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zaterdag 2 mei 2015

World Spain Sing in the Barcelona Festival of Song‏

The BFOS is a unique space in the world dedicated to the study, research and performance of the vocal repertoire inSpanish, Catalan and Portuguese.Every year vocal specialists, researches & performers meet in beautiful Barcelona.

Participate in our 11th edition from June 25th to July 4th, 2015.

If you are a classical singer, student or teacher,we hope to see you in beautiful Barcelona in 2015. There is no age limit. Watch the BFOS 2015 video!

Read the articleDiscovering Latin American Soul through Song and Poetry, written by Dr. Patricia Caicedo and published in VoicePrints, journal of the New York Singing Teachers Association.

​Read the book El Barcelona Festival of Song: construyendo una narrativa para la canción ibérica y latinoamericanawritten by Dr. Patricia Caicedo, difrector of the BFOS

An experience you will never forget as a singer and as a human being!

Register now and come to Barcelona!

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