proved there on in ? anything but easy!

They were hemmed in the pub garden for the best part of an hour plus before the old-bill 
felt confident to help the fash on their token march to a round-about for a photo shoot 
before allowing them to get out of town.

Given the balance of forces, a few more bods and we could have outwitted the fash and the 
police by sheer numbers, especially given how committed activists were on the day and this 
would have prevented the far-right from moving beyond the confines of the empty pub, but 
unfortunately, it wasn?t to be.

Our mood was on the balance of things buoyed by the fact that anti-fascists had acquired 
South East Alliances? banner! And they were bragging on facebook that they were hoping to 
show it off?dee dums.


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