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dinsdag 19 mei 2015

ucl-saguenay: Back to the workshop on the anarchist organization outside the major centers and reflections on the organizational question by Collectif Emma Goldman (fr, it, pt)

(en) ucl-saguenay: Back to the workshop on the anarchist
organization outside the major centers and reflections on the
organizational question by Collectif Emma Goldman (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation]

Nearly thirty people attended Tuesday in Quebec City, the workshop "Neither God nor 
master: The anarchist organization outside the major centers" animated by anarchist Emma 
Goldman Collectif within the series " wild thoughts. " The workshop lasted nearly 2:30 and 
we draw a very positive balance sheet after all! Although there has already been a dozen 
events in this series, it was the words of a friend, the first event in which the 
discussion was in itself the anarchist movement. The workshop was leaning, first, on the 
identification of actual factors limiting the expansion of the anarchist movement beyond 
the metropolis, and thus to separate the factors that are more in value judgments or 
prejudices. Second, we asked questions about the involvement of anarchists and current 
issues within the libertarian movement. For lack of notes on discussions and failing to 
provide a picture of them, I will focus in this article on one aspect that seemed to raise 
too many misunderstandings ...

This aspect was a question about the progressive construction of a unity between groups of 
different communities who define themselves as anarchists, anti-capitalists and 
antioppressions, for the development of coordination between these groups. So it was not a 
mere wish to give birth to the Libertarian Communist Union; it is clear that the current 
state of disorganization of the anarchist movement simply do not allow. Still less to 
claim a union of all and all anarchists into a single organization! Despite all the 
nuances made, the question revolved around these issues, leaving us a little stunned. Yes 
speechless, since most of the workshop focused on the challenges and obstacles to the 
expansion of the anarchist movement outside the major centers. As anarchists 
Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, we see very clearly the difficulties and sustainable implementation 
of our group would certainly have been much more difficult, even impossible at times, 
without the collaboration of an organization that deeply wanted this expansion movement. 
Without necessarily return in the immediate future, to what it was a few years ago, we 
look through the few activities that are done outside the Saguenay to break down the walls 
of isolation that one feels. But it is clear that the task is not an easy one.

Indeed, recent developments in the anarchist movement in Quebec to grow finding of a 
decline of the anarchist specific organization; the idea that anarchists should organize 
themselves in an anarchist organization (collective, group, link, etc.). Some anarchists 
and some of the province simply object to the possibility of anarchist politics. Others 
believe that grassroots activism in different organizations, often reformists, could be 
enough to develop an anarchist movement that puts forward its own social and revolutionary 
alternative. For our part, we believe illusion to think that the only intervention in the 
social struggles sufficient to extend our current policy beyond our activist circles. We 
can not think of the libertarian transformation in two stages: first the fight and later 
the organization and implementation of our political current. This incremental approach 
opens the door to many abuses that have nothing to do with anarchism.

Local autonomy is an important thing and that is a fact that marked the birth of the Union 
Communiste Libertaire, as his attempt recovery before its final dissolution. But excess is 
in no better ... The current propensity to work "silo" and localism does not help even 
local campaigns. How, for example, up our sleeves in a country as large as the objectives 
the free bus network when it seems to be the only group to carry the issue. I imagine 
that, to see the action of comrades from other towns (relatives) would be at least an 
exciting factor to resume the fight when difficulties are experienced. I would imagine, of 
course, since it has been so for many struggles that we lived in Saguenay. And here I is 
not even in the bottom of the issue with the need for sharing of resources, equipment, 
mutual aid, wider distribution, etc. Because there has indeed inequity in the resources 
that we should start to recognize. Outside major urban centers, resources and supports of 
all kinds are less available to activists. The rotation of activists is also faster 
because of larger socio-economic pressures on the geographic mobility of people - it will 
drain to the point that designing a "diaspora" of ex-comrades of the Collectif Emma Goldman! !

One thing is certain: without anarchism as a force in the battle of ideas, practices and 
concepts, the libertarian movement can never regain the influence it has achieved in the 
past in the mass movements on all continents. It sounds perhaps remote and almost utopian 
but concretely, is also to say that anarchism can be renewed without a collective praxis 
matured in the struggle - and this needs to be organized on a common basis. We are not 
only es. Together we must seek solutions to problems that have restricted the activity of 
the movement in the past through the theorization of our struggles. With its deficiency 
environmental scan and theoretical development, the current libertarian movement leaves 
drift with the immediate circumstances. In the words of the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation 
in the text "Huerta Grande" (1972): "We are determined es by events and we act on them 
spontaneously." Our capacity to act, mobilize and change things that can not be developed 
by a militant patient work long-term and consistent with our communities and the economy 

To avoid relying on the "magical thinking", anarchists have historically put forth 
federalism as an organizational form, and as a bulwark against the political and economic 
centralism. Under current conditions, we do not affirm the need (at least ours!) Formal 
structures: collective and coordination anarchist groups. Formal why? To engage 
cohéremment against forms of domination (which live even militant middle), to optimize the 
performance of direct democracy in our groups, to establish a solid foundation for the 
obstacles that present themselves to us constantly, to permanently settle in the heart and 
the heads of people who share our living and working environments, to stop unilaterally 
take direction more or less mysterious committees of Montreal, to share resources, to put 
forward social libertarian alternative, etc. From the concerns, experiences, level of 
organization and limitations of people in our living and working environments obviously 
requires a patient work of construction that can be summarized activism Spring agitated. 
Otherwise, it is not surprising that such a move would confine themselves mainly to the 
student body of colleges and universities. Also, as anarchists Saguenay-Lac St-Jean, we 
can not just rely on the "goodwill" non-opportune people as we as a party of the movement 
and to open to make large displacements we so often do. We must now fight for our 
recognition in the libertarian community and make our own information channels to 
broadcast our ideas and practices - this, despite the weakness of our resources, 
capabilities and resources! And yet, it remains clear that the Internet and social media 
are clearly insufficient for the movement of our information. Then there yet ...

The echoes reaching us from Ontario, South Africa, France, Brazil and a ton of places in 
the world give us hope. In Brazil, for example, a journey of more than ten years has built 
an alliance with progressive perspective federalization between different groups in 
different cities that share the common core of social anarchism and organized. In this 
patient journey where groups have maintained their local autonomy, have multiplied forums, 
debates and training camps from which, without pressure and at a sustainable pace, 
gradually emerges theory (built in militant experience) and unit that will make the 
matrices a more sustainable anarchist federation. Activists and build a true libertarian 
pole in struggles (which is not solely of the media construction) and come to share common 

And this is often forgotten, libertarian organization depends not only on the development 
of praxis - we also carry a powerful ideal that literally transcends our desires and 
actions. This is the ideal of conscious humanity can change everything. A large part of 
the left today shows a distrust probably unprecedented deal with ideals that are called 
socialism, anarchism and communism. From the unproductive objection on the terms, there 
are activists who are up appropriating a great disillusionment in which we are reduced 
(and even longer) to isolation. Well, go tell the love that beats in their heart is not 
love. Go tell the resistant war which beats in their heart, is not Peace. Go tell the 
libertarians that what beats in their heart, is not Anarchy! When will they buried 
utopias, and all these ideals? A do we therefore endorse the bullshit Fukuyama thesis 
about the end of history? I hope not. Because when our praxis faces innumerable obstacles, 
the libertarian ideal is what elevates us in the best frame and in the best positions of 
struggle. Yes, we carry a new world in our hearts! (And it is not blue flower to say)

That said, and although the text can appear quite heavy in critical, we do of course not 
believe in coming to Québec that this evening would initiate immediately a coordinating 
movement between our groups. Sustainable unit bases must be built in a long process. The 
workshop was on the whole positive and we emerged in the hope that, questions may emerge 
planted more concrete links with activists in the capital (and elsewhere!). There these 
days 10 years, Saguenay, I discovered anarchism. The same passion continues to animate me 
that a radical social transformation is possible thing and, as much as idealism activist 
praxis, libertarian proposals have a great future before them. I keep smiling. It is also 
likely that the organization of the force.

Courage, the struggle continues!

Pac Man


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