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donderdag 5 februari 2015

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - - IAL #102 - Anti-patriarchy: Spain: Withdrawal From Project De Gallardon Act FIGHT TO PAY THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES (fr, it, pt)

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - - IAL #102 -
Anti-patriarchy: Spain: Withdrawal From Project De Gallardon Act FIGHT
TO PAY THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

Birth control through pro-natalist policies implemented by European states and supported 
by a strong ideological influence of the Church, remains a major challenge for the 
perpetuation of the capitalist and patriarchal system to take advantage of flesh for the 
boss needs economic and cannon fodder for economic and colonial wars. The values of the 
heteronormative family and put men and women in a specific sphere of society: men are in 
the productive and active sphere and women in the private sphere, enclosing them in a 
reproductive role. Any changes could wobble the h?t?ropatriarcat in its most solid 
foundation. ---- Progress on women's rights, obtained by the struggles in recent decades, 
are regularly challenged. Observed across ideological offensive by the reactionaries in 
connection with the capitalist policies of governments that tend towards greater 
insecurity for women and a questioning of their rights.

The attacks against the right to abortion are increasing, the draft Rajoy government 
legislation restricting access to abortion in Spain has shown how the freedoms are 
obtained years of struggle prices can quickly be restricted or eliminated, especially when 
it comes to women's rights.

December 20, 2013, the draft bill entitled " Draft Organic Law for the Protection of the 
child's life and the designed Pregnant woman Rights, "presented by the Minister of Justice 
Alberto Ruiz Gallard?n was adopted by the Council of Ministers. The response was not long 
in coming, and for more than 8 months of scale mobilizations have followed throughout 
Spain to the abandonment of the bill by the government.

Abortion in Spain: the evolution of laws in a few dates 1...

- 1822: a law decreed that abortion is a punishable offense.

- 1936: legalization of abortion by the government of the autonomous region of Catalonia

- 1937: legalization of abortion by the Spanish Republican government. Until then, only 
three European countries had the right to abortion: Switzerland in 1916, Czechoslovakia in 
1925 and Russia in 1926.

- 1941: During the Franco regime, repeal of the law on abortion and contraceptive use. 
From the 70s, although obtaining a passport is difficult, networks are organized for 
women who have the financial means, may seek abortions in England or the Netherlands. 
Other pay the risks clandestine abortions.

- 1978: decriminalization of contraception

- 1985: the Socialist Party of Felipe Gonz?lez approves the Organic Law 9/1985 which 
legalized abortion in cases of rape, serious physical or psychological danger to the woman 
or major malformation of the fetus. The making and access to abortion are complicated and 
97% of women have abortions in private clinics without refund.

- 2010: The Socialist Zapatero government approves the Organic Law 2/2010 "sexual and 
reproductive health and the voluntary termination of pregnancy" without conditions for 14 
weeks, 22 weeks in case of danger to the woman or risk severe fetal abnormalities and 
immediately in case of fetal anomalies incompatible with life or incurable diseases of the 

- December 2013: the draft Organic Law "Draft Organic Law for the Protection of the 
child's life designed and the rights of the pregnant woman" presented by the Popular Party 
is even more restrictive than the 1985 Act and no longer allows abortion only in two 
cases: for 12 weeks in cases of rape complaint and insured for 22 weeks in case of risk to 
the physical and psychological health of women.

- August 2014: 8 delisting birth control pills.

An ultra-conservative ideological strategy

Spain, aconfessionnel state is bound by a treaty with the Vatican 2, which gives the 
church an important place in the whole of society including education and the school 
system. Optional rendered by the socialist government Zapetero, religion classes 
(Catholic) are again integrated into the curriculum 3. Religion teachers in public 
education, appointed and dismissed by the bishops are paid by the State and "colegios 
concertados Catolicos" (private religious schools) are financed by the state. The church 
occupies a prominent place and a large budget to spread an ideology than backward.

Heir of Franco's Catholic ideology, the Popular Party has close ties with the Church and 
in its ranks ultra-Catholics, such as the current Minister of the Interior, Jorge 
Fern?ndez D?az, a member of Parliamentarians for Global Action for Life and Family.

The abortion law was a promise made by the PP and expected by its rightmost electorate, 
who kept criticized for having left that aside.

In 2012 and 2013, the Rajoy government has increased the budget cuts and against-reforms 
in education, health and employment. On the economic, the ideological offensive has 
become: limitation of the right to abortion, expulsions, restrictions on the rights to 
show (Law on Citizen Security), hardening of the penal code or building course on religion 
in schools. The deep crisis in the government - the growing rejection of the population of 
the austerity measures, corruption scandals and the decline in the PP popularity rating - 
led him to carry out this reform. Indeed, an erosion occurs on the left but on the right 
as shown by the creation in January 2014 Vox party. Thus, if the seduction of an 
electorate far right seems to be the strategy of the government, these reforms materialize 
a real project of society where women are increasingly infantilized, reduced to a 
reproductive role, requiring permanent guardianship of a man, whether doctor, 
psychiatrist, or minister to decide for them.

Your rosaries off our ovaries!

Faced with the avalanche of budget cuts since 2010, attacks and assaults against gender 
equality policies, many associations and feminist collectives are grouped around several 
platforms ( Violeta Marea 4, Nosotras Decidimos 5...) to denounce, in the mobilizations 
against the austerity measures, specific attacks against women's rights, particularly the 
anti-abortion law.

At the announcement on 20 December 2013 in the adoption by the Council of Ministers of the 
draft law Gallard?n, the protest was immediate: thousands of people mobilized themselves 
throughout Spain. After the very massive demonstrations of 20 December and 23 January, 1 
st February 6 was an international date of struggle for abortion rights in Spain. Tens of 
thousands of people gathered in several cities of the Spanish state, including Madrid, 
terminus of the initiative called El Tren de la Libertad 7. From December 2013 to 
September 2014, these events have multiplied to form organized groups and offensive 8. In 
many countries, especially in Europe, mobilizations are organized in solidarity with the 
Spanish ? e ? s and to reaffirm the right to free abortion for all.

Under pressure from the protests on 23 September 2014, the Rajoy government abandoned the 
bill presented by Gallard?n 9. Again thousands of people take to the streets to celebrate 
the victory 10 and claim already to continue to mobilize. Indeed, the fight does not end 
here, on the one hand, Prime Minister Rajoy has maintained its commitment to a 
modification of the current law would require parental permission for minors to access 
abortion 11; secondly, vigilance must be maintained to face anti-choice who continue to 
put pressure on the government 12 and finally the current law shows its own limitations 
hindering access to abortion for the most vulnerable women and impossible for women 
outside time and undocumented women 13.

The situation experienced in Spain this year reminds us that far from being outdated 
struggles for access to abortion are, even today, much needed in countries permitting it, 
not to mention that many women in the world are still constraints to clandestine abortions 
or suffered maternities. The importance of mobilization and determination have enabled 
women to be able to retain that right in Spain and show that only the struggle and 
solidarity can we ensure social progress. Carrying, in all struggles, a global critique of 
patriarchy and all forms of domination, we can hope to abolish all social inequality and 
achieve freedom and individual and collective emancipation.

Clara and Celine Another Future Group, Montpellier

1 Overview of Abortion times and conditions of different laws: 

2 Legal agreements: http://www.legirel.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article173

Economic agreements: http://www.legirel.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article172

Cultural and educational agreements: http://www.legirel.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article171http://www.cafepedagogique.net/lexpresso/Pages/2013/05/21052013Article635047177566278996.aspxhttp://mareavioleta.blogspot.fr/




7 Documentary "Yo decido El Tren de la Libertad" vostfr, 42 min http://vimeo.com/101795328http://www.feministas.org/convocatorias-contra-la-868.html?var_mode=calcul





11 http://nosotrasdecidimos.org/las-menores-no-abortan-solas/





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