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donderdag 30 april 2015

Brazilian Full support to the struggle of workers, workers and students of Paraná! by Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB)

 Full support to the struggle of workers, workers and
students of Paraná! by Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) (fr,
it, pt) [machine translation]

The more we repressed, the more we mobilized! ---- The struggle of the civil service in 
conjunction with the State of Paraná students is already historic, managing to stop 
austerity measures the government Beto Richa (PSDB) from the direct action, with protests 
over 50,000 people and two occupations of the Legislative Assembly Paraná State (ALEP). 
---- The so-called "pacotaço" package of measures that affected directly osdireitos labor 
conquered with much struggle (especially aprevidência of public officials and employees), 
was withdrawn in February due to radicalized fight organized oppressed class. However, the 
state government does not give up to achieve the security of servers and servants, putting 
at stake in ALEP Bill 252/2015, PL Welfare.

With a huge police contingent, coming from all over the Paraná, the state managed to pass 
the proposed amendment on the constitutionality of the security committee, on Monday 
(27/04), but on Wednesday (29), when the project goes to the plenary, the working class 
will resist until the end to stop again this attack on the rights that were won with much 
sweat and blood.

Not only that the state is in debt up to the limit of nãorepassar funds for fuel and food 
of its armed wing, the police, the Government Beto Richa ordered two truculent repressive 
attacks up of employees, workers and students on Tuesday (28). One in the morning, 
complete with pepper spray, and one in the late morning, with many blows of truncheons, 
rubber bullets, more pepper spray and tear gas.

But if the state has its armed wing and all its bureaucratic class, the working people and 
students have the solidarity of the rest of the oppressed class. Who gets not forget and 
who collectively fight to the finish wins the victory.

All solidarity with the fighters and fighters of Parana education!

All Paraná people present at the battle of tomorrow!

Only direct action ensures our rights!

The more we repress, we mobilized more!


Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB)


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